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What is a Poster?
• Posters recreate the basic moods • A poster is a very useful means to
and styles of three modes of create awareness about current
communication, i.e., notices, social problems or needs and
advertisements, and invitations. issues or to even extend public
invitations and write notices. .
• Essentially a very brief
communication with a powerful • The poster should be clear in
visual and a powerful message, a communicating the intended
poster is always prepared with a message in an easily readable
particular target audience in mind. manner. You can put text in one
box and an image in the other.
Format of a Poster Writing
 Title: This is the point where you can make the deal. Make a catchy title which is basically the gist of your
announcement or issue. The first line should introduce the purpose of the poster.
 A sketch: After the title, you can draw a picture depicting your issue.
 Content: It should be pleasing, readable way – the poster’s wordings should be centred in an appealing
manner. The message must be clearly passed to the readers.
 Date, Time and Venue: Here you have to mention the date and time of the event which has to take place.
Do not forget to mention the venue of the event.
 Issuing Authority: Here you have to write the name of the organising body of the particular event.
 Contact Information: This is an important part of your poster. Remember to add the details of the
concerned authorities as the people reading the poster must have contact numbers of the event co-
ordinator in case any query arises on the day of the event.
Main Features of a Poster

Layout Content Expression

 Visually catchy title  theme/subject  organising and sequencing of

 sketch or simple visuals  description/details related to the theme
 appropriate language
 fonts of different shapes and  essential details, for example, date,
sizes time, venue  creativity (language and design)

   names, i.e., issuing authority, organisers

Marking Scheme For Poster Writing

Format (title and name of the issuing authority) 01 mark

Content 02 marks

Expression and Accuracy (Spellings, Grammar) 01 mark

Total 04 marks
Categories or types

 Advancing a social cause or awareness.

 Educational institutions and students’ activities.
 Cultural show/ exhibition/ seminar/ workshop/ fair/ fete etc.
 Promoting sales of a product or service.
 Influencing public opinion.
Some Do’s and Don’ts of Poster Making
Do’s Don’ts
• The poster should be in a box.
• Make the content inside the poster to the point and
 Cross the word limit.
crisp, brief, clear and attractive.
 Use complex language.
• Use visuals/pictures to create interest and get
the message across  Use the short form of the words.
• Make sure your answer to a poster must fit in
one page only. It should not be continued to the • Detract from the message.
next page.
• Also, bold or underline the important information
inside the poster.
• Make sure your poster is in the proper structure /



Issuing Authority
Contact details
Thank You

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