14 TH Jan

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Business Idea

The match making platform aims at connecting various artists (dancers, musicians, mimic)/free lancers (website developers,
designers) with the small businesses and clients

Application Overview

Service Providers &

Application users (artists, consumers to specify Service provider &
fee/commission will be
clients) should get listed their respective consumer to be paired
deducted per each
on the platform categories after getting based on mutual interest
successful match
Business Model Canvas for the New Platform
Key Partners Key Activities Value Proposition Customer Relationship Customer Segments

 Small businesses/clients  Marketing & Advertisements  Match making platform to  Referral rewards  Artists(content

 Payment processors  Platform development and connect artists (guitarists,  Loyalty memberships creators, musicians)

(gateways) maintenance designers, mimic) with  Small size businesses

 Artists  Validating artists’ identity clients/businesses (clubs, restaurants)

 Freelancers  Linking to social network  Freelancers

 Other clients (event accounts Channels (developers,

management designers)
Key Resources
 Social media
 Team for building the platform  Indirect: Referral through
 Client Network ( clubs, restaurants, other hosts) users

Cost Structure Revenue Streams

 Product development of the platform  Subscription based model (Influencers, small businesses)
 IT infrastructure/license  Commission for a successful match (Artists- dancers, painter)
 Advertising  Ads (banner space to be provided to event management
companies, other small enterprises)
Feasibility of the Business Idea
The platform maintenance team will be from TAPMI

Only the platform has to be built and maintained by TAPMI students (The platform would work
on network effect, eliminating other dependencies)

Initial cost of investment is comparatively low (Only fixed cost involved, Variable cost would be

No investment in terms of logistics, supply chain

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