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Post-Operative Care

Diet Chart

Kunal Powdel
12th Science
What is a Diet and why should we bother about
• A Diet refers to the combination of variety of food by a person.
Biologically speaking it refers to the nutrition intake of a person.
• Diet of a person varies from another person depending on the culture,
religion, personal health reasons, taste preference etc of the person.
• A diet is important as a healthy diet results into life longetivity as well as
also gives moral boost indirectly wheareas an unhealthy one leads to
physological problems like obesity and nutrient deficiencies directly and
psychological problems like depression and mental retardation
Food Preference Based Diet
Based upon a person’s food belief/preference based upon the
religion, society, diets are catergorized into various divisons:
• Vegetarain: This type of diet includes plant based materials as
well as dairy deriaved products but excludes any kind of meat
• Carnivorous: This type of diet includes meat products and dairy
ones only. However it is potentially dangerous to health due to
the fact that diet can lead to vitamin deficiencies and increased
risk of cardiovascular diseases because of its low nutritional
• Omnivorous: This diet includes elements of both Carnivorous
and Vegetarain diet
• Vegan Diet: This Diet includes only plant derived food
products.Unlike Vegetarian diet, it excludes dairy products
• Fruitarian Diet: As the name suggests it includes fruits only.This
diet may lead to severe
• Semi-vegetarian diet: A flexible Vegetarian diet that may
occasionally include meat products
• Lacto-Ova Vegatarian Diet: This diet has same elements
vegetarian diet as well as also has egg and dairy products
included in it
• Pescetarian Diet: This diet has same elements of Lacto-Ova
Vegatarian one as well as also has Fish supplements
• Ketogenic diet: This one has a high-fat, adequate-protein, low-
carbohydrate amount in it.
What is a Diet Chart ?
• A Diet Chart refers to record that consists
information of a patient’s diet. In simple
words, it refers to the diet planned for a
patient by the GDA.
• A Diet Chart includes the proportions
needed to be consumed by a patient for
his/her recovery as well as the food items
that support these proportions to be met.
Diet Chart for the Post-Operative Patients
• Post-Operative Patients are the ones
that have gone operation and are still
to be recovered. These patients need
extensive care that includes a proper
diet in order to recover. This is where
the concept of Diet Chart comes out.
Lets discuss the food products and ratio
of them in this diet chart of the post-
operative patients.
• Nutrients that are needed in large quantities are called
• In order to meet the demand of these quantities, food
products that are sources of them are usually in large
quantity, Some of the macronutrients are
Carbohydrates, Fats and Proteins (CFP). Water is also
a macronutrient that is needed for metabolism. Other
than that Ions of Ca, Na, Mg, K and Cl are considered
Water - The Basic Macronutrient of all
• Water is an essential component of our body as 60%
of our body is made up of it. Not only it is needed
for making biological proccess like Excretion,
Digestion, Transportation of material etc possible but
also it is needed to keep organ’s compostion intact. In
a balanced diet, water is essential part as it also
provides some amounts of minerals dissolved in it
and also helps in keeping dehydration and high body
temperature away.
Carbohydrates (The Carbs)
• Carbohydrates are essential part of the diet.
They provide energy in form of glucose to
body in order to function. The Carbos are the
backbone of any diet especially Indian diet
taht relies on Rice and Wheat as the main
source of Carbs.
• Whole carbs are considered healthier than
Refined carbs ones. Recommended Sources
that provide whole carbos are - Oats,
Vegetables like Potato, Beet etc and Fruits
like Banana.
• Proteins are the essential part of the regular diet as needed for growth
and maintenance. As the second most abundunt biomolecule after water,
its nutritional demand of body has to be maintained through large
• Proteins are needed in muscle building, manufacturing of enzyemes and
hormones, cell membrene manufacturing, cellular repair, formation of
RBC cells and other molecules essential for life. Some good sources of
Proteins are: Meat, dairy, eggs, soy, fish, whole grains, egumes, nuts,
seeds and fruits etc.
• Unlike Macro ones, Micronutrients are required in small quantities only.
Their quantity is in traceable or ultra-traceable. Micronutrients include
Vitamins, Elements like Iron and Zinc and Dietary Fibres
• With the exception of vitamin D, micronutrients are not produced within
the body and must be derived from the diet. Even though people only
need small amounts of micronutrients, consuming the recommended
amount is important as both over-consumption and less
consumption can cause drastic problems.
Vitamins (The Vits)
Vitamins are the micronutrients needed for the
maintainance and growth of body. There are 6 types of
Vits, among which Vitamin B is complex one. In order to
meet the nutritional daily requirements of Vitamins it is
advised to include Meat (Chicken,Lamb or Fish), Eggs,
Oils like Cod Liver, Wheat Germ Oil and other
unrefined vegetable oils, Citric fruits, Dairy products
like Yogurt and Leafy Veggies in Diet.
If the requirements are not met then Doctor may prescribe
multi-vitamin capsules to you.
Dietary Fibers
• A Fibre is made up of the indigestible parts or compounds of plants,
which pass relatively unchanged through our stomach and intestines.
Human body’s digestive system is incapable of digesting it however the
bacterias residing in the intestine make the best use out of it. There are
two categories of fibre – soluble and insoluble. Soluble fibre soaks up
water like a sponge and helps to bulk out our faeces whereas insoluble
fibre fastens up digestion in stomach.
• Sources of Soluble fibre are: fruit, vegetables and soy products
whereas sources of insoluble fibre are: nuts, seeds and the skins of
fruits and vegetables
Recommended Diet Plan
• In order to have patient’s recovery fast, the
recommended diet plan is to have base of balanced
diet as well as to avoid side effects like constipation
• A prefered diet can have following food products:
Oats or Brown Rice, Fish/ Chicken/ Tofu/
Soyabean, Yogurt, Cereals, Leafy veggies like
Spinach, Kale or Broccoli, Eggs/Beans, Lentils or
Chickpeas with cooking oil as Olive oil or Wheat
Germ Oil
Things that should be avoided
There are certain food categories that on consumption by
patients can lead to severe bad consequnces in a human
body hence they should be avoided:
• Alcoholic Bevarages: Any kind of Alcoholic Bevarage
can have severe bad effect as it can lead to abnormal
digestive pattern, unwanted increase in sugar level,
suppression of CNS, high blood pressure and change in
muscle coordination. Medications may not work
effciently with Alcoholic consumption hence at any cost
it should be avoid.
Sugar: Like the case of Alcohol, Sugar as the name says can lead to pressure
on pancreas for production of insulin. This has to be avoided in the Diabetic
patients. Refined Sugar that has empty calories can be alternated by Indian
Jaggery (Gud) and Khand that also have nutritional value. Products
containing high level of sugar can be replaced with their subsitutes.
Saturated Fats and Trans Fat: Saturated Fats and Trans Fat are known to be
the causes behind increase of bad cholestrol through out the years. Instead of
them, using the unsaturated vegetable fats is prefered.
Spicy food: Spicy food may lead to digestive problems like Constipation and
Gastric problems. It is better to avoid them at this period of recovery
Conclusion of this Presentation

I would like to conclude by saying that a recovering patient’s

diet should be planned by keeping his preference in mind with
the nutritional demands needed for making fastest recovery

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