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Social Globalization

By Prof. Jet T. Castillo

• Man is a social being
• Humans interact with one another
• Socialization is essential in life
• Face-to-face interaction
• Family, village, community
• People learned to write
• Written communication added to face-to-face communication
• Personal letters, edicts of kings, books
Advent of Mass Media
• Invention of the printing press
• Caused the mass production of writings
• Print media
• Newspapers
Advent of Mass Media
• The Telegram was invented in the mid 1800s
• The Telephone was invented in the late 1800s
• Radio Broadcasting began in the 1920s
• Television Broadcasting began in the 1940s
• The internet was invented in the 1980s
• The Cellphone was invented in the 1990s
• Social Media was invented in the 2000s

• (red letters- mass audience, black- one-on-one communication)

• The Quad Media
• Print
• Radio
• TV
• Internet
• Massive personal communication across the globe thru social media
• We do these things on line…
• Personal communication
• Shopping
• Banking
• Job hunting
• Courtship and dating
• Entertainment
• Education
With the Covid-19 Pandemic….
The social landscape is having a tectonic shift
• What could the “new normal” look like?
• How are we to socialize after the pandemic?
• Shall we maintain social distancing? Or go back to the pre-covid days?
• What will happen to certain industries like tourism? Sports? mass
transportation? Music industry? Education?
• What will be the normal way of Christian churches and conducting their
worship services? How about other religions?
• Think about these things….
• The world is smaller nowadays because of mass media and the internet
• The covid-19 pandemic has changed the way we do socialization
For the Discussion Board
• Write a one sentence “prediction” how the new normal would look like in the field of…
• Courtship and Dating (1st to 5th student to give a comment)
• Sports (6th to 10th student to give a comment)
• Tourism (11th to 15th student to give a comment)
• Mass Transportation (16th to 20th student to give a comment)
• Church services (21th to 25th student to give a comment)
• Education (26th to 30th student to give a comment)
• Business (31th to 35th student to give a comment)
• Jails (36th to 45th student to give a comment)
• Elections (46th to 50th student to give a comment)
• You enter the Discussion board and there are 3 people already who
made their comments
• That means you are the 27th commenter.
• Thus, the assigned topic for you is education.
• So you write a one sentence prediction how the new normal would
look like in the field of education. You may write…
• “The class size will be smaller, from 40, it will just be 20.”

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