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By Mr. Felipe Contreras

Clauses of Purpose (to)
 Why do you come to school?
Because I want to learn english.

 Why do you go to the cinema?

Because I want to see the film.

 I went to the bank to pay the bill.

Clauses of Purpose (in order to)
 I went to her home in order to help her.
 I didn’t speak at the meeting in order not
to argue with my boss.

 USA attacked Iran in order to dismiss

the currrent president.
 Peter told Marry he has a lover in order
not to hurt her any more.
Clauses of Purpose (so as to)
 I cleaned the house so as to help you.
 I read the book twice so as not to get a
bad mark.
Same meaning

 to
 In order to para
 So as to
Complete exercise 2 page 103
 Think of several things you did last
weekend and why you did them.

 In pairs, tell your partner about each

Result clauses with so/such (that)
 The book was really exiciting. I read it in one day.

So/ that (one sentence)

 The book was so exiciting that I read it in one day

tan+ adjetive +que
 It was such an exciting book that I read it in one
day. Such+a/an+(Adj) noun
 Talk two minutes with your partner about
movies/ actors(ress) and your likes and

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