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Thematic Analyisis

Manuel Veliz
OGL 482: Pro Seminar II
Dr. Janice
• During this assignment, I've come across many documents
that I submitted at the start of my academic career here at
ASU. I've made many discoveries on who I am and my
interest, dislikes, and passions. I've applied many of the
Introduction teachings to my life and have seen positive changes
because of this. During this PowerPoint, I will provide you
with a snapshot of my personal experiences.
• Three Questions (3Q’s)
• Values Checklist (VCL)
• Identities Exercise (IE)
• Career Anchors Assessment(CAA)
• Kuder Careers Interest(KCI)
• Kuder Work Values Inventory (KWVI)
• Kuder Skill Confidence(KSC)
• Enneagram Coach(EC)
• Truity Career Test (TCT)

After thoroughly analyzing my past

work, I have found consistent data
that stood out to me and wanted to
provide more information. Here you
will find my ten themes and the data
to support them.
• Theme: I am motivated by Lifestyle

• Supporting Data:
• According to Kuder work values inventory (KWVI) lifestyle was
second to income being number one
• According to (CAA) assessment Lifestyle integration was my primary.

Theme 1 • Reflection:
• Lifestyle is very important to me more specifically having a work life
balance. Now that I am getting older the days being away from my
family all day long are not for me anymore and am willing to
compromise and sacrifice to ensure this happens.
• Theme: Family

• Supporting Data:
• According to value checklist (VLC) one of my top 5 selection was time
freedom. In modern society we are always away from our families
having to work to provide. I wish to one day have the opportunity to
just spend time with them whenever I can.

Theme 2 • According to (IE), family role was one of the most important to me
and I value and cherish it.
• Reflection-
• Family is extremely important to me. Have the flexibility to spend
time with my wife and children is my main priority. I am willing to
skip out on extra pay to maintain this flexibility.
• Theme: Caring

• Supporting Data:
• According to (EC), this assessment explained that I am a type 2,
supportive advisor. Someone who is willing to go above and beyond
to help someone out.
• According to (TCT), this assessment suggested that my strengths are
Humanitarian and caretaker. Driven to make the world a better place
Theme 3 and wanting to be a service to others.

• Reflection
• I enjoy helping others whenever I have the ability. My motto is to
always help others while you can because you never know when you
will need it.
• Theme: Freedom

• Supporting Data:
• According to (CAA) my primary anchor is lifestyle
• According to (KWVI) income is one of my top three
Theme 4 work values
• Reflection
• To some freedom to think for yourself or to make
decisions is a necessary liberty. I personally understand
to live a life of true freedom you must have the
necessary income to do so.
• Theme: Work/Life Balance

• Supporting Data:
• According to (CAA) my primary anchor is lifestyle
• According to (KWVI) Lifestyle is one of my top three
work values
Theme 5 • Reflection
• In the last year I left my job of 7 years to find a new job
that would be able to provide me with a better work
life balance for me and my family. Family time is my
number one priority.
• Theme: I am very technical incline.

• Supporting Data:
• According to (CAA) my Secondary anchor is Technical
and Functional competence.
• According to (KCI) the career recommendations have
been consistently within the technical realm or IT.
• Reflection
Theme 6 • Due to my work experience I have developed a certain
thought process that has drawn me a different career
path. I have become much more interested in Network
engineering field or IT network analyst.
• Theme: Meaningful Employment

• Supporting Data:
• According to (TCT), providing some sort of
humanitarian work or assisting others is a big strength
of mine.
• According to (KWVI) Variety is one of my top three
work values. Meaning that the task is not routine and
duties changes from time to time.
Theme 7 • Reflection
• Working in retail for 7 years and seeing the same
customers day after day has really made me disgusted
with routine work. Thus, the reason leaving and
looking elsewhere.
• Theme: Being resourceful

• Supporting Data:
• According to (CAA) my primary anchor is lifestyle
• According to (VCL), knowledge was one of my top 5
that I selected. I believe this to be important because it
allows me to be a resource and of help to those
around me.
Theme 8 • Reflection
• My whole life I have always been a resource to my
family whether it is with helping them purchase a new
home or assistance in buying a new car. It gives me
great joy to know I can assist my family and friends.
• Theme: I need to know the why..

• Supporting Data:
• According to (CAA) my secondary anchor is technical
• According to (EC), Type two people need to feel a
sense of worth or importance.
• Reflection
Theme 9 • Being in the technical industry has made me an
analytic machine always wanting to know the why
behind every decision made. This is because I always
need to know how my actions are impacting the
• Theme: Self health is important
• Supporting Data:
• According to (EC), my weakness is pride and denying
your own need and emotions.
• According to the (3Q’s), what brings me the most joy is
having a peace of mind.
• Reflection
• Creating time for self evaluation or rest is important
Theme 10 for my well being.
• Committed to being the best father and
My Personal husband while being a servant and source
of wisdom to my community. Vowing to
Mission Statement always extend my hand to help those who
are in need.

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