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Hilario G. Aranzanzo
◦ Deficiency- a lack or shortage.
◦ Diet- the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats.
◦ Food- any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb
in order to maintain life and growth.
◦ Mineral- solid inorganic substance of natural occurrence.
◦ Vitamin- any of a group of organic compounds which are essential for normal growth and nutrition and
are required in small quantities in the diet because they cannot be synthesized by the body.
◦ There are several government programs, projects, and campaigns to
address the problems of malnutrition and micronutrients deficiencies in the
country, such as:
● The Philippine Food Fortification Act of 2000 or RA 8976, an act establishing the Philippine Food
Fortification Program and for other purposes, mandating fortification of flour, oil, and sugar with Vit A
and flour and rice with iron and promoting voluntary fortification through the SPSP, signed into law on
November 7,2000, seeks to address the micronutrient deficiencies in the country. It urges
manufacturers of processed food to fortify their products under the “Sangkap Pinoy” program that will
supplement the inadequate diet of the ordinary people.
◦ The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), in
cooperation with the Department of Education, is conducting feeding
programs for malnourished children in public schools all over the country.
◦ The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) also helps in
government campaigns by disseminating nutrition information and
● The Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) introduced the “Pinggang Pinoy,” which
promotes a balanced diet by showing the recommended proportions of rice, vegetables, protein-
source foods, and fish per-meal basis. FNRI also shares healthy and nutrition for Filipino families
to live a healthy lifestyle.
◦ Salt Iodization Act (ASIN) or R.A. 8172, an act promoting salt iodization nationwide and
for other purposes, was signed into law on Dec. 20, 1995. This Act requires the
addition of iodine to all salt intended for animal and human consumption to eliminate
micronutrient and malnutrition in the country.
◦ The 10 Kumainments is a campaign to promote the Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos
(NGF) by the National Nutrition Council (NNC) of the Department of Health (DOH),
which are simple and easy to remember nutritional guidelines to address and prevent
malnutrition and diet-related non-communicable diseases such as cancer, diabetes,
and cardiovascular diseases.
What is Eating Disorder?
- Eating Disorder refers to an abnormal habit, which results to insufficient or excessive food intake.


1. Have negative body image.

2. Have low self-esteem
3. Moody
4. May be depressed
5. Feel inadequate
6. Have difficulty in social situations
What are the types of Eating Disorder?
 Anorexia Nervosa – An eating disorder wherein individuals starve themselves
leading them to a far below the healthy weight.

 Bulimia or Bulimia Nervosa – Frequent eating of very large amounts of food

followed by purging, such as self-induced vomiting to undo the effects of stuff

 Binge-eating disorder – Compulsive overeating in which a person eats huge

amounts of food without control.
How can you help a person with Eating
1. Familiarize yourself with eating disorders by knowing facts against myths.
2. Be honest.
3. Be caring but firm.
4. Compliment.
5. Be a good role model.
6. People struggling with eating disorders need professional help.
◦ Teenage girls and young women are more likely than teenage boys and young men to
have anorexia or bulimia, but males can have eating disorders, too. Although eating
disorders can occur across a broad age range, they often develop in the teens and early.
◦ Good nutrition is very important in preventing diseases and enhancing your
quality of life. It provides you with the needed calories and nutrients for
your maximum energy and wellness. Healthy eating is not about strict
dietary limitations, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of the
foods you love. To achieve your full growth potential, proper food selection
and eating are very essential. You must know your physical need for food
and follow the dietary guidelines appropriate for your age.
Upon Discussing the lesson…
1. In your own way, how can you help preventing malnutrition?

2. How do you think these programs will be effectively implemented?

3. What are the different eating disorder? Can you give descriptions for each one.

4. Have you been experiencing it? Do you know anyone who has it?

5. What have you noticed about people who have eating disorder

6. Why is it considered to be a nutritional and psychological disorder

7. As a teenager, how will help to address the concern about malnutrition?


1. Take pictures while you are doing your performance task in Skills Related Fitness and
compile it.

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