Presentation Skills: - Something You Can Never Avoid

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Presentation Skills

___Something you can never avoid

Ms. Rafia Kiran Zahid

Learning objectives:
The participants will be capable of :

1. Defining the concept of presentation

2. Identifying the connection between presentation
skill and their professional education.
3. Describing the need of public speaking/presentation
4. Overcoming public speaking phobia and Do’s and
Don’ts of Presentation Skill.
5. Presenting their stance to the entire class on any of
the told topic
Presentation Skills
A Presentation is about

Ideas, concepts or issues talked about or spoken

to a group or audience

Public speaking is one of the most feared things

“I could make such a fool of myself”

Skills required to give a good presentation can be

Brain Storming Questions
O How many presentations have you delivered
through this degree program?

O What are impromptu and extemporaneous


O Which one would you like to delivered if to

O What do you fear of the most in a Presentation?
Prerequisites of Presentation
• Following are the questions concerning
physical aspects before presentation,
also known as presentation Helpers:
 Who is the audience?
 What to present?
 How to present?
 Where will it take place?
 How big is the room?
 Does the equipment that I need work?
 Can the information be seen?
 What time of day is it?
Time Line and Dressing

 What the audience already knows

 Time constraints, what can I eliminate if
 Improvise and adapt to changing
circumstances but you may have only one
chance to present your information, so be
 Am I dressed appropriately? Shoes polished?
Are my hands and fingernails clean?
Secrets of success
 Preparation

 Getting started

 Introduce yourself

 What “hardware” will you use?

 Give your objectives first

 Body Language
 Voice Clarity
 Text Clarity
 Pronunciation
 Serenity of environment
 Greet the audience, how?
 Prepare handouts
 Eye Contact
The Slides
 Don’t let the message be overwhelmed by

technological gymnastics !
 Make sure text can be read!

 use appropriate font size

 Learn how to spell! –

 Use color combinations that work when

projected, Beware of backgrounds --not

 Beware of animations/distractions

 (Beware of dual projection)(projection)

 Don’t change the background color

 Change the background when its extremely

Do & Don’t
 use short sentences  use long complicated

 use lively language be

 use long abstract words
 use passive tense
 Use Action verbs
 use clichés
 project your voice
 Use monotone
 Write out exactly what you
 nervous ticks
are going to say and learn it!
 hands in pockets
On the day
 • The person
 • The talk
 • The questions
Elements of
The person

• Be on time
• Check out the hall and podium
• Know how the technology works
• Sit near the front at the edge of a
• Introduce yourself to the
The Talk
 Do relaxing exercises beforehand

 Stand up

 Speak up

 Speak S L O W L Y

 Use pauses

 Use the pointer to point

 Say “thank you” at the end

The question

Anticipate the

Rhetorical questions

There are certain unexpected

questions that may be tackled
rather answering them
 Fear is a normal physiological response

 Everyone has a certain amount of stage fright

 Think positively (not negatively) about the event

 So first of all let me assert my firm belief that the

only thing we have to fear is fear itself

Presentation Skills Stages
1)Planning is the first step on the ladder to success

Planning is something intangible where thought

process holds your ideas in random form.

 How do you really plan your presentation??

Presentation Skills
Aspects in planning of a good presentation

 Subject Centered (Material)

 Audience Centered (Audience)

 Self Centered………means
O(It should suit your temperament to define the
topic with command on its content)
 Here to draft what was planned in stage Ist of the

 This is a tangible effort and this well exercised

preparation bears fruit in the final presentation.

 Don’t be ready to present on a class room level

rather to face the real world challenges.

 This also includes Practice & rehearsal.
Presentation Skills
Structure the content in line with the audience’s needs

 What do you want to tell the audience?

 What is your objective?
 Prepare keeping in mind the time allotted
 Anticipate the questions
 Collect material from a variety of sources
 Arrange points logically and sequentially
 Prepare handouts as well
a) The Beginning
Should be carefully designed
Voice clarity can be judged from the last row of the

Get attention
 - shock, humor, question, story, facts &figures
 - well rehearsed yet natural

Motivate audience to listen

 - listen to their needs
b) Sequencing/Middle
 Sequence should be logical & understandable
 Interim summaries- Recaps
 Value of visual aids-flip charts, handouts etc.

 Use the 4 Ps
 Position Possibilities
 Problem Proposals(suggestions)
c)Prepare Closing

 Last 2 to 2.5 minutes are as critical as the first five minutes

for a successful presentation

 Summarize- highlight important points

 Don’t leave the audience in tension. In the middle part you

can araise tension to the utmost level but end presentation

on a soothing note/ suggestion to the issue.
4. Effective Delivery
 Be active - move

 Be purposeful - controlled gestures

 Variations – vocal (pitch, volume, rate)

 Be natural (Don’t pretend to be a great


 Be direct – don’t just talk in front of the

audience talk to them, involve them.

Verbal Communication- barriers

 Speaking too fast

 Tone and content

 Complicated or ambiguous language

 Not questioning

 Wrong pronunciation

 Physical State of the audience (come in the range of the

Sensitivity to the audience
 “see” the audience

 Acknowledge them.

 Take non-verbal feedback

 -congruent and incongruent body language

 Modify to meet audience needs (don’t get stagnant)

 Don’t just make it as a presentation. (no one way)

5. Handling Questions

 Do not get confused

 Learn to say ‘No’

 You are not supposed to know everything

 Anticipate and keep answers ready

 Sometime questions themselves give you a lead

to highlight your point of view.
Presentation Skills
Visual Aids

 While using an over head projector face

the audience while talking

 Point with a pen

 Appropriate lighting

 Watch the colours

 Ensure clear visibility

 10 lines, 10 words per line (Maximum)

Presentation Skills
So to conclude :
 Always come prepared.

 Channelize you fear.

 Interact with your audience.

 Have a smile on your face presenting.

 You are an artist on the stage so never let it

come on face if you have any anxiety inward.

Thank You

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