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Present By
Nilima Maka
Definition of Transportation

• Transport or transportation is the movement of humans, animals and goods from one

location to another.
• Other common means (or modes) include automobiles, airplanes, and trains, but any
method of conveyance could be considered a mode. ... For example, cars, vans, and pick-up
trucks all travel at similar speeds along similar roadways.
Modes of Transportation
Importance of Transportation

 Economic Development
 Industrial development
 Social and cultural development
Economic Development

 Create and retain jobs

 Increase state and local tax base
 Provide better/safer access to markets
 Provide more opportunities for employers/employees
 Improve livability and sustainability
Industrial development

 Turning of local market into national market.

 Increase import and export
 Availability of raw material
 Connecting the rural market or distributor to cities
 Increase the productivity of different industries.
Social and cultural development

 Encourage the globalization.

 Improved the living condition of people
 Influence the formation urban societies
 Exchange and adoption of different culture
Transportation in Nepal

 transportation used in Nepal are land and air transport because of land locked country.
Road transport:
 It is more reliable and cheapest transportation
 roads are not in good condition due to the lack of proper repair and maintenance.
 According to the Department of Local Infrastructure Development and Agricultural
Roads , Nepal has 6,683 rural roads, the combined length of which is 50,943 km. Of these,
1,575 km are blacktop, 14,601 km are gravel and 34,766 km are earthen fair-weather
Air transportation

 The air transport service in Nepal began with the establishment of Tribhuwan International
Airport (TIA) in 1949.
 Since then more than 40 airports have been founded all over Nepal, though TIA is still the
sole international airport here.
 The gateways to the chief tourist attractions in Nepal like Lukla, Johmsom , Dolpa,
Pokhara had airdromes before they were linked into the road network.
 The remote tourist district of Solu Khumbu alone, which seats the Mount Everest, consists
of 4 airports
Condition of Nepal
• Geographical condition(rough hills and mountains)

Obstacle To Develop Transportation
 Geographical condition(rough hills and mountains)
Obstacle To Develop Transportation

 Political instability
 Lack of enough capital
 Corruption
 Lack of machinery instruments
 Lack of skill man power

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