Sliit Academy: Higher National Diploma in Information Technology - Year 1, Semester 1

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Higher National Diploma in Information

Technology– Year 1, Semester 1

Computer Programming Techniques and Practices

Programming Process-Flow charts

Ruchira ManikkaArachchi

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Learning Outcomes
End of this lecture you will be able to learn ,

LO1:Identify the symbols used to design the flow charts.

LO2:Apply the knowledge to draw the flow charts for the problems.

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What is the Programming Process?

• Every computer program involves several steps to be followed by a

• Once the problem has been identified, the logical solution should be
thought out and expressed in a form of a program text such as:
o Pseudo- code
o Flow chart
o Structure chart
o Decision tables and decision trees.
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Flow Charts

• A symbol-oriented design system that identifies the type of statement by

the shape of the symbol containing the statement.

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Symbols used in Flow Charts: Process Box
This symbol represents an operation that is to be performed. It consists of a
rectangle with one control path leading into it and one leading out.

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Symbols used in Flow Charts: Terminal Symbol
• This oval always begins and ends the flowchart. It can also be used to
indicate the beginning and end of a subsection within the flowchart,
known as a module.
• The terminal symbol will have only one flow line.


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Symbols used in Flow Charts: Decision Symbol
• This symbol specifies a test operation and consists of the standard
decision box and is characterized by one control path leading in and two
paths leading out.
• The specification P represents a test to be performed. One or the other
output path is taken as a result of the test. True

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Symbols used in Flow Charts :Connector Symbol
• This symbol is represented by a circle where control paths lead towards a
common point.
• There are no operations incorporated with this symbol. The symbol is
simply a junction that typically has two entries and one exit.

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Symbols used in Flow Charts: Flow Lines
• These lines represent the passing of control from one of the symbols
(Process Box, Decision symbol, or Connector symbol) to another in the
direction of the arrow.

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Symbols used in Flow Charts: Input/output Symbol
• This parallelogram is used for both input (Read, Get) and output (Write,
Put). So the particular use must be labeled.

Name, Age

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Symbols in Flowchart

Symbols used in Flow Charts

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Practice Question 01
A program is required to read two numbers, add them together and print
their sum.

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Practice Question 01:Answer


int n1,n2,sum=0

PROMPT 'Enter two numbers'

GET n1,n2


PRINT 'The sum of two numbers:', sum

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Practice Question 02
Write an Algorithm to read the length and width of a rectangle and state
whether it is a square. (all angles are right angles).

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Practice Question 02:Answer

int length, width

PROMPT 'Enter length and width'

GET length, width

IF(length==width) THEN

PRINT 'It is a square'

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Practice Question 03
Every day, a weather station receives 15 temperatures expressed in
degrees Fahrenheit. A program is to be written that will accept each
Fahrenheit temperature, convert it to Celsius and display the converted
temperature to the screen. After 15 temperatures have been processed,
the words ‘All temperatures processed’ are to be displayed on the screen.

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Algorithm: Pseudocode
int temp_count=0
float f_temp, c_temp
WHILE (temp_count < 15) DO
PRINT 'Enter Fahrenheit Temperature:'
GET f_temp
c_temp = (f_temp – 32) * 5/9
PRINT 'Celsius Temperature is:', c_temp
Print 'All temperatures processed'
END SLIIT Academy Pvt Ltd. © 2020
Flow Chart Sample Answer 01

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Flow Chart Sample Answer 02

Can use a
to reduce

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Advantages of Flowchart
• Communication: Flowcharts are better way of communicating the logic of
a system to all concerned or involved.
• Effective analysis: With the help of flowchart, problem can be analyzed in
more effective way therefore reducing cost and wastage of time.
• Proper documentation: Program flowcharts serve as a good program
documentation, which is needed for various purposes, making things
more efficient.
• Proper Debugging: The flowchart helps in debugging process.
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Advantages of Flowchart Cont.….
• Efficient Coding: The flowcharts act as a guide or blueprint during the
systems analysis and program development phase.
• Efficient Program Maintenance: The maintenance of operating program
becomes easy with the help of flowchart. It helps the programmer to put
efforts more efficiently on that part.

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Disadvantages of Flowchart
• Complex logic: Sometimes, the program logic is quite complicated. In that
case, flowchart becomes complex and clumsy. This will become a pain for the
user, resulting in a waste of time and money trying to correct the problem
• Alterations and Modifications: If alterations are required the flowchart may
require re-drawing completely. This will usually waste valuable time.
• Reproduction: As the flowchart symbols cannot be typed, reproduction of
flowchart becomes a problem.
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• What is the Programming Process?
• Flow Charts
• Symbols used in Flow Charts
• Advantages & Disadvantages of Flowcharts

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