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APC Training at Bina

Refinery, 26-30 August


| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
Day 3 Agenda
1. Morning Session:
 Inferential Modeling in PACE
 Estimator Calibration

2. Afternoon Session:
 Controller Building & Simulation
 Real Time Operations

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
Controller Building &

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation

 Each Manipulated Variable (MV) in a PACE

controller has an attached BLC (Base Layer
Control) model

 The BLC model handles:

 Mode Logic
 Disconnection for Prediction Logic
 Saturation handling
 Anti-windup

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
Available BLC Representations

 Simple OP: Just the OP

 Simple SP: Just the SP. No saturation handling
 Closed Loop: Slow Loop that can saturate
Disturbance handling
 Convoluted
Closed Loop: variant of Closed Loop for Cascade MV
 Open Loop: MV = SP or OP; open loop models

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
MV requirement

 Every MV of a Controller processor must have a

BLC Representation defined and successfully

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

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Control and Estimation layer in PACE

 Estimation layer pushes future POV trajectory to control layer

 Control layer calculates MV move plan to adjust future
trajectory of POV’s to desired trajectory.


Control Function CVs

Block 1 Block 2 Block 3

Block 3
Block 4C Block 5
Block 6
Block 8 Block 9
Block 10
& DVs
Model - Control Layer
Open loop
prediction POVs
Block 1 Block 2 Block 3
Block 3
Block 4E Block 5
Block 6 Block 7E
Block 8 Block 9
Block 10

Non linear model

Estimation Function

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
Example of different Control and Estimation layers

Control Layer   Q Top Q Bot


Estimation Layer   Q Top Q Bot

Top Temp    

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
Model Entry

 Models are entered in the Model Builder as a matrix

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
Variable Sets – Types

 Operating Sets
 Set will be used to Manage the Modes of its Variables together
 Most important type of Set to the Operator/Engineer
 Equipment Sets
 Set will be used take Variables Out-of-Service from a Process
Equipment perspective
 Test Sets
 Set will be used to Manage Auto-Stepping (i.e. Response
Testing) its Variables
 View Sets (default)
 Set is used to display Variables together, access Parameters
by Variable

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
Operating set : simple illustration

Debutanizer Naphtha Splitter


Naphtha Operating Set 1
Operating Set 2

Full Range
Naphtha Heavy

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
Variable Sets – Types

 The same Variable Set can be used for multiple

 e.g. Operating + Equipment Service
 e.g. Operating + Test + Equipment Service
 e.g. Operating + Test
 Variable Sets that are Not Operating Sets, and are
Not Equipment Service Sets, and are Not Test
Sets, are View Sets

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
Variable Set configuration in Design-Time

Types Essential Time

OS limit to

Drag and drop


| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
Controller Tuning Parameters

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
Overview of Dynamic tuning parameters

 MV’s
 Tref: Reference response time constant
 X Factor MV speed factor

 CV’s
 Dynamic Deviation
 X Factors CV speed factor
 X Factor High Limit
 X Factor In Limits
 X Factor Low Limit

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
X-Factors: Tuning the closed loop responses speed

 Tuning the speed of a PACE controller is based on

specifying a set of X-Factors for both MV’s and CV’s
 Properties of X-Factors
 Dimensionless, in the range [-16 , +16]
 Setting all X-Factors to 0 (default) normally provides an
acceptable but slow response of the Controller variables to
disturbances and setpoint changes.
 Increasing an X-Factor by one roughly speeds up the
response of the corresponding variable by a factor of 2
 If the model is updated, the dynamic response maintains
the same level of relative aggressiveness and robustness

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
MV Tuning parameter - Tref

 Tref : Reference closed-loop response time constant

 Tref is set for each MV, and determines the nominal
dynamic response time of the MV to target value changes in
the Controller.
 Tref should be set as the equivalent 1st order time constant
of the CV (or median for several CV’s) which should
normally drive the response of the MV.
 It is not necessary to fine tune Tref’s, just provide realistic
values; use X-Factors for fine tuning.

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
CV Tuning parameter – Dynamic Deviation

 CV Dyn Dev: represent the CV target tracking prioritization

and response shape focus that the Controller should
consider when calculating Moves.
 CV1 with Dyn Dev 1 and CV2 with Dyn Dev 2 means that a
deviation from target by Dyn Dev 1 for CV1 is considered as
“bad” as a deviation from target by Dyn Dev 2 for CV2.
 A lower CV Dynamic Deviation will produce tighter control to
the CV target.
 Tune Dynamic Deviations to balance the CV responses

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
Summary of Tuning Procedure in Simulation

1) Set MV Tref’s and CV Deviations initial values

2) Set MV and CV X-Factors to 0
3) Set-up and run simulation scenarios to test CV responses
one by one; adjust CV Deviations first (shape of response,
ability to reach steady state target), then X-Factors
 Response to setpoint changes, or
 Response to CV limit violation.

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
Steady state tuning - CV Priorities

 4 separate Priorities for each CV:

 High limit
 Low limit
 Setpoint High
 Setpoint Low
 Range: 1 to 999
 Priority 1: highest; priority 999: lowest
 In Case of Infeasibility, CV’s are dropped
as needed starting with the lowest priority

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
Steady state tuning – Static Deviations

 4 separate Static Deviations for each CV:

 High limit
 Low limit
 Setpoint High
 Setpoint Low
 “Static Deviation” is used to trade-off constraints violations when 2
constraints have the same Priority Level.
 Under these conditions the Controller’s Static Optimization will
minimize the limit violation scaled by the Static Deviation (squared).

( ) ( )
2 CV2 Limit Violation 2
CV1 Limit Violation
CV1 Static Deviation
+ CV2 Static Deviation

 Static Deviation is specified in the Engineering Units of the CV

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
Economic Function

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
PACE Economic Function features

 Option to define multiple EF’s

 Mutliple EF’s can be active simultaneously
 Option to trade off economics versus
constraints (common set of priorities for CV’s
and EF’s)
 EF optimization speed tunable similar to CV’s
(use of EF X-factor)
 EF does not go bad if input is unavailable
 EF can be a non-linear function

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
Case 1 : No Economic Function

 Static Optimization consists of Feasibility

check only and CV priorities management
 No unique steady state solution in the general
case !
 The controller calculation solutions may drift
over time as MV moves are minimized

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
Case 2 : EF with lower priority compared to CV’s

 The most general case (e.g. same as in

 First priority is to meet CV constraints, then
optimize the EF within the CV constraints
 Example of EF’s
 Maximize Profit
 Minimize Energy
 Maximize Throughput,….

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
Case 3 : Multiple EF’s

 Multiple EF’s with the same priority

 Optimize the sum of the Active EF’s
 Multiple EF’s of different priorities
 Optimize the higher priority EF first
 If unique solution, stop.
 If multiple solution: Optimize next priority EF within
the domain that optimizes the high priority EF
(“nested” optimization).
 Example:
 High priority: Maximize Throughput
 Low priority: Minimize Energy

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
Case 4 : EF with higher priority compared to CV’s

 If an Economic Function has a higher priority than a CV

limit or setpoint, then the constraint is ignored when
optimizing the Economic Function if not feasible
 Possibility to balance economics with constraints. For
instance feed increase more important than constraint A
but less important than constraint B
 Example:
 Maximize Feed Rate (CV priority 2) with Product Quality = 100
ppm (CV priority 3)
 If not possible then:
 Maximize Feed rate (CV priority 2) with Product Quality <= 150
ppm (CV priority 1)

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
Case 5: EF and CV with the same priority

 Normally not a recommended option

 Static Deviations are used to trade-off EF optimization vs
CV constraint handling
 Weighting of the EF and the CV is then done as follows:

( ) ( )
CV Limit Violation 2 EF Value
CV Static Deviation
+ EF Static Deviation

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
MV-CV Relationship

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
MV as DV work-around with older APC technology
Both MV’s used Feed Rate not used
to control the CV’s for Top Quality Control

Reflux Reflux
T1 T1
MV Top MV Top
Quality Quality
+ +

T2 rate T2

T3 T3

Constraint Constraint
+ +

Feed CV Feed CV
rate rate
T4 T4

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
MV-CV Relationships Options in PACE

 2 Option are selectable for each MV-CV

relationship in a Processor under “Controller
Edit => Control Relations”:
 Full control (default): MV usable for control of CV
 Prediction: MV treated as DV in terms of control but
with the full MV trajectory information

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
Other Controller Options in PACE
Typically conditional logics are built in DCS to support APC application
Scenario Function
Turn off CV when MV is in OPER mode Shed Logic
Turn off MV when CV is Measurement is BAD

Activate MVs automatically Auto Start

Turn off Controller when a critical variable goes Inactive Essential Variable

Turn off Controller when feed pump trips Custom Code

Swap a set of CV/MV limits or Tuning during Grade change or Load Background
change * Elements / Custom

* Operator can trigger the changes from the RunTime HMI

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
Before commissioning - Important to know how the controller performs in real time but
in offline mode. Offline simulation refers to running the controller in a separate offline
PC to see the dynamic responses of the process and assess the real‐time
performance of the APC application.

• Whether multivariable controller is able to maintain and control the process within
reasonable time and accuracy.

• Whether correct MVs are moved to control relevant CVs. Whether MVs move as
per their priority. Whether MV movements are in controlled way or it gets bumpy
and aggressive.

• Whether the optimizer performs its duty and is able to drive the process to a more
economical operating zone & push the process at its limit.

• How insufficient degrees of freedom is handled (i.e., how controller gives up some
of the CVs as per their priority and able to control the process in a feasible region).

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
Offline simulation has three main tasks:
1. Setting up the simulator: This task involves activating the offline simulator, setting
up different tuning parameter values, setup trends and windows of MV, CV, and
DVs for visualization, and assign different limits on MV and CVs.

2. Preparation of different cases for simulator: Setup different tasks and simulation
cases. - To judge the controller performance from control and optimization point of
view. - Tune the offline controller so that online application becomes bumpless and

3. Offline tuning: Perform offline tuning and other corrections to enable run application
runs effortlessly in the actual plant at real time. Offline tuning involves setting proper
priorities for CVs and MVs, CV give‐up priority in case of infeasible solution, and
setting up optimizer speed and different co‐efficient of LP and QP objective function.

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
Real Time Operations

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
Controller Commissioning

Commissioning of the controller means connecting the MPC controller online with
the plant DCS and allowing it to take control of the plant.

Basic steps are as follows:

1. Set up the controller configuration and final review of the model.
2. Build the controller.
3. Load operator station, if applicable, on PC near the panel operator.
4. Take MPC controller in line with prediction mode.
5. Put the MPC controller in close loop with one CV at a time.
6. Observe MPC controller performance.
7. Put optimizer in line and observation of optimizer performance.
8. Evaluate overall controller performance.
9. Perform online tuning and troubleshooting.
10. Train operators and engineers on online platform.
11. Document MPC features.
12. Maintain the MPC controller.

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
Runtime Builder

APC server configuration

• Connection Test ‘Success’ is mandatory for further transactions

• Multiple APC servers can be configured

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
Runtime Builder

OPC server configuration

• Connection Test ‘Success’ is mandatory for further transactions
• Multiple OPC servers can be configured
• Specify ID as the same ‘Name’ specified for Runtime Data Source in Design Time
• Authentication is very specific to Yokogawa DCS
– For example User Name: TESTUSER; Password: ‘Blank’

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
Runtime Builder

Application Configuration
• Application Import/export from Design Time
• Multiple Application versions can be imported
• Applications can be exported for use in Design Time
• Application state change: Archive->Staged->Live
• For a given application you can have 1 Live, 1 Staged & Multiple Archived applications
• Set Execution Offset, Auto Execution & Abort Time per Application

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
Runtime Builder

General Settings

• To set Application behavior in case of OPC Read/Write error

• DCS Lab value time stamp format

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
Runtime Builder

• Mapping Role, Area, Template to Windows group
• Windows group is mapped to Windows User Account
• Set priority for each HMI Template to decide which HMI Template will be applied when one Windows
User Account belongs to multiple Windows Group

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
Runtime Builder

Parameter access permissions

• Variable parameter access permission for Oper/Engr Role

• Read only/Write permissions per variable parameter
• Global settings

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
Runtime Builder

Operation area access permissions

• To define No display/Read only/Read write access permissions per Area basis

• Settings applied at Application/Processor/Variable Set/Variable level

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
Runtime Builder
HMI Template configuration
• To set lay out & Font size
• To select variable parameters for display and set display order for VS Detail panel
• To set number of trends pages & widgets par page

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
1.0 Run Time HMI
Integrated Run Time HMI for Effective Operations
 Designed with strong APC operations background
 Key focus on ease of operations for Operator
 User Experience Design
 New features
 Multi plot trends with Future Prediction

 Health Indicator & Messages
 Constraint Indicators
 Dynamic Relationship panel
 Variable Face Plates

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
1.1 Seamless State Transition
Version Management

• Multiple versions of an application in a single workspace

• Each version has a single state: Design, Archived, Staged, Live

– Design Time: 1 Design, many Archived
– Run Time: 1 Live, 1 Staged, many Archived

Design Time Run Time

Design Staged
Archived Live
Online Swap operation

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
1.2 Runtime HMI

Integrated Operations


Combined Controller-Estimator

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
1.3 Runtime HMI
Integrated Operations: Combined Controller-Estimator

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
1.4 HMI Components

i. Application, Controller, Variable Set Grid panels

ii. Navigation panel
iii. Run Time message panel
iv. Trend panel
v. Variable detail panel
vi. Dynamic relationship panel (DRP)
vii. Overview panel
• Operator
• Lab update
• Custom Inputs
viii. Variable Face plates
ix. Message history and Event log
x. Indicators
• Health, Status, Limit, KPI

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
1.5 HMI Operations

i. Application State change

ii. Swap, Reconcile, Copy
iii. Turn Controller, Variable Set, Variable Active/Inactive
iv. Update variable limits
v. Update variable tuning
vi. Analyze Controller performance
• Health Message & Indicators, Trends, DRP
vii. Lab update
viii. Auto step test

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
1.6 Estimator
Lab Update at Run Time

• Common HMI panel for all Estimators for Operator & Engineer
• Manual, Semi-auto, Auto update modes

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
1.9 Future & History Predictions

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
2.0 Controller Performance Analysis

Controller performance
 What MVs are being moved to control this CV?
 What CVs are being controlled by this MV?



| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
2.1 Optimization

Economic Functions

 Multiple Economic Functions (EF) are allowed and can be optimized


 EFs can be any nonlinear function, not just quadratic

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
2.2 RTO Interface

 Operator interface to view & accept optimal CV set points to Controller from RTO
 Configured with a list of CVs from one or more Controllers in the application

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
2.3 Auto step test

• Test Set is part of Controller

• Auto Test can be triggered to Step MVs in
automated fashion
• Closed Loop Step Testing
• Standard HMI for monitoring
• Engineer can select MVs & CVs
• Operator can check ‘Next’ Moves

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
Why APC’s Fail

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
The road to success means developing
sustainable solutions

| Document Number | March 23, 2016 |

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation

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