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Lesson 3

We Are Good Friends

Learning objective
 Understand does our behavior affect others feelings.

 Analyze what it means to be considerate to others.

 Understand how to show a greater understanding of
how our actions affect the feelings of others around us.
Watch this story and write
what you have understood from
the story. Share your comments
and discuss with your friends.
Think and write
Make a list of your friends, and select 2 best
friends name from that list. Why do you select
them as your best friends? What are the
qualities which you liked in them the most?
Introduce them in the class with their qualities.
Think and share
• What are the Caring Honest
qualities would I
look for in a
friend? Mention ..……….. …………
it in these boxes.
…………. ………….
Friends make
our lives easier.

• Do you agree?
• Think of 3 ways that
your friends help you
every day?
Questions for Discussion
1. Why was Andrew feeling shy when he met Bassam?
2. Have you ever had this experience? How did you
overcome your shyness?
3. What do you think Andrew will miss most about his
4. Can you say some of the things Andrew will have to
do to make new friends?
Questions for Discussion – Answers
1. Andrew felt shy because he was meeting people for the first
3. Andrew will miss:
• Spending time with his friends
• Sharing toys and treats
• Caring for each other’s safety
• Having someone to stick up for him
4. Andrew should join a club, or a team, arrange to meet
classmates away from school, accept any invitations he receives
Think and share

“New friends are like new

adventures. You never
know what lessons they will
teach you’’. What do you think
about this quote?
Friends have many attributes that we admire. Look at
some of the attributes a good friend might have.
What three things would I look for in a friend? Write the
reason too.

Considerate Popular Friendly


Patient Pleasant Kind

Think and write
Write a paragraph about someone you
admire. List down, if he /she has any of
the attributes that we have discussed.
How will your classmate feel if….?
• You tell them you really don’t like their drawing.
• You offer to help them with some
difficult homework.
• You tease them about a mistake
they made in their homework.
• You invite them to come to your
house after school.
Share a story with the class where you behaved
as a good friend and the response that you
have received for your behavior. What do you
learn from that experience.
What is your new learning in this lesson
1. …………………………………………………………………
2. ………………………………………………………………..
3. …………………………………………………………………
4. …………………………………………………………………
5. …………………………………………………………………

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