Classification of The Sentences.

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Communicative types of sentences

in English and Ukrainian

According to the role in the performance of communication and due to the
modality/intention expressed, all sentences in the contrasted languages fall into the
following five common semantic types:

1) declarative sentences (statements);

2) interrogative sentences;
3) imperative and inducive sentences;
4) sentences of hypothetic modality;
5) exclamatory sentences.

Interrogative sentences include some common paradigmatic classes which may be

in English and Ukrainian either affirmative or negative
Consequently, the communicative types of sentences and their
paradigmatic classes are absolutely isomorphic/common in English
and Ukrainian. As will be shown further there still exist some minor
structural divergences, however, in some of these classes of sentences
in both contrasted languages.

Declarative sentences in both their paradigmatic classes (the affirmative and

the negative statements) may be in English and Ukrainian of real, wishful or
conditional modality. Equally common are also the structural forms of the
affirmative and negative statements which may be either two-member
sentences or one-member sentences in each of the contrasted languages.
a) Affirmative statements of real modality:

"Thank you again very much." (Hemingway) Ще раз вам дуже дякую.
The door opened. (Mansfield) Двері відчинилися.
Suddenly Coleman laughed. (Maken) Раптом Колмен засміявся.
That was Coleman. (Ibid.) Це був Колмен.

b) Affirmative statements of wishful or conditional modality:

It's time we got out. (Cusack) Час би вже вибратися звідси.
I had better tell him... (Galsworthy) Краще б я був сказав йому. . .
"I want to meet Walter Williams." (D. Parter) "Я хочу познайомитись з Волтером Вільямсом“

c) Negative statements of different kinds of modality have also common and divergent features in English and Ukrainian. Common are statements with the negation to the finite verb expressed by the negative
Structural types of the sentences in
English and Ukrainian

According to the way in which the expressed content correlates with reality, there are
distinguished in the contrasted languages the following common structural types of
1) two-member sentences;
2) one member sentences.
As a result, English two-member sentences are represented by a large variety of
extended and expanded models, than Ukrainian two-member sentences.
Consequently, English two-member sentences are represented by a large variety of
paradigmatic subtypes than in Ukrainian. Two-member sentences in the contrasted
languages may be of two subkinds:
1) conventionally complete;
2) properly complete.
Unlike two-member sentences, which have a large quantitative representation of structural types in English, one-member sentences, on the contrary, have a larger number of paradigmatic classes in Ukrainian. Common in English and Ukrainian are the following paradigmatic types of one-member sentences:

Nominal sentences which characterized in English and Ukrainian by some isomorphic and allomorphic features. Isomorphic is the structural form of nominal sentences which can be either extended or expanded.

Imperative sentences containing a verb and having a V or VP pattern structures: Keep aside, keep aside! Не підходь, не підходь!;

Exclamatory sentences may structurally often coincide in Eng. and Uk. with nominal and infinitival sentences: Thieves! Fire! Злодії! Вогонь!;

The definite personal sentences which are widely used in literary and colloquial Uk. Speech. The doer(виконавець) of the action in these sentences is indicated by the finite verb and its personal ending correlating with the main part of the sentence. E.g Люблю(я) пісні мойого краю;
Thank you for attention!!!

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