Extreme Adjectives

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Adjective is basically a word which describes the
quality or the quantity of a noun, for example a girl. If
we want to describe the quality of the girl, we can say a
beautiful girl. Here, “beautiful “ is an adjective.
Another example is a pen or two pens. Here, “a pen or
two pens” becomes the adjectives.

Adjective may have different levels, for example:


not very cold →

a little colder →

very very very cold →

Extreme adjectives is the highest levels of any specific
adjectives. In extreme adjectives we don’t need to use
the word “extremely”. Here are some examples of
extreme adjectives :

Regular Adjectives

Extreme Adjectives
Angry Furious
Bad Terrible, awful, horrible

Dirty Filthy
Good Wonderful, fantastic
Hot Boiling

Hungry Starving
Rules for Extreme Adjectives

• No comparatives or superlatives.
We can use comparatives or superlatives with regular
adjectives but we can’t use them with extreme
adjectives, for example:
* Her car is bigger than mine √
* Her car is more enormous than mine Χ
the correct sentence is her car is enormous.

• Use different adverbs with extreme adjectives.
With regular adjectives, we can use these adverbs:
 a little, a bit, slightly, fairly, rather
 very, extremely, immensely, intensely, hugely
 I’m rather hungry. / I’m very hungry.
 This room is a bit dirty. / This room is extremely
 We’re a little tired. / We’re immensely tired.

But with extreme adjectives, we CANNOT use these
 I’m rather starving. / I’m extremely starving.
However, there are other adverbs we can use to give
additional emphasis to the extreme adjective:
 absolutely
 completely
 utterly

I’m absolutely furious.
We’re completely exhausted.
The movie was utterly terrifying.

The words pretty and really can be used with both
regular and extreme adjectives:
 This room is pretty dirty. (regular)
 This room is pretty filthy. (extreme)
 The party is really crowded. (regular)
 The party is really packed. (extreme)

• Absolute adjectives.
Another type of extreme adjective is called an absolute
adjective. These are words that are either “yes or no.”
For example, first – you can’t be “a little bit first” or
“very first” – either YES, you are first, or NO, you’re
not first.

Here’s a list of some examples of absolute adjectives and
their opposites:
Absolute Adjectives Opposites
Complete Incomplete
First Last/final
Infinite finite
Dead Alive
Married single/divorced/sepa-

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