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Applying 5s on

your Computer

Grade 10 TLE-ICT Teacher
Make Yourself a Desktop Cleaner

It is a structured program to systematically achieve

total organization, cleanliness, and standardization
in the workplace.

It is the name of a workplace organization method

that uses a list of five Japanese words:
You work with Applying 5s on your
documents, Computer
presentations, graphics,
and other files all day— But there is a better way to stop the
and chances are, you file clutter—by managing your files
more effectively. Digital files are no
have a lot of them. And different than paper files, and if you
that means it takes time don't have a good method of
to find the documents organization, things get lost.
you need. Even if it is just Whether you save your files in your
a couple of minutes here, computer's hard drive or a shared
network location, this course will help
and a couple of minutes you save time and headache of
there, it all adds up. searching for files.
Applying 5S on your
5S provides the foundation for all quality
improvement programs. Thus, it is often said
that the road to productivity starts with 5S and
through 5S you can create a highly productive
company with highly productive people. 5S is
not only a matter of good housekeeping. It is a
process to create more productive people and
more productive companies through
motivation, education, and the practice of 5S. It
involves the creation of a strong corporate
culture filled with the spirit filled with the spirit
of high productivity.

Sorting/Putting things in order

(Remove/discard what is not
needed so that there are fewer
` hazards and less clutter to
interfere with work. Only keep
what is needed.)
This is the task of identifying
available files and materials
and sorting out what is
necessary and what needs to
Only store important files in your

computer.  Create folders and sub-

folders to organize important data. 
Name folders and files appropriately
for easy retrieval.  Create one folder
named, say, "Trash" to store
temporary data.  Clear the contents
of "Trash" folder regularly, if
possible, on a daily basis.  
Manage Your Own Desktop
Numerous studies have shown that your
environment affects your productivity,
and that even something as simpleas
color can influence your memory or
creativity. Since most of our work now is
done in the digital realm, it stands to
reason that your desktop environment
can play an important role in your
How to manage your desktop:
1. Create 5 folders in My Documents called :

Inbox - Put unprocessed items that don’t have a place yet in here. This may be
items like software installers you’ve downloaded, files sent to you from colleagues,
and random text clippings.
Action Items - Put items requiring an action that takes more than 2 minutes in here.
These may be items such as forms to fill out, large applications to install and setup,
and files to upload.
On Hold - Put items you aren’t yet ready to do or complete in here. These may be
articles you’re thinking of reading, sketches for potential projects, and information
about classes you’re thinking about taking.
Current Projects - Put files related to active projects in here. This folder contains
files you’re currently working on as well as reference files for a project. Each project
gets its own unique folder.
Archive - Put completed projects, general reference items, and anything else you
might want to look at again in here
How to manage your desktop:
Tip: By placing the _underscore in front of the name of a file or folder, forces
that file or folder to be displayed at the top left when ‘Auto arrange’ is
switched on
2. On your Desktop create the following folders and shortcuts:
_APPLICATION LINKS- Put your desktop Application links and shortcuts in
_ INBOX Shortcut- A short cut to your ‘My documents’ Inbox.
_DOCUMENT–SHORTCUT-A shortcut to your documents folder
Tip: CAPITALISED folder names are faster to read. This speeds up your
recognition of folders making your life quicker and easy.
3. Create an organized sub-folder structure as required.
Tip: Your PC file structure should be clear enough for a stranger to
understand. File and Folder names should clearly identify ‘what it is’. Check
that your naming is clear
Tip: If you need to keep older versions of documents locally, then create
separate  _HISTORY. Remember to remove unneeded items regularly.

Orderliness/Proper Arrangement (Place

things in such a way that they can be
easily reached whenever they are
needed. "There must be a place for
everything, and everything must be in
its place.") It means putting all
necessary item in proper order and in
their proper places.
Ensure easy retrieval of data. 

Create only 2 main folders -

one for storing data for
frequent use and the other for
rare use.  Create multiple sub-
2. SEITON / folders to store a particular
SET IN ORDER type of data.  Limit sub-folders
at the next 3 sub-levels to less
than 5.
Clean/cleanliness. (Keep
workplace and things clean
and polished; no trash or dirt
in the workplace
Clean-up unnecessary

data in regular intervals. 

Once in every 2 weeks,
scan through the folders
3. SEISO / and sub-folders to clean-
SHINE up unnecessary or unused
files and folders.

Standardize/Purity (Maintain
cleanliness after cleaning,
cleaning. Such cleaning is part
of every one's work.)
Integrate storage, retrieval and

clean up tasks to create a unified

process.  Create a habit to 100%
follow the above 3Ss.  Create a
version controlled process
document that details naming,
4. SEIKETSU / structuring and maintenance
STANDARDIZE schedule of files and folders which
can serve as a reference
document.  Share this document
with peers.  

(Maintain standards and keep the facility in
safe and efficient order day after day, year
after year.)
–a condition where all member

practice the 4-S spontaneously

and willingly as a way of life and
doing them daily as a matter of

Track and monitor to adherence to

5. SHITSUKE/ the above 4Ss by self and peers. 
Conduct monthly audits (self and
SUSTAIN for peers) to ensure that the set
procedures are followed
diligently.  Document and publish
the hard disk space usage data on
a weekly basis.   
Organize your desktop by sorting and arranging the files in
where they should be located in the created folders.
Identify the following.
___________1. It means maintaining cleanliness after cleaning,
consistently-perpetual cleaning.
___________2. This is the task of identifying available files and
materials and sorting out what is necessary and what needs to be
___________3 .It means putting all necessary item in proper order
and in their proper place.
___________4. Is an action to sweep your workplace thoroughly?
___________5. It is a systematized approach to organize work areas,
keep rules and standards, and maintain the discipline needed to do
a good job.
6-10. What are the 5 folders to be created in My Documents?
In a long bond sheet of paper, list down the
names of tools and equipment used in
repairing and troubleshooting the computer
with its definition.

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