Engineering Mechanics Unit 4

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Module IV

Prepared by:
M. Sundra Pandian M.E., M.B.A.,
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology,
Coimbatore - 10
Module 4 - Friction
The Laws of Dry Friction. Coefficients of
Friction, Angles of Friction, Wedges, Wheel
Friction. Rolling Resistance, Ladder friction.
It has been observed that whenever, even a very
smooth surface is viewed under a microscope, it is
found to have some roughness and irregularities,
which may not be detected by an ordinary touch.
So when two such surfaces contact and slide, the
roughness will create a force inhibiting the motion
and this resistance to motion is called Friction.
This opposing force, which acts in the opposite
direction of the movement of the block, is called
force of friction or simply friction.
It is of the following two types:
1. Static friction 2. Dynamic friction.
Static Friction Introduction
It is the friction experienced by a body when it is at rest.
Or in other words, it is the friction when the body tends to
Dynamic Friction
It is the friction experienced by a body when it is in
motion. It is also called kinetic friction.
The dynamic friction is of the following two types :
Sliding friction.
It is the friction, experienced by a body when it
slides over another body.
Rolling friction.
It is the friction, experienced by a body when it rolls
over another body.
Dry friction & Fluid friction
Dry friction
The friction between two rigid surfaces is called Dry or
Coulomb Friction.
Fluid friction.

It is the friction resulting from the flow of fluids either

between layers of fluids or over other rigid surfaces.
Limiting Friction
Let us assume a body is at rest. If a small force is
exerted on the body with an intension to move it, the object
might not move due to the resistance offered by the
If a little extra force is given and when this force
overcomes the resistive force, then the object starts to
So the maximum friction which is offered by the contact
Normal Reaction
It has been experienced that whenever a body, lying on
a horizontal or an inclined surface, is in equilibrium, its
weight acts vertically downwards through its centre of

The surface, in turn, exerts an upward reaction on the

body. This reaction, which is taken to act perpendicular to
the plane, is called normal reaction and is, generally,
denoted by R.
Laws of Dry Friction
Laws of Static Friction

Following are the laws of static friction :

1. The force of friction always acts in a direction, opposite

to that in which the body tends to move, if the force of
friction would have been absent.

2. The magnitude of the force of friction is exactly equal to

the force, which tends to move the body.
Laws of Dry Friction
Laws of Static Friction

3. The magnitude of the limiting friction bears a constant

ratio to the normal reaction between the two surfaces.
Mathematically :
F / R = Constant

where F = Limiting friction, and R = Normal reaction.

4. The force of friction is independent of the area of contact
between the two surfaces.
5. The force of friction depends upon the roughness of the
Laws of Dry Friction
Laws of Kinetic Friction

Following are the laws of kinetic or dynamic friction :

1. The force of friction always acts in a direction, opposite

to that in which the

body is moving.
2. The magnitude of kinetic friction bears a constant ratio
to the normal reaction between the two surfaces. But this
ratio is slightly less than that in case of limiting friction.
3. For moderate speeds, the force of friction remains
Angle of Friction
Consider a body of weight ‘W’ resting on an inclined
plane .W.k.t. the body is in equilibrium under the action of
the following forces : 

1. Weight (W) of the body, acting vertically downwards,

2. Friction force (F) acting upwards along the plane, and
3. Normal reaction (R) acting at right angles to the plane.
Let the angle of inclination (α) be gradually increased,
till the body

just starts sliding down the plane. This angle of inclined

Coefficient of Friction
It is the ratio of limiting friction to the normal reaction,
between the two bodies, and is generally denoted by μ.
μ= F /R = tan 

i.e., F = μ R

where  = Angle of friction,

F = Limiting friction, and

R = Normal reaction between the two bodies.

Cone of Friction
The cone of friction is defined as the imaginary cone
formed by the revolution of the resultant force ‘R’ (of the
Friction force ‘F’ and the Normal, ‘N’) about the Normal
‘N’ as axis.
The cone of friction is defined as
the imaginary cone formed by the
revolution of the resultant force ‘R’
(of the Friction force ‘F’ and the
Normal, ‘N’) about the Normal ‘N’
as axis.
Problems for Practice

A body of weight 300 N is lying on a rough horizontal

plane having a coefficient of friction as 0.3. Find the
magnitude of the force, which can move the body, while
acting at an angle of 25° with the horizontal.


Draw the schematic dia.

Problems for Practice

Also the reaction, R will be always acting vertically up

to the surface.

Given Data: P
Weight, W = 300 N
Coeff. Of friction,  = 0.3

Angle,  = 25°
Let, P = Force on the object and
Problems for Practice

Resolving Horizontal forces,

F = P Cos 25° = P x 0.906
F = 0.906 P
Resolving Vertical forces,

R + P xSin 25° = W
R = W – P xSin 25°

= 300 – Px 0.423 = 300 – 0.423 P

Problems for Practice

W.k.t. F=xR

0.906 P = 0.3 (300 – 0.423 P)

0.906 P = 90 – 0.127 P
0.906 P + 0.127 P = 90

1.033 P = 90
P = 90 / 1.033

P = 87.125 N
Problems for Practice

Force required to move the object, P = 87.125 N

Wedge Friction

A wedge is, usually, of a triangular or trapezoidal in

cross-section. It is, generally, used for slight adjustment in
the position of a body i.e. for tightening fits or keys for

Sometimes, a wedge is also used for lifting heavy

Wedge Friction

A block weighing 1500 N, overlying a 10° wedge on a

horizontal floor and leaning against a vertical wall, is to be
raised by applying a horizontal force to the wedge.
Assuming the coefficient of friction between all the surface
in contact to be 0.3, determine the minimum horizontal
force required to raise the block.
Wedge Friction
Given Data:

Wt. of block, W = 1500 N

Angle of Wedge,  = 10°

Coeff. Of friction,  = 0.3
i.e.,  = tan ø = 0.3

i.e., ø = tan _1 (0.3)

ø = 16.7 °
Wedge Friction
Graphical Method


Measure ‘mo’. This is to be multiplied back with the scale

factor 1 cm = 500 N
Wedge Friction
Analytical Method
Under equilibrium of the block, the forces and reactions
1. Weight W acting downwards
2. Reaction R1 at the face DE
3. Reaction R2 at the face DG
Wedge Friction
Analytical Method
Under equilibrium of the block, the forces and reactions
1. Weight W acting downwards
2. Reaction R1 at the face DE
3. Reaction R2 at the face DG
Resolving the horizontal forces
R1 x Cos ø = R2 x Sin (+ø)
R1 x Cos 16.7 = R2 x Sin(10 + 16.7)
0.958 R1 = 0.449 R2
i.e., R2 = (0.958/0.449) R1 10°
R2= 2.134 R1
Wedge Friction
Analytical Method
Block - Resolving the vertical forces
W + R1 x Sin ø = R2 x Cos (+ø)
W + R1 x Sin 16.7° = R2 x Cos(10 + 16.7)
1500 + 0.287 R1 = R2 x Cos 26.7°
= 0.893 R2
= 0.893 (2.134 R1)
1500 + 0.287 R1 = 1.906 R1
1500 = 1.906 R1 – 0.287 R1
1500 = (1.906 -0.287) R1
1500 = 1.619 R1
\ R1 = 1500 / 1.619 = 926.480 N 10°

\ R2 = 2.134 R1 = 2.134 x 926.480 = 1977.108 N

Wedge Friction
Analytical Method
Under equilibrium of the wedge, the forces and reactions
1. Reaction R2 of the block on the wedge on AB
2. Reaction R3 on the face AC
3. Force P acting horizontally
Resolving the Vertical forces
R2 x Cos (+ø) = R3 x Cos ø
R2 x Cos 26.7 = R3 x Cos 16.7
1977.108 x 0.893 = 0.958 R3
1,765.557 = 0.958 R3
R3 = 1765.557 / 0.958
Wedge Friction
Analytical Method
Wedge - Resolving the Horizontal forces
P = R2 x Sin (+ø) + R3 x Sin ø
= (1977.108 x Sin 26.7) + (1842.961 x Sin 16.7)
= (1977.108 x 0.449) + (1842.961 x 0.287)
= 887.722 + 528.930
= 1,416.652 N

The min. horizontal force,
P = 1,416.652 N
Wedge Friction
Analytical Method
Wedge - Resolving the Horizontal forces
P = R2 x Sin (+ø) + R3 x Sin ø
= (1977.108 x Sin 26.7) + (1842.961 x Sin 16.7)
= (1977.108 x 0.449) + (1842.961 x 0.287)
= 887.722 + 528.930
= 1,416.652 N

The min. horizontal force,
P = 1,416.652 N
Ladder Friction
The ladder is a device for climbing or scaling on the
roofs or walls. It consists of two long uprights of wood,
iron or rope connected by a number of cross pieces called
These runing serve as steps.
Ladder Friction

A uniform ladder of length 3.25 m and weighing 250 N

is placed against a smooth vertical wall with its lower end
1.25 m from the wall. The coefficient of friction between
the ladder and floor is 0.3.

What is the frictional force acting on the ladder at the

point of contact between the ladder and the floor? Show
that the ladder will remain in equilibrium in this position.
Ladder Friction

A uniform ladder of length 3.25 m and weighing 250 N

is placed against a smooth vertical wall with its lower end
1.25 m from the wall. The coefficient of friction between
the ladder and floor is 0.3.

What is the frictional force acting on the ladder at the

point of contact between the ladder and the floor? Show
that the ladder will remain in equilibrium in this position.
Ladder Friction
Given Data:
Length, l = 3.25 m
Weight o ladder, W = 250 N
Distance between the ladder and wall = 1.25 m
Coeff. of friction between ladder and floor,  = 0.3

Since the wall is smooth, let us assume that there is

No or Zero fiction between the wall and the ladder.
Let Ff = Friction on the floor
& Rf = Normal reaction at floor
Ladder Friction
Equating the vertical forces, Rf = 250 N
Height BC =
= = 3m
Taking Moment about B {MCCW = MCW}
Ff x 3 m + (250 x (1.25/2)m) = Rf x 1.25
3 Ff + 156.25 = 250 x 1.25
= 312.5
3 Ff = 312.5 – 156.25
= 156.25
Ff = 156.25/3 = 52.083 N
Ladder Friction

A uniform ladder of 4 m length rests against a vertical wall

with which it makes an angle of 45°. The coefficient of
friction between the ladder and the wall is 0.4 and that
between ladder and the floor is 0.5. If a man, whose weight
is one-half of that of the ladder ascends it, how high will it
be when the ladder slips?
Ladder Friction
Given Data:
Length of Ladder, l = 4 m
Angle of ladder,  = 45°
Coeff. of friction ladder & wall, W = 0.4
Coeff. of friction ladder & floor, F = 0.5
Distance between ‘A’ and the man = x m
Weight of ladder = W N
Weight of Man = ½ W N
Normal Reaction at the Floor = Rf
Normal reaction at the Wall = Rw
Ladder Friction
W.k.t, Friction force at the floor and wall,
Ff = F x Rf
= 0.5 x Rf
Fw = w x Rw
= 0.4 x Rw
Resolving vertical forces
Rf + FW = W + W/2
= 1.5 W
Resolving forces horizontally,
RW = Ff  Rw = 0.5 Rf
or Rf = 2Rw
Ladder Friction
Rf + FW = 1.5 W
Substitute the values o f Rf and Fw
2RW + 0.4 Rw = 1.5 W
2.4 Rw = 1.5 W
RW = 1.5 W/2.4
= 0.625 W
W.k.t., Fw = 0.4 RW = 0.4 x 0.625 W
Fw = 0.25 W
Ladder Friction
Taking Moment about A {MCCW = MCW}
{W * (2m * Cos 45°)} + {0.5W * (x * Cos 45°)}
= {RW * (4m* Sin 45°)} + {Fw * (4m* Cos 45°)}
Since ,Sin 45° = Cos 45° = 0.707
2 W + (0.5xW) = 4Rw + 4Fw
Substituting the values of Rw and Fw.
(2 + 0.5x) W = {4 x (0.625W)} +
{4 x (0.25W)}
Cancelling W, 2 + 0.5x = 2.5+ 1 = 3.5
\ 0.5 x= 3.5 – 2 = 1.5
\ X = 1.5 / 0.5 = 3m
Ladder Friction
The distance the man can safely climb until the ladder
doesn’t slip,
X = 3m
Ladder Friction

Determine the maximum load (W) which a force P

equal to 5 kN will hold up, if the coefficient of friction at C
is 0.2 in the arrangement shown in fig. Neglect other
friction and weight of the member. If W = 3 kN and P =
4.5 kN, what are the normal and tangential forces
transmitted at C ?
Ladder Friction
Case a): Given Data:
Force, P = 5kN
Coeff. of friction at C,  = 0.2

Solution: R
Equilibrium of the Beam.
Taking Moment at hinge A – MCCW = MCW
R x 1 m = P x 1.5 m
R = 5 x 1.5
= 7.5 kN
Ladder Friction
Equilibrium of the Pulley. Ff

The weight, W tends to rotate the pulley.

But the rotation is affected by the friction Cp
between the pulley and the beam.
W.k.t., The force of friction, R
Ff =  x R = 0.2 x 7.5 = 1.5 kN
Taking Moment at the center of Pulley,
(w X Inner radius) – (R x 0 m) = Ff x (Outer radius = C to
(W x 50 mm) -(R x 0 m) = Ff x 75 mm
W = 1.5 kN x 75 mm / 50 mm
Ladder Friction
Case b): Given Data:
Weight, W = 3 kN
Force, P =4.5 kN
Let R= Normal force at C &
Ff = Tangential Force at C R

Equilibrium of the Beam.
Taking Moment at hinge A – MCCW = MCW
R x 1 m = P x 1.5 m
R =4.5 x 1.5
= 6.75 kN
Ladder Friction
Case b): Given Data:
Taking Moment at the center of the Pulley Ff

(W x 50 mm)+ (R x 0 m) = Ff x 75 mm
3 kN x 50 = Ff x 75 mm Cp

Ff = 3 x 50 / 75
= 2 kN
Case a) W = 2.25 kN
Case b) Ff = 2 kN
Module 4 - Friction
The Laws of Dry Friction. Coefficients of
Friction, Angles of Friction, Wedges, Wheel
Friction. Rolling Resistance, Ladder friction.

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