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ES Design Concepts


Muhammad Asim Rehmat

(Assistant Professor CS&E dept
UET Lhr.)
The Engineering Design Process
 Step 1 – Define the problem!
• Single most important step.
• Without knowing the problem, how can we
solve it?

Robotics by Asim Rehmat

The Engineering Design Process
 Step 2 – Generate Specifications
• Specification – An explicit set of
requirements to be satisfied by the final

 Typically come from two places:

• Design Constraints
• Functional Requirements

Robotics by Asim Rehmat

The Engineering Design Process
 Step 3 – Specification Ranking /
• All specs are not created equal.
 These are often ranked in some way.
• What is most important? Why?

• One ranking system:

 W = Wish
(not that important, but would be nice if possible)
 P = Preferred
(important, but the project won’t fail without it)
 D = Demand
(Critical to the project, MUST be included)
Robotics by Asim Rehmat
The Engineering Design Process
 Step 4 – Generate Design Concepts
• Almost everyone does the same this when
faced with a problem, often subconsciously. –
Think of alternative courses of action.
 Formally documenting this intuitive action helps to
solve complex engineering problems.
• Brainstorm Solutions
• Figure out the “how” for the “what” of the

• Two Words – Napkin Sketches!

Robotics by Asim Rehmat

The Engineering Design Process
 Step 5 – Prototyping
• Make your napkin sketches “real”…
• The goal here is to LEARN as much as you
can about the concepts and how well each
• Prototypes designed to be crude, but
functional enough to be educational.

• See the concept interact with the real


Robotics by Asim Rehmat

The Engineering Design Process
 Step 6 – Choose a Concept
• Take the lessons learned from prototyping
and make a decision. Choose a concept to
go forward with.
• Often the “right” solution just reveals itself.
Find the elegant solution.

Robotics by Asim Rehmat

The Engineering Design Process
 Step 7 – Detailed Design
• Take the concept and make it into
something more “real”.
• The goal at the end of this is to have
a design or plan that can actually be
implemented or constructed.
• CAD Models, Assembly Drawings,
Manufacturing Plans, BoMs

Robotics by Asim Rehmat

The Engineering Design Process
 Step 8 – Manufacturing & Implementation
• Depending on the design the implementation
could be a manufactured product, a report, a
PowerPoint presentation.
• Build it!

 Step 9 – Analyze Results

• Review how the implementation went.
• Learn what worked, what didn’t, what can be
• Document the results.

Robotics by Asim Rehmat

The Engineering Design Process
 Step 1 – Define the Problem
 Step 2 – Generate Specifications
 Step 3 – Specification Ranking / Weighting
 Step 4 – Brainstorm Design Concepts
 Step 5 – Prototyping
 Step 6 – Choose a Concept
 Step 7 – Detailed Design
 Step 8 – Manufacturing & Implementation
 Step 9 – Analyze Results

Robotics by Asim Rehmat

The Embedded Design Life Cycle
 software and hardware are being
designed in parallel

Robotics by Asim Rehmat

Software Development Life Cycle

Robotics by Asim Rehmat

System Organization

Robotics by Asim Rehmat

System Organization

Robotics by Asim Rehmat

Electrical Design

Robotics by Asim Rehmat


Robotics by Asim Rehmat

Engineering Diagrams

Robotics by Asim Rehmat

Source Code

Robotics by Asim Rehmat

Software Architectures
When you are
will be the
for a given
Robotics by Asim Rehmat
Decision Factors
 The most important factor
􀂄 how much control you need to have over
system response.
 Good response
􀂄 Absolute response time requirements
􀂄 The speed of your microprocessor
􀂄 and the other processing requirements
 Few, loose reqts  simple architecture
 Many, stringent reqts  complex
Robotics by Asim Rehmat
Robotics by Asim Rehmat
Robotics by Asim Rehmat
Robotics by Asim Rehmat
Robotics by Asim Rehmat
Robotics by Asim Rehmat
Robotics by Asim Rehmat
Robotics by Asim Rehmat
Robotics by Asim Rehmat
Robotics by Asim Rehmat
Robotics by Asim Rehmat
Robotics by Asim Rehmat
Robotics by Asim Rehmat
Robotics by Asim Rehmat
Robotics by Asim Rehmat
Robotics by Asim Rehmat
Robotics by Asim Rehmat
Robotics by Asim Rehmat
Robotics by Asim Rehmat
Robotics by Asim Rehmat
Robotics by Asim Rehmat
Robotics by Asim Rehmat
Robotics by Asim Rehmat
Robotics by Asim Rehmat

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