Case Study (Ethics)

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Case Study 1
An employee of the HR department has just returned to work after taking
special leave to care for her elderly mother. For financial reasons she needs
to work full-time. She has been having difficulties with her mother’s home
care arrangements, causing her to miss a number of team meetings (which
usually take place at the beginning of each day) and to leave work early
She is very competent in her work and the clients are very happy with her
services but the absences are putting pressure on her and her overworked
colleagues. The HR department is well aware that the flow of work through
the practice is coming under pressure.
One of her male senior is beginning to make comments such as “a woman’s
place is in the home”, and is undermining her at every opportunity, putting
her under even greater stress.
Ethical Issues
Integrity/ Honesty - The employee needs to be fair with all those who are
involved in the company and act in a straightforward manner regarding the
Professional Behaviour - The employee should know how to manage their
professional work and personal life.
Discrimination - Discrimination is involved regarding the employee.
Stakeholders Involved
Employee - She is the one to work for the department as well as taking
care of her mother.
HR Department - The HR department is responsible for the workflow
of the practice and the employees working under the department.
Male Senior Official - He is also one of the employees working under
this department.
Stakeholders Perspective
HR Department
1. The employee is unable carry out her work efficiently. This is
causing great work stress and pressure on her peers.
2. There is a great deal of friction between employees due to workload
imbalance. This may affect future of the company.
3. She is a great asset to the company and clients are satisfied with her
4. The employee is missing out on important meetings that happen in
the beginning of each day.
5. Timing of office
Stakeholders Perspective

1. The employee is being put down by her senior who is putting her under greater stress
by using hurtful and misogynistic language.
2. She is facing a dilemma between earning her bread and taking care of her elderly
mother. She is unable to devote the required amount of time at work.
3. The department should come up with a solution if she is benefitting the organisation.


4. The senior seems frustrated because there is differential attitude towards the
employee .
5. He is having to work harder to make up for his junior because of her absence.
Company should provide medical facilities or some kind of waiver in terms of workload to
the employee.

Meeting timings should be made flexible considering the convenience of all the employees.

She could be given the liberty to attend the meetings from home if aligned to the company’s

The senior should be reprimanded for using misogynistic language. The company needs to
ensure that the work environment is safe for all employees.

She should make sure that if the company is being so lenient and gratifying towards her,
she should not take this for granted and pay equal attention to her professional behaviour
and work ethics..
Case Study 2
Saina happens to be a struggling reporter of a news channel and she has been under severe
pressure from her Editor-in-Chief to bring some sensational news to boost Television Rating
Points (TRPs).

She interviews a famous religious leader of a minority faction on the recent Ayodhya verdict of
Supreme Court. In the interview, the religious leader uses a provocative statement and urged the
members of the community to rebel against the court ruling.

If the interview is aired, it might spark communal tensions and law and order problem in
society. She is very well aware that if the interview is presented to the Editor-in-Chief, he will
definitely air it to boost TRPs.

The interview could lead to an exponential growth in the career of Saina.

Ethical Issues
Freedom of Speech: Religious leader had the freedom and right to
express his opinion on the issue but there could also be a threat to the
safety of the people due to the opinion of the religious leader.
Organizational Goals: The sensational news that Saina would cover could
easily boost the TRP of the news channel but her personal ethics restricts
Truth, Accuracy and Humanity - The duty of journalists is to get the facts
right but should not harm the people or society at any cost.
Stakeholders Involved
Editor-in-Chief- He is the one who can air it, if presented to him.
Saina (Reporter)- She is the one under pressure to boost the TRP’s of the
news channel.
Minority religious leader- Gave proactive statements in an interview
Society- There is the fear of safety and communal conflict to the society if
the interview is aired.
Stakeholders Perspective
Saina (Reporter)
1. The reporter should adhere to the ethics of journalism and duty taught
throughout her career. It includes not to surge on the hatred for the society.
2. In order to achieve a higher TRP, she would be held responsible and can lose
the job under politics, law and order.
3. If any statements were inaccurate, the leader should be made to realize the
possible outcomes of his statements.
4. She would be held accountable for the impact of her report on the society at
Stakeholders Perspective
Editor - in - chief
1. Editor-in-chief should be aware of the possible outcomes of publicizing the
interview which could result in fear of safety and communal conflict.
2. It is the duty of the editor-in-chief to finalize the news coverage and promote
tolerance in the society.
3. He/she should also make sure to not discriminate or to inflame hatred on grounds
of race, caste, gender or religion.

Religious Leader

4. The religious leader has all the rights to speak facts and put forth his personal
opinions, keeping in mind that every individual must be aware of impact of
media on the lives of others.
Media should play its role in a responsible manner keeping in mind that
they have the power to make and break any individual.
The sole aim of Journalism should be service. It is the bridge between the
state and the public.
Media is a crucial pillar of democracy, it caters public opinion and shapes
it. Also, taking into consideration the freedom of speech in this democratic
Case Study 3
Manish, a trainee accountant in the second year of training within a small practice. A more
senior trainee has been on sick leave, and Manish is due to go on study leave. Manish is
been told by his manager that, before he goes on leave, he must complete some
complicated reconciliation work.
The deadline suggested appears unrealistic, given the complexity of the work. He feels
that he is not sufficiently experienced to complete the work alone. He would need
additional supervision to complete it to the required standard, and his manager appears
unable to offer the necessary support.
If Manish try to complete the work within the proposed timeframe but fail to meet the
expected quality, he could face repercussions on his return from study leave. Manish feel
slightly intimidated by his manager, and also feel pressure to do what he can for the
practice in what are challenging times.
Ethical Issues
Integrity- To be honest and uphold the moral of doing the work that is assigned

Openness - To be open to his manager incase if he needed assistance or some more

time to complete the task assigned to him so that he could perform better.

Fear of antagonizing the manager - If he refuses he might get into the bad books of the
manager, or if he accepts it the quality of work would be below the expected standard
would result in Manish facing repercussions on his return from study leave.

Work Culture Issue - It has put Manish in a dilemma despite his incompetency to
complete the required project in time while ensuring quality.
Stakeholders Involved
Trainee Accountant (Manish) - He is involved in the second year of
training within the practice and is due to go on study leave.
Senior Accountant - He is the senior accountant and has been on sick leave
the one who could possible guide Manish.
Manager - He is the one who has handed over Manish some complicated
reconciliation work that he expects to be completed before the deadline
assigned to Manish.
Stakeholders Perspective
Trainee Accountant (Manish)
1. The work that is assigned to him is beyond the usual ability of a trainee.
2. Manish could request the manager if he is willing to extend the deadline since he is
just a trainee or he is kind enough to give additional supervision or resources.
3. Manish can try his best to perform and not doubt his competence so that the
manager can be a little considerate.
Senior Trainee Accountant
4. It is unethical to put the burden on someone who is a junior to him.
5. The senior trainee could discuss with the manager and try arranging for the
resources or some staff to supervise his work.
Stakeholders Perspective
1. The manager should be a little sympathetic regarding the situation and act as a
responsible manager for the practice.
2. He should be able to raise the matter within the practice and ask the concerned
trainee to present their respective views regarding the situation.
3. If the trainee seeks some legal advice from outside, the manager should know
that it could affect the confidentiality of the company as well as the reputation
of the practice.
4. This situation is basically appropriate to prove that the manager is principled
and up to scratch.
5. The confidence that he shows or rather will show would be a massive boost for
the trainees in their respective career.
The trainee accountant (Manish) should explain the manager that he has no sufficient
time or experience to complete the work to a satisfactory standard.
He along with his senior trainee accountant should demonstrate a constructive
attitude and suggest how the problem may be resolved.
The manager should be able to realize that the work is beyond his practice and needs
supervision. He himself should appoint someone to supervise his work or extend the
The manager should make sure to have a work culture where the employees are open
to put forth their problems and seek help.
Considering both the accountants and the manager, the three of them together should
come to one conclusion and make sure that the work is done.
Submitted By:

Thejaswini Kamesh - 86
Quimcy Dsouza - 75
Amitabh Sharma - 120

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