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•Maya Emilse Rojo.
•Andrea Cecilia Ustarez.
•Nathalia Alondra López .
Consequences of drug use
Psychoactive substances, better known as drugs, are chemical substances, of natural
or synthetic origin, that affect the functions of the central nervous system, that is, they
affect the brain and spinal cord.
According to the world health organization, drug is any substance that, introduced into
the body by any route of administration, produces in some way an alteration of the
natural functioning of our body and is also capable of creating dependence, either
physical or psychological.
◦ In the same way, psychoactive substances can modify an individual’s consciousness,
mood or thought processes.
There are several types of psychoactive substances and they fall into four basic categories:
depressants, stimulants, opiates, and hallucinogens.
Depressants are also known as hypnotics or sedatives. These drugs slow down and inhibit
neurological activity, in addition, they cause fatigue in the user. Alcohol, antihistamines,
barbiturates, and the prescription drug valium are examples of depressant medications.
◦ Stimulants increase brain activity. The most used are caffeine and nicotine. Amphetamine and
cocaine are also stimulants. Some stimulants are used recreationally and others, such as
antidepressants, are medicinally used and available with a prescription.
Hallucinogens are substances that alter the user’s cognition and sensory perception. Marijuana,
psilocybin, and mescaline are naturally occurring hallucinogens. Drugs like LSD and ecstasy are
synthetic hallucinogens.
◦ Opiates relieve painful sensations, are derived from opium, and produce effects through interaction
with opiate receptors in the brain. Codeine and morphine.
◦ According to the World Health Organization (OMS), psychoactive substance abuse has
the potential to produce any combination of chronic health problems, social problems,
loss of coordination and cognition, and even death from overdose. The consumption of
psychoactive drugs generates alterations that can be very dangerous. Some of the
consequences that the abuse of these substances can bring are:
◦ 1. Neurochemical imbalances in the brain The consumption of drugs produces
permanent functional neurochemical changes in the brain of addicts. It causes
problems with motivation, memory and cognitive control. In addition, studies
show that neuronal loss, neurodegenerative problems, acid proteins and other
consequences that directly affect the brain also occur.
◦ 2. Mood alteration Mood alterations are frequent with drug use. Not only in the long term, but
also in the short term, which means that a person can go from being relaxed to feeling
irritated and aggressive in a fleeting way. In the long term, the personality of many people
can be altered with the use of psychoactive substances.

◦ 3. Family, relational and social problems Family problems are quite frequent regardless of
the type of drugs used. Social problems can also occur when a person who regularly uses
these substances, is losing friends and even work. The person who uses drugs may show a
loss of interest in her hobbies and other favorite activities. Financial problems are also
associated with drug addiction behaviors.
◦ Addiction is one of the main consequences of drug use. In the case of hard drugs,
addiction can cause a person to do what is in their power to obtain the substance
they want and need so much, even stealing or having sex is for money or for a dose.

CARDIOVASCULAR PROBLEMS = they are common with the prolonged
consumption of the vast majority of drugs, since these substances alter the normal
functioning of the heart. While some drugs cause a very high activity of this organ,
others do the opposite
◦ WEAKENING OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM: studies show that most of the drug weaken the
immune system many drugs such as opiates that work as an analgesic cause a series of
negative reactions in the immune system which causes users to be more susceptible to diseases
infections of all kinds.

RESPIRATORY PROBLEMS:drug use causes increased risk of respiratory diseases such as
pneumonia. Side effects of some drugs cause chest problems.

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