Business Model and Pitch

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Business Model

and A Successful

Dr. Hummaira Qudsia Yousaf

Program Manager ETTP
What is a Business Model?
What is a Business Model?

A business model template that

allows you to organize your
business plan in a logical way.
It is typically designed and
used by entrepreneurs for
Why Business Model?
 Fast and Speedy
 Simple and compact
 Universal
 Actionable
Ingredients of a Business Model
Problem Target Market Competitors Unique Solution

Team Structure Channels


Startup Capital & Financial Attractiveness:

It describes the problem you are solving and how and
why that problem is painful. Describe the problem at
a high level first and then quickly transition to a
specific story of a customer to make the problem

What Question do I need to Answer?

 What is the problem?

 How big is the problem?

 Why does the problem exist?

 How is the problem currently being addresses?

Target Market
This ingredient demonstrates how well you know your
customers and the market they represent. Describe
where they live, what they like to do, and how much
they are willing to spend. Describe the markets that
how many potential customers are there who are
willing to buy the product.

What Question do I need to Answer?

 Who is your customer (s)?

 For whom are we creating value?

 Who are our most important customers?

 What is the acquisition cost per customer?

 Is your customer willing to pay for your product or service?

This ingredient demonstrates how well you know your
competitors and describes how they compete in the
market. It describes what differentiates you from
competitors and what advantage you have over them.

What Question do I need to Answer?

 Who is your competitors (s)?

 Who will steal your customers?

 What is their unique value proposition?

 How are you different from your competitors?

 What market share do they currently have?

Unique Solution
It is the time to pull out all the stops. Show them your magic, your
one of-a-kind solution to the problem. Make your solution as
realistic and interactive as possible. Use short videos,
illustrations, screenshots, pictures, prototypes, samples, sketches,
or demos rather than tell your solution.

What Question do I need to Answer?

 Does it solve the customer’s problems like magic?

 Is the customer going to crave this product?

 What will the customer’s life be like once the problem is solved?

 How are you going to pull this off?

 Is it awesome?
Channel demonstrates where the customer can access
the product. It can virtual or physical space.

What Question do I need to Answer?

 What channels are we looking for distribution?

 What would be the distribution intermediaries?

The traction slide demonstrates that each of your
assumptions about the venture will prove true and
make significant progress. Traction helps to convince
the investor that idea is going to be success no matter

What Question do I need to Answer?

 What evidence do you have that shows your business would be
 What would be the clear sales processes?

 What are the key measurements of fast business momentum?

Team Structure
Every business, no matter what industry
or size, will have some key success
factors that are used to monitor
performance. The best way to get the
tasks done is to know what jobs will be
done by whom

What Question do I need to Answer?

 How many employees works with the firm?
 Who is responsible for what?
 Key performance indicators

Overall financial attractiveness of the

business is primarily based on a new
ventures projected sales and rate of
return (profitability).

Creating and delivering value,

maintaining customer relationships, and
generating revenue all incur costs. What Question do I need to Answer?

Revenue stream represents the cash a  What are the most important costs inherent in
company generates from each customer our business model?
segment (costs must be subtracted from  How much is the Startup Capital?
revenues to create earnings).
 What is Gross Profit & Net Profit ratio?
 What is Break Even Point?
 What is Payback Period?
The Art of Pitch
Why do we need to Pitch ?
Why Pitch is Important?
Speed (quickly sketch the business idea)

Many investors want to see a pitch deck.

 To articulate the important questions about

the business/startup.

 Define unique value proposition

 Easy to understand the elements

and the structure of business
The Pitch?
The pitch is designed to convey the most critical
information about the new venture, to a busy
listener who is unfamiliar to it.
The pitch is used to obtain all kinds of important start-
up resources:
• investors
• early employees to join them
• first customers
A Quiz on First Impressions

10 Seconds to create first impression

93 % of first impressions are based on non-verbal communication (how

you sit/stand, your body posture, eye contact, or handshake)
55 % has to do with physical aspects (clothing, dress)

36 % Increase in positive first impressions occur by using someone’s name

Increase in positive first impressions occur by using an “appealing”
38 % tone of voice (relaxed, friendly, enthusiastic)
Do’s of a Pitch Don’ts of a Pitch
 Have a big vision – Having a bold mission for where  Don’t waste time – If the problem is clearly visible or
you want to take your startup is important, especially if understood, don’t waste time explaining it.
you want to secure venture capital, and most first-time  Don’t ignore competitors – Presenting a clear
entrepreneurs think too small. differentiation in comparison to your competitors will
 Tell a story – Captivate the audience. Include an help clearly communicate why your service, product or
interesting personal story to get the attention of the idea is superior.
investors. Your story should convey the value of what you  Don’t oversell it – Presenting it like a game changer
do, why you do it, and why anyone should care.  may be too early. The more realistic the pitch is,
 know your audience – Do some research on the the higher the chance for success. Overselling the benefits
investors that you are pitching to and adapt your strategy of your product may leave an impression of a dreamlike
accordingly. product.
 Keep it simple – Keep it short and concrete. Try to  Don’t ignore key risks – Identify the key risks your
focus on the problem, target market, solution, business will face. If you present a clear strategy how to
competitors, unique value and team. handle the identified risks upfront, it leaves an
 Have data to back your claims – Whatever you say impression that you are prepared for the challenges
must be supported by numbers or data. Add testimonials, ahead.
research data, surveys, statistics, anything you need to  Don’t be afraid if you don’t have all the answers –
prove the viability of the product & services. An entrepreneurial journey is one long experience. It is
 Show passion and competence – Passion is the only by living it that you will find some answers. As for
driving force in entrepreneurs. As owner of the idea, you the rest, you can always hire advisors.
have to prove that you have the experience, industry
knowledge, business skills, technical know-how, all that
it takes, to turn the idea into a success story.
 Prepare Financial Attractiveness– keep you
financial figures clear and understandable to investors
i.e. Startup Capital Required, NP, GP Ratios, Pay back
period, break even point etc.
 Prepare for a pitch that is memorable remember
first impression matters!
Three Types of Pitch

A Elevator`s Pitch
Elevator pitch is a way to share your expertise and
credentials quickly and effectively with people who don't Elevator
know you.
1-1.5 minute Pitch
B Rocket Pitch
Rocket Pitch’s unique, fast-paced format generates a lot of Pitch
excitement. Its mostly for large group of audience.
3-5 minute pitch

C Pitch Deck
A pitch deck is a brief presentation, often created using
PowerPoint, keynote used to provide a quick overview of
your business model. You will usually use your pitch deck
with potential investors and partners.
30 to 35 minutes initial investor pitch
For the budget traveler who wants
to stay in the heart of local culture,
Airbnb is the pioneer of the home- stay
rental marketplace that connects local
hosts to travelers through an easy to use
online exchange platform.
Elevators Pitch
Create the elevator pitch for your own Business Idea
Rocket Pitch
7 Slides of Highly Successful Pitch
Attractive Caption: your cover must capture the audience and
visuals clearly communicate what the product is.

Value Proposition
Who is your competitors (s)? What solutions they are
Market Opportunity
1 providing in existing market and How are you different from
your competitors? What is your unique solution?

(Problem & Target Audience):
Describe the problem at a high Team Structure & Credibility
level first and then quickly
transition to a specific 3 Introduce your team members with structure of
role & Responsibilities and key performance
sentimental story of a customer
to make the problem personal. 4 indicators of each members.

Revenue Model
Here also highlight your target
audience. Explain your financials related to

Market Size
Explain your target market size and its profiles to forecast sales
6 product/ services i.e. Startup capital
required, GP & NP ratios, Break even
point, Payback period and ROI.
and demand.
Call to Action
Call to Action is inviting cofounders, partners, investors and
customers to partnership with you.
Nursery Online
Prepare you Rocket Pitch!
Every member will give feedback!
Rank the order of
(1=most important, 10=least important) of these 10 qualities:
Entrepreneur is passionate
Company has good revenue potential
Entrepreneur is coachable
Company has good business model
Company has reasonable barriers to entry
Entrepreneur is trustworthy
Entrepreneur is enthusiastic
Company has reasonable exit plan
Entrepreneur is experienced
Company has large growth potential
Rank the order of importance
(1=most important, 10=least important) of these 10 qualities:

9 Entrepreneur is passionate
2 Company has good revenue potential
4 Entrepreneur is coachable
1 Company has good business model
7 Company has reasonable barriers to entry
3 Entrepreneur is trustworthy
8 Entrepreneur is enthusiastic
5 Company has reasonable exit plan
10 Entrepreneur is experienced
6 Company has large growth potential
Home Task
Prepare your pitch

Watch: ICK, Dragon`s Den and Shark tank



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