Unit 5 Compensation and Benefits 1

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Human Recourses


Date: April 2017

Prepared By: Karam Fadloun
Program Outlines
Outlines # Hours

Unit 1: Business Management & HR Functions. 12

Unit 2: Staffing Management. 24

Unit 3: Training and Development. 20

Unit 4: Performance Appraisals. 16

Unit 5: Compensation & Benefits. 08

Unit 6: Soft Skills. 12

Total  92

UNRWA / Engaging Youth - HRM 2

UNRWA/Engaging Youth: HRM
Unit 5: Compensation & Benefits

Prepared By: Karam Fadloun

April. 2017
Unit 5: Compensation & Benefit

1 Total Reward

2 Relationship: Compensation and HR Functions

3 Wages & Salary

Day 1
4 Determinants of pay

5 Money and Motivational Theories

6 Differential Pay:

7 Salary Scale:

8 Tax & Social Security

Day 2
9 Yearly Increments

10 Benefits

UNRWA / Engaging Youth - HRM 4

According to recent research published by
Gallup, money – although important – may
not always trump employee engagement.
The research found 63 per cent of ‘engaged’
employees would not leave their job if they
won $10 million in the lottery.
This goes to show that many people see
work as an integral part of their lives, not
just an opportunity to earn money.

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 Total Reward:

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 Strategic relationship between Compensation
and Human resources Functions

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 Wages & Salary:
A variable pay that an individual
A fixed pay that an individual
draws on the basis of hours spent
Meaning draws for the work done by
in completing the certain amount
him on an annual basis.
of work.
Skills Skilled personnel Semi-skilled or unskilled
Type of cost Fixed Variable
Rate of payment Fixed rate Wage rate
Payment cycle Monthly Daily
Basis of payment Performance basis Hourly basis
Paid to whom Employees Labor
Nature of work Administrative-office work Manufacturing-process work
Extra pay for extra
No Yes

UNRWA / Engaging Youth - HRM 10

 Determinants of pay:

Market factor
External factor
Geographical pay
Law and regulation
Organizational Factor
Profitability and ability to pay
Job Factor Responsibility
Working Condition
Individual Factor

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 Money and Motivational Theories:

Need Theories

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 Money and Motivational Theories:
David McClelland's Learned Needs Theory

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 Money and Motivational Theories:
Expectancy Theory

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 Money and Motivational Theories:
Equity Theory:

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 Money and Motivational Theories:
Equity Theory:

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End of Day /1/
Thank You

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 Differential Pay:

1. Overtime.

2. Shift Pay.

3. Hazard Pay.

4. On-call Pay.

5. Call-back Pay.

6. Geographic Differentials

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 Salary Scale:

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‫‪ Tax:‬‬
‫تُعدل المادة ‪ /1/‬من المرسوم التشريعي رقم ‪ /42/‬تاريخ ‪ 24/3/2011‬بحيث تصبح كما يلي ‪:‬‬
‫‪                ‬يحدد معدل الضريبة وفق اآلتي ‪:‬‬
‫‪ )5%(                ‬خمسة بالمائة عن جزء الدخل الصافي الشهري الواقع بين الحد األدنى المعفى و‪ /20000/‬ل‪.‬س ‪.‬‬
‫‪ )7%(                ‬سبعة بالمائة عن جزء الدخل الصافي الشهري الواقع بين (‪ 20001‬و ‪ )25000‬ل‪.‬س ‪.‬‬
‫‪ )9%(                ‬تسعة بالمائة عن جزء الدخل الصافي الشهري الواقع بين (‪ 25001‬و ‪ )30000‬ل‪.‬س ‪.‬‬
‫‪ )11%(                ‬أحد عشر بالمائة عن جزء الدخل الصافي الشهري الواقع بين (‪ 30001‬و ‪ )38000‬ل‪.‬س ‪.‬‬
‫‪ )13%(                ‬ثالثة عشر بالمائة عن جزء الدخل الصافي الشهري الواقع بين (‪ 38001‬و ‪ )50000‬ل‪.‬س ‪.‬‬
‫‪ )16%(                ‬ستة عشر بالمائة عن جزء الدخل الصافي الشهري الواقع بين (‪ 50001‬و ‪ )65000‬ل‪.‬س ‪.‬‬
‫‪ )19%(                ‬تسعة عشر بالمائة عن جزء الدخل الصافي الشهري الواقع بين (‪ 65001‬و ‪ )75000‬ل‪.‬س ‪.‬‬
‫‪ )22%(                ‬اثنان وعشرون بالمائة عن جزء الدخل الصافي الشهري الذي يتجاوز (‪ )75000‬ل‪.‬س ‪.‬‬
‫المادة ‪     -2‬تعدل المادة ‪ /2/‬من المرسوم التشريعي رقم ‪ /42/‬تاريخ ‪ 24/3/2001‬بحيث تصبح كما يلي ‪:‬‬
‫‪                ‬ينزل من الدخل الصافي حد أدنى معفى من الضريبة قدره (‪ )15.000‬ل‪.‬س في الشهر ‪.‬‬

‫‪UNRWA / Engaging Youth - HRM‬‬ ‫‪20‬‬

‫‪ Social Security:‬‬

‫االشتراكات المترتبة على صاحب العمل والعامل‬

‫والواجب تأديتها للمؤسسة‬
‫‪ .‬أ ــ اشتراك العامل بتأمين الشيخوخة والعجز والوفاة بنسبة ‪ %7‬من أجره الشهري‬
‫ب ــ اشتراك صاحب العمل بنسبة ‪ %14‬من أجور العاملين لديه بتأمين الشيخوخة والعجز والوفاة‬
‫‪ .‬جـ ــ اشتراك صاحب العمل بتأمين إصابات العمل بنسبة ‪ %3‬من أجور العمال‬
‫‪ .‬د ــ دفع الرسم الشهري والبالغ واحد باأللف‬

‫‪UNRWA / Engaging Youth - HRM‬‬ ‫‪21‬‬

 Law:

UNRWA / Engaging Youth - HRM 22

 Yearly Increments:

1. Fix amount.

2. Percentage.

3. Fix amount & Percentage.

4. Salary Scale .

5. Law (Min 9% per two years).

6. COLA. (Cost of Living Adjustment)

7. Per Performance Appraisal.

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UNRWA / Engaging Youth - HRM 24
 Benefits:

1. Health Insurance.

2. Life Insurance.

3. Mobile phone.

4. Mobile Line.

5. Car

6. Fuel.

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 Benefits:

7. Parking.

8. Transportation.

9. Office, Stationary


11.3G Internet


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 Recognition:
Description Authority
Verbal Recognition Direct Line of Authority
Requesting New Stationary for the employee
Written informal recognition email with team
members copied Department Manager
(an email should be
sent to HR Dept for info
"Thank You Card" & "GlobeMed Team and records)
Member Card"

Invitation for a movie "with or without his Department Manager

family" & HR Manager

UNRWA / Engaging Youth - HRM 27

 Recognition:
Description Authority
Invitation for a 3 days vacation "with or
without his family" in a reputed Hotel on
company expense. Department Manager
& HR Manager
One day off to be added to his annual leave
Thank you Letter from the company without a
financial prize Department Manager,
HR Manager & General
Thank you Letter from the company with a Manager
financial prize
Chairman Award Chairman

UNRWA / Engaging Youth - HRM 28

End of Day /2/
Thank You

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End the Unit of
Compensation & Benefits

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