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Problems that arise in the

installation of Primavera P6
Version 8.0
Unable to connect to the database

• Reason :
When using a standalone copy of Primavera P6 Professional, the typical
installation options loaded a copy of Oracle’s free Oracle Express (XE)
database on your system. Periodically you may go to login to Primavera
P6 and get this message. This happens because the Oracle XE database
service has failed and thus P6 cannot connect to it. The cause of XE
failures is varied, but the PC coming out of hibernation is one common
item that we encountered.
• Solution :
Go to your Windows Start button and choose All Programs | Oracle
Database 10g Express Edition | Start Database.
Once the little Command window reports that the “OracleServiceXE service was
started successfully”, you can go ahead and login to Primavera P6 in the usual way.
If that didn’t work for you, simply restart your entire machine and give the Oracle
XE database service a few minutes to start up. It is rarely the case that the P6
configuration file has lost the connection information, so DO NOT click Yes to the
“configure the database connection now?” prompt.
Appendix Ooops
If you did click on the Yes button to reconfigure your connection, in all
likelihood you are now unable to connect because you whacked your
original settings.
The following settings may help you restore your configuration:
Database alias: whatever you want to call it
Driver Type: Oracle
Oracle Connection String: XE
In the Enter Public Login Information dialog:
User Name: pubprm$pm
Password: whatever admin password you were using before to login
to P6.
User Name and Password details:
Note: the above comment about the database public user name and password are true only
for later versions of Primavera P6 such as R8.0 or later. When you installed Primavera P6
Professional R8.0 or later standalone, you were prompted to create this password during
installation. This one password gets used for all the public, privileged and admin users in the
system as well as the P6 Administrator’s default password.
1. Install P6 as a standalone.
2. Do not install sample Projects.
After installing reboot your PC. Try to login with User- admin Password- admin.
Then you will get message “Server not configured”
Now Start Here-
1. Click the tab beside database PMDB
2. You will see “Edit Database Connections”
3. Click Configure
4. Check Database alias= PMDB
5. Select Driver type = Microsoft SQL Server/SQL Express
6. Click Next and you will at Configure SQL Server Connection
7. Now here you should enter following –
Host Name = your computer name-PC\PRIMAVERA
(if you open My Computer you will find your computer name at bottomleft corner or open Device
Manager your computer name will be at the top)
Database Name = pmdb$primavera
8. Go to next screen and Do not change anything!! , click Next to Validate database connection
9. Go ahed by clicking Next, Check Connection Successful!! Dialog & Finish
Follow the same procedure for Methodology Management Database
Host Name will be the same
Database will be MMDB
Database name will be mmdb$primavera
You will need to use the SQL Server Management Studio in order to get this to
work. When you log into the SQL Manager, You select the P6 database. Right click
and select: “New Query”.
In the right pane you will need to paste the following script:
Exec sp_change_users_login ‘Update_one’,’PUBUSER’,’PUBUSER’
Exec sp_change_users_login ‘Update_one’,’PRIVUSER’,’PRIVUSER’
and select “Execute” from the menu. The connection to the priv- and pubuser is
Now you will no longer receive the “Bad Public user name & password” error.

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