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Management Policy I
Session 4
Today·s Agenda and
Learning Objectives
° x apters 4 & 5
° Learning objectives
° Understanding w at are in man capital and
social capital and ow t ey come abot
° How to manage t ese kinds of capitals
° Knowledge-based view of t e firm
° Bsiness strategy
° How bsiness strategy leads to good performance
0 an Capital
° º at is man capital?

° º at are in man capital?

º ere does an capital
coe fro

ree activities
° Attracting talented employees
° Developing employees· talent
° Retaining employees· talent
|ocial Capital
° º at is social capital?

° º at are in social capital?

° º ere does social capital come from?

anaging 0 an and |ocial
° Implications derived man and social

° Having t ese kinds of capital does not

sfficiently lead to better performance

e key is ë 
C apter 5
wo major types of strategy
° Bsiness-level strategy

° xorporate-level strategy
£ siness-level |trategy: PCV
° P ² Price
° x ² xost
° V ² Vale

° In most cases, firms compete for profit

margin (i.e., P-x
£ siness-level |trategy: PCV
° P ² Price
° x ² xost
° V ² Vale

° In most cases, firms compete for profit

margin (i.e., P-x
Overall Cost Leaders ip
° àocses on gaining
advantages by redcing its
transaction costs below t e
costs of competitors

° xost leaders ip is not eqal

to price leaders ip


|o rces of cost advantage
° conomies of scale
° Learning-crve

e following activities are examples of ow to ac ieve
cost savings
° Aggressive constr ction of efficient-scale facilities
° Vigoro s p rs it of cost red ctions fro experience
° Tig t cost and over ead control
° Avoidance of arginal c stoer acco nts
° Cost iniization in all activities in t e fir·s val e c ain, s c
as R&D, service, sales force, and advertising

° Differential low-cost access to factors of prodction

° How does overall cost leaders ip
improve a firm·s position in t e

° xan overall cost leaders ip be easily

imitated? How so?
Prod ct Differentiation
° xreated t e perceived
vale of prodcts or
services better t an ï 



t at of competitors
e created vale
needs to at least
provide yo (as a firm
temporal competitive
° How does prodct differentiation
improves a firm·s position in an

° àor prodct differentiation to be

sstainable, w at does a firm need to


º c

° x apter 6

° xase

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