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Literature Corner 3 (Unit 10)

non-fiction (n) งานเขียนทีไ่ ด ้จากเรือ่ งจริง, สารคดี [books, articles or
texts about real facts, people and events]
work (n) ผลงาน, ชน ิ้ งาน เชน
่ รูปภาพ หนังสอ ื [something
created as a result of effort, especially a painting,
book or piece of music]
trade (n) การค ้า [the activity of buying and selling or of
exchanging goods or services between people or
politics (n) การเมือง [the activities involved in getting and using
power in public life, and being able to influence
decisions that affect a country or a society]
memoir (n) บันทึกชวี ต
ิ ประจำวัน, บันทึกชวี ต ิ และประสบการณ์ของ
คนๆ หนึง่ [an account written by somebody,
especially somebody famous, about their life and
castaway (n) คนทีร่ อดชวี ติ มาได ้จากเรือแตก [a person
whose ship has sunk (= who has been
shipwrecked ) and who has had to swim to
a lonely place, usually an island]
shipwreck (n) การอับปางของเรือ [an accident in which a ship
is destroyed or sunk at sea, especially by
hitting rocks, or a ship which has been
destroyed or sunk in such an accident]
desert island (n) เกาะร ้าง [a small tropical island that is far away
from other places and has no people living on
rescue (v) ชว่ ยชวี ต
ิ [to help someone or something out
of a dangerous, harmful or unpleasant
Answer Key (Ex.1a)
Answer Key (Ex.1b)
Answer Key (Ex.2a)
Answer Key (Ex.2b)
Answer Key (Ex.3)

1 Crusoe built a cave to live in. I

2 The tremor made the cave crash down. I

3 Crusoe’s belongings were destroyed. I

4 Crusoe stood near the wall during the earthquake.C
5 There was a terrible storm.C
6 Crusoe started to repair the cave. I
Words in bold (Ex.3)

pitch (v) กาง (เต็นท์), ตัง้ (ค่าย) [to set up a tent or a

camp for a short time]
bury (v) ตกลงมาใส ่ จนทำให ้บาดเจ็บ, ฝั ง, กลบ [to fall
on top of someone or something, usually harming or
destroying them]
alive (adj) มีชวี ต
ิ อยู่ [having life; not dead]
shook (v) (past tense of shake) สน ั่ สะเทือน, เขย่า [to move
or make somebody/something move with short
quick movements from side to side or up and down]
tremor (n) การสน ั่ ไหว [a small earthquake in which the
ground shakes slightly]
shore (n) ชายฝั่ ง [the land along the edge of the sea or
ocean, a lake or another large area of water]
belongings (n) ทรัพย์สมบัต ิ [the things that you own which can
be moved, for example not land or buildings]
ึ ผิดหวังและสูญเสย
sb’s heart sinks (idm) รู ้สก ี ความหวัง [used to say
that somebody suddenly feels sad or depressed
about something]
collapse (v) พังทลาย [to fall down or fall in suddenly, often
after breaking apart]
gather (v) รวมตัวกัน, จับกลุม่ กัน [to gradually increase in
number or amount]
hurricane (n) พายุเฮอริเคน [a violent storm with very strong
winds, especially in the western Atlantic Ocean]
storm (n) พายุ [very bad weather with strong winds and
rain, and often thunder and lightning]
shelter (v) หลบจาก [to stay in a place that protects you
from the weather]
be surrounded by (v) ล ้อมรอบ [to be all around someone or
something on every side]
Answer Key (Ex.4a)
Answer Key (Ex.4b)
Answer Key (Ex.5)

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