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• Market Analysis
• Demand
• Supply
• Demand and Supply Analysis
• Target Market
• Product Marketability
• Price Study
• Marketing Strategies
• Keys in Success
Marketing Aspects – This chapter seeks to determine the
opportunities and threats, the Target Market, the total
Demand and Supply of the product, The Price Study, The
Competition, Marketing Strategies and the Keys in Success
of this project.
Market Analysis
• Describing the current state of the Industry your
enterprise belongs to and where it is headed. Customer
segments describing the current state of your potential
customers and its future state.
Demand Analysis
• Involves the estimation of market demand for the outputs
of the proposed project. It involves the identification,
analysis and projecting of demand. Demand analysis via
internet or using RRL to back up your claims and by
conducting a survey.
Demand Analysis: Sampling Size
Trying to find out what sample of population of 1,000
people you need to take for a survey on their soda
• N = n / (1+Ne2)
n = population
e = Confidence level at 0.5 or 5%

• 1000 / (1+1000*0.052)
• = 285.7 or 286

• We need at least 286 Respondents

Demand Analysis: Frequency of Demand
(Percentage Formula)
• p = f/n*100
• p = Percentage (%)
• f = Frequency
• n = Number of respondents

For Example out of 285 respondents 250 responded a

positive feedback on your product.

• 250/285*100 = 87.7 or 88% is the frequency of demand

for your product
Supply Analysis
• Construct table that show pertinent information about the
competitors of the enterprise identified by the proponents
of the study conduct a SWOT analysis of the competitors
and summarize the competitor’s profile in a table. Each
table must have a narrative explanation.
Supply Analysis: Competitors Profile
Table no. 1 Kenjie Garden Profile

Enterprise Name or Goods or Products Location

Brand Name offered

Discussion ………
Supply Analysis: SWOT ANALYSIS
Table no. 2 Kenjie Garden SWOT Analysis
Strengths Weaknesses
 D  D
 D  D
 D  D
     

Opportunities Threats
 A  A
 A  A
 A  A
 A  A

Discussion ………
• In here you will discuss your analysis base on the datas
gathered during the crafting of demand analysis and
supply analysis.
Target Market
• Discuss the specific group of individuals that the company
chooses to serve. It can be primary and secondary target
Product Marketability
Discuss the Marketability of your product and the following
concerns must be answered
• What problem does your business trying to solve and
what needs do your business address?

• How do you offer something unique/different that satisfies

the demands/needs/wants of your target customer
segments (e.g. price, quality, design, status, etc)?

• How would your product/service be different from others

that will attract your target customer segment/market?
Price Study
• Discuss the process, expenses and other relevant factors
that is relevant in coming up with your product’s price.
Marketing Strategies
Discuss the following
• Distribution Strategy,
• Promotional Strategy and
• Customer Relationship Strategy
Keys in Success
The most important determining factors needed to achieve
or accomplish success.

• Low mortality rate

• Increasing demand overtime
• Customer Satisfaction that would result to customer
• Etc.
Module 2 Assessment
• Come up with Questionnaire for your product.
• The questions must be relevant to where are you going to
utilize the gathered data which is in the Demand Analysis.
• Minimum of 3 and maximum of 5 questions excluding the
Demographic data of the respondents

Output Presentation next meeting!

BSAB 4B (September 6, 2021)
BSAB 4A (September 7, 2021)

After the presentation if approved conduct the survey as soon as possible!

Module 2 Assessment
Prepare a write up for the following components in the
Marketing Aspect: (Deadline September 17, 2021)
• Market Analysis
• Demand
• Supply
• Demand and Supply Analysis
• Target Market
• Product Marketability
• Price Study
• Marketing Strategies
• Keys in Success
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