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2 Module 5 :
3 Analyzing Messages Conveyed in a

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express gratitude,
covey unpleasant
motivation, or
information such as
encouragement. They also
negation, disappointment,
provide greetings,
anger, or disagreement.
agreement, and
congratulatory remarks.

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Signal Words and Expressions Commonly Used
to Express Positive Messages

Signal Words and When to Use Sample Sentences


Thank you. When 1. You worked so hard as a

I appreciate the effort. expressing frontliner. You are such a blessing!
I value and respect your gratitude 2. I appreciate the efforts of all the
opinion. frontliners.
A million thanks!
You are such a blessing.

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Signal Words and Expressions Commonly Used
to Express Positive Messages

Signal Words and When to Use Sample Sentences


Thumbs up! When giving 1. Very good! You have set a

Very good! motivation/ good example to others.
You can do it! encouragement 2. Great! You finally achieved
Great! Wow! your goal.
Good job!
Go on!

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Signal Words and Expressions Commonly Used
to Express Positive Messages

Signal Words and When to Use Sample Sentences


Absolutely right I When expressing 1. You are absolutely right. You

agree. agreement made a wise decision.
Sure! 2. I agree. The points that you have
Yes! made sound good.
You are right!

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Signal Words and Expressions Commonly Used
to Express Positive Messages

Signal Words and When to Use Sample Sentences


Hi! / Hello! When giving 1. You have proven yourself in the field
Good morning/evening greetings/ of medicine. Godspeed!
Godspeed. well- wishes
Nice to see you! 2.We welcome all visitors here.
Welcome Nice to see you.

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Signal Words and Expressions Commonly Used
to Express Positive Messages

Signal Words and When to Use Sample Sentences


Best wishes When giving 1.You made it to the honor list.

Bravo! congratulatory Congratulations, young man!
Congratulations! You remarks
did it! 2.Bravo! You have done an excellent
Well- done!” job.

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Signal Words and Expressions Commonly Used
to Express Positive Messages
o What are the signal words and expressions used when conveying
o When giving motivation or encouragement?
o When expressing agreement?
o When greeting and well-wishing?
o When giving congratulatory remarks?
o How do you feel receiving and responding to positive messages?
The words and expressions found in the table above convey positive messages.

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Signal Words and Expressions Commonly Used
to Express Positive Messages

Signal Words and When to Use Sample Sentences


Neither ,Never , When expressing 1.None of these bad incidents could

No one, Nobody negative expression have happened if children had listened
None ,nor or negation to their parents.
Nothing, Nowhere
No way! 2.Online class is not possible
Not at all for all students.
Not possible

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Signal Words and Expressions Commonly Used
to Express Positive Messages

Signal Words and When to Use Sample Sentences


Feel bitter When expressing 1.Sad to note, the parents allow the boy
Disillusioned disappointment to work for the family.
Dismayed Disgruntled
Sad to note 2.It is natural for people to feel bitter
when things do not go their way.

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Signal Words and Expressions Commonly Used
to Express Positive Messages

Signal Words and When to Use Sample Sentences


I disagree When expressing 1.I disagree when people insist to go

I don’t think so anger or out even during curfew hours.
I doubt disagreement 2.I doubt the effectiveness of the
That’s impossible. No vaccine.

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Signal Words and Expressions Commonly Used
to Express Positive Messages

o What are the signal words and expressions used when conveying
o When expressing disappointment?
o When expressing anger or disagreement?

The above expressions convey negative messages

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2 Module 5 :
3 Analyzing Messages Conveyed in a
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Activity 2. Plus and Minus
1 Read and analyze the statements whether they follow or not the health and safety measures during the
Directions: Write plus sign (+) to indicate that the statement is positive for it follows health and safety
2 measures and write minus sign (-) to indicate that the statement is negative for not following. Write
your answer on the separate sheet.
3 1. People should stay at home. 7. Social distancing should be practiced
2. Washing of hands is optional. only in the house.
4 3. Curfew hours must be followed. 8. Senior citizens and 21 years old below
4. Wearing of face mask is a must. are allowed to go out.
5 5. Non-essential travels are allowed.
6. Purchase of basic goods is not regulated.

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Browser Directions: Read the following questions carefully and choose the correct letter of your choice.
Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
1. When they arrived home, they had found out that the man was no longer there. What phrase in the
2 signals a negative message?
A. arrived home B. no longer C. the man D. when they
2. For someone infected by COVID-19, it is impossible for him/her not to worry. What word in the
3 statement signals
a negative message?
A. for B. him/her C. impossible D. someone
3. She said, “Yes, I will,” when she was asked to clean her room. What phrase in the statement
expresses a
5 positive message?
A. her room B. She said C. to clean D. Yes, I will

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4. Most people agree on the terms and conditions expressed by the court. What word in the statement
1 signals a
positive message?
A. Agree B. court C. people D. terms
5. Her heart was filled with joy when she heard the good news. What word in the statement expresses
a positive
3 message?
A. good B. heart C. when D. with
6. Which of the following statements expresses a negative message?
4 A. My elder sister visits me often. Yes, she is here almost every day.
B. Although my aunt lives abroad, she sometimes calls us to say hello.
C. Susan has been looking for her best friend Ana but she could not find her.
D. My grandmother is expecting a lot of visitors. I am sure they will arrive later.

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7. All the statements below express a negative message EXCEPT one. Which one is a positive
A. It is not true that COVID-19 pandemic will disappear by itself.
B. Although COVID-19 may seem uncontrollable, it will soon end.
2 C. I believe that COVID-19 pandemic will never disappear by itself.
D. Some hardly obey health protocol, despite the constant reminders by the authorities.
8. Which is NOT a negative statement?
3 A. The headline of today’s newspaper states: ‘Thank you, frontliners!’
B. I strongly disagree with people going out around the city during curfew hours.
4 C. I never believe that all people follow the protocols imposed by the government.
D. I am not happy seeing people still strolling around the mall without a face mask.

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9. Which of the following statements expresses a positive message?
The party will start later. _____________________________.
A. I am not sure if they can come.
B. Maybe some of them will come.
2 C. Some of them are too busy to come.
D. It is good to hear that they can come.
10. Which of the following statements expresses a negative message?
3 A. My mother said, “I love all my children,” and I am sure about it.
B. The man said, “She is beautiful inside and out, “and I agreed with him.
4 C. Miss Reyes said, “You should believe that you can do it,” and she was absolutely correct!
D. My friend said, “None of these things would have happened, had you obeyed your parents,” and I
believed him.

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For item 11
COVID-19 pandemic affected the lives of many Filipinos and the Philippine economy. The resiliency
and spirit of bayanihan among Filipinos helped them overcome these challenges.
11. What general feeling is conveyed in the text?
2 A. Negative B. Neutral C. Positive D. Unsure
For items 12 to 13, read the short poem (haiku) below. Then, answer the questions that follow.
In isolation
3 think of your passion in life
Go, go, ambition
4 12. The persona in the haiku emphasizes the importance of pursuing one’s _________ in life.
A. Ambition B. passion C. solution D. tension
13. Which statement is the best message of the poem?
5 A. It expresses love. C. It expresses contentment.
B. It expresses hope. D. It expresses discouragement..

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13. Which statement is the best message of the poem?
A. It expresses love. C. It expresses contentment.
B. It expresses hope. D. It expresses discouragement..
For items 14 to15, read the story below. Then answer the questions that follow.
2 Because of an accident, Tita could not move her arms and legs. Then, one day, she became one of the
lucky learners who would learn to operate a special computer by speaking to it. Tita felt nervous when
she saw her new teacher coming toward the computer laboratory. But, she really wanted to learn how
3 to use this computer. When she saw how thick the instruction book was, Tita felt slightly discouraged.
There would be so much to learn! Then she listened carefully to Miss Duran. She watched every step
4 shown to her. Tita studied the pictures in the book and asked a lot of questions. Finally, Tita figured
out all the steps all by herself. She felt proud when the computer responded to her voice. “Very good!”
Miss Duran exclaimed with a smile. “You’ve done it, Tita!”

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14. Which statement expresses a positive message about the text?
A. She did not listen nor study the pictures in the book and cared not to ask questions.
B. Tita was eager to learn but felt discouraged when she saw how thick the book was.
C. She was nervous when she saw her new teacher walking towards the computer laboratory.
2 D. Tita felt proud when she learned the steps on how to operate the computer all by herself.
15. Which statement expresses a negative message about the text?
A. She listened to Miss Duran and asked a lot of questions.
3 B. Tita figured out the steps to operate a computer all by herself.
C. She could not move both her arms and legs after the accident.
4 D. She was one of the lucky learners to learn a special computer

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