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Module -3
Module -3
Artificial Intelligence
Concept of AI, meaning of AI, History of AI,
Levels of AI, Types of AI, Applications of AI in
Agriculture, Health, Business (Emerging market),
Education, AI tools and platforms (eg:
scratch/object tracking).
Concept of AI
• Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of a
computer or a robot controlled by a computer
to do tasks that are usually done by humans
because they require human intelligence and
• Artificial intelligence powers computers and
machines to mimic the problem-solving and
decision-making capabilities of the human
How AI works?
• In general, AI systems work by analysing large
amounts of labeled training data, analyzing
the data for correlations and patterns, and
using these patterns to make predictions
about future states.
AI programming focuses on three cognitive skills

• Learning processes.
• Reasoning processes.
• Self-correction processes.
History of AI
• The birth of artificial intelligence 1952–1956
Cybernetics and early neural networks

The earliest research into thinking

machines was inspired by a
confluence of ideas that became
prevalent in the late 1930s, 1940s,
and early 1950s
Turing's test (1950)
• The Turing test, originally called the imitation
game by Alan Turing in 1950, is a test of a
machine's ability to exhibit intelligent
behavior equivalent to human
Game AI (1951)

• The term "game AI" is used to refer to a broad

set of algorithms that also include techniques
from control theory, robotics, computer
graphics and computer science in general, and
so video game 
Levels of AI
Levels of AI
• Level 0: Fully manual vehicle
• Level 0 accounts for the majority of vehicles
on the road today, with all aspects of driving
being fully human and manually controlled.
Levels of AI
• Level 1: One single automated aspect
• Level 1 is the lowest level of automation.
Hardly being described as driverless, the
vehicle has a single aspect of automation that
assists the driver with assistance
• Examples of this include steering, speed, or
braking control, but never more than one of
Levels of AI
• Level 2: Automated steering and acceleration
• level 2 is where the vehicle is able to control both the
steering and acceleration/ deceleration capabilities.
Although this allows the vehicle to automate certain
parts of the driving experience, the driver remains in
complete control of the vehicle at all times.
• Examples of level 2 include helping vehicles to stay in
lanes and self-parking features, with more than one
ADAS aspect.
• *ADAS – Automated Driver Assistance Sytsem
Levels of AI
• Level 3: Environment detection
• Able to detect the environment around them, level 3
vehicles contain the lowest-tier system that is classified
as an automated driving system as opposed to a
manual system.
• With this more advanced technology, level 3 vehicles
can make informed decisions for themselves such as
overtaking slower moving vehicles.
• However, unlike the higher rated autonomous vehicles,
human override is required when the machine is
unable to execute the task at hand or the system fails.
Levels of AI
• Level 4: No human interaction required
• The key difference between level 3 and level 4
automation is that level 4 vehicles are able to
intervene themselves if things go wrong or
there is a system failure. In this sense, these
cars are left completely to their own devices
without any human intervention in the vast
majority of situations, although the option to
manually override does remain in difficult or
preferable circumstances.
Levels of AI
• Level 5: Human driving is completely
• Similarly, level 5 vehicles do not require
human attention. However, the key difference
is the quality, with level 5 vehicles providing a
much more responsive and refined service,
comparable to that of adaptive and situational
manual human driving.
Types of AI
• Weak AI or Narrow AI
– Narrow AI is a type of AI which is able to perform
a dedicated task with intelligence.
– The most common and currently available AI is
Narrow AI in the world of Artificial Intelligence.
– Some Examples of Narrow AI are playing chess,
purchasing suggestions on e-commerce site, self-
driving cars, speech recognition, and image
Types of AI
• General AI:
• General AI is a type of intelligence which could perform
any intellectual task with efficiency like a human.
• Currently, there is no such system exist which could
come under general AI and can perform any task as
perfect as a human.
Types of AI
• Super AI:
– Super AI is a level of Intelligence of Systems at which
machines could surpass human intelligence, and can perform
any task better than human with cognitive properties. It is an
outcome of general AI.
– Super AI is still a hypothetical concept of Artificial Intelligence.
Development of such systems in real is still world changing
Applications of AI in Agriculture
• Agriculture robot
• Crop and soil monitoring
• Predictive analytics
Applications of AI in Health
• CT and MRI Scan
• Surgical robots
• Buoy Health –AI based diagnose checker
Applications of Business
(Emerging market)
• Chatboats
• AI in E-commerce
• Workplace communication
• HR Management
• AI in logistic and supply chain
• Streamlined manufacturing with AI
• Retail and AI
Applications of AI in Education
• AI enabled grasping power analysis
• AI enabled educational apps
• Personalized learning with AI
• Voice Assistance
• Smart open content
• Feedback and scoring system
• Smart test
• Smart Scheduler
AI tools & AI platforms
• Scikit-learn
• Tensorflow
• Theano
• Caffe
• MxNet
• Keras
• PyTorch
• AutoML
• Open NN
• H20
• Google ML Kit

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