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Active –Passive Voice


Tenses (passive Verb)
Continuous Perfect
Is/am/are Has/have
Present Is/am/are
being been

Was/were Had
Past being been

Will/shall Have
Future NA
be + V-III been
Pronoun Cases
Subjective Case Possessive Case Objective Case

I my/mine me

He his him

They their them

Change of Voice
H-V V-3rd Form

Continuous being-V-3rd Form

Perfect been-V-3rd Form

Change of Voice

I eat meal. AV

Meal is eaten by me. PV
Change of Voice
to/by Who?
It is certified.

The room has been whitewashed.

Change of Voice
Tenses as it is
Interrogative S as it is
W/H Family as it is
Who? By whom?
Change the Voice
A mason is building a wall.

A wall is being built by a mason.

Change the Voice

Mr. Imran wished to succeed Mr. Nawaz.

Mr. Nawaz was wished to be succeeded by Mr. Imran.

It was wished by Mr. Imran to succeed Mr. Nawaz.

Change the Voice They
Budget was being discussed.

The discussion on budget was going on.

They were discussing budget.

Change the Voice They
Bandits were encountered briefly but fiercely.

Police/They encountered bandits Briefly but fiercely.

Change of Voice Retained Object
They asked me my name.

I was asked my name by them.

My name was asked by them.

Chang of Voice By whom?
Who taught you English?
You were taught English by whom?
English was taught to you by whom?
By whom were you taught English?
By whom was English taught to you?
Change of Voice
Why did your brother send such a memo?

Why was such a memo sent by your brother?

Change of Voice Imperative S
Let-----be-----3rd Form
Sit down.
Let it be sit down.
Don’t make noise.
Let not a noise be made.
Let a noise not be made.
Blended Sentences
He was arrested on a charge of theft but for lack of
evidence he was released.

Police arrested him on a charge of theft but for lack of

evidence they released him.
Blended Sentences
I appreciate your efforts and hope that you will continue in
the same fashion.

Your efforts are appreciated by me and it is hoped that

the same fashion will be continued by you/You will be
continued in the same fashion.
Change the Voice
An accelerated car violated the traffic signal and it crashed
into a van and killed two men.

The traffic signal was violated by an accelerated car and it

was crashed into a van (and a van was crashed by it ) and
two men were killed.
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