Unit 2 - Task 4 - Speaking Task Ingles III

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Unit 2 - Task 4 - Speaking Task

Ingles III 

Presentado Por:

Ximena Roldan Cruz Cód. 38.560.601 

Presentado a:

Yohana María Amante Negrete 

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD

Administración de Empresas

Cead Palmira.2021
• The company I chose is
ECOPETROL is a Colombian oil
company, which helps a lot to the
economy of our country, but also
causes great problems and
environmental damage which is
caused by the extraction of oil and
all that it entails to do this.
process, such as the inadequate
handling of chemical residues.
two thousand twenty

Ecopetrol have presented more than 27(twenty

seven) oil spills since 2020 (two thousand twenty)
causing irreparable damage to our ecosystem, to
the health of all beings that inhabit it, as this will
be reflected in scarcity, soil degradation, hunger,
climate changes, endangered species extinction,
increased hunger and death among others.
One of the most shocking events was the city of Barrancabermeja, due to an oil spill in well 158 (one hundre fifty-eight)of
the La Lisama field, located in the La Fortunacerca district, (Santander), in March 2018( two thousand eighteen) And for
this reason she was fined $ 5,155(five and one hundred fifty-five thousandths) million for the environmental tragedy, a
fine imposed by the National Environmental Licensing Authority (Anla) The environmental entity considered that the oil
company made errors in the operation, which caused the spill of 550 ( five hundred fifty )barrels of oil, gas and mud in 49(
forty-nine) water bodies of Santander. In total, 24( twenty four) kilometers of the La Lizama and Caño Muerto streams, as
well as the Sogamoso River, were contaminated. It is important to implement technological aids that help with the
extraction of oil without causing so much damage to the environment, and also to help control and minimize possible
spills, these actions will help to minimize the negative impact that is being generated for the environment, achieving a
better, greener, more alive planet.
Semana (noviembre 2021) Recuperado de :

Sandra M Giraldo ( sep 2020 )Recuperado de :
Jose David Name , La Republica ( dic 2020) Recuperado de : https://www.larepublica.co/analisis/jose-david-name-

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