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19th century

Philippines in
Rizal’s context
19th Century

- 19th century was the era of challenges and responses

- It is the period of major changes that affect man & society

- Age of enlightenment
19th Century

● Birth of Modern Life

● Birth of many Nation-States around the Globe

● Period of massive changes in Europe, Spain &


● Rizal context are divided into 3 aspects :

Political, Social and Ecomonic.
19th Century

Political System and the Sources of Abuses in the Administrative


The Spaniards ruled the Filipinos in the 19th century. The Filipinos
became the Spaniard’s slave. The Spaniards claimed their taxes and
they worked under the power of the Spaniards.

Includes a wide range of political philosophies that consider individual

rights and equality of opportunity. Liberals normally believe that
government is necessary to protect individuals from being abused and
also aware government itself can pose a threat to liberty. Repercussion of
the French Revolution (1789-1799) Spain experienced a stormy &
political disturbances which included numerous changes in parliaments
& constitutions.
Seeing Rizal Life in His
One unique feature of Rizal nonetheless, is that he did
not only know the valuable information about his society
but also has a quality of mind that helped him use the
information in a way that he could think about what was
going on in the world and what might be happening
within himself.

"Sociological Imagination" Rizal can grasp history in the

context of realities he faced and the connection between
the two. He knew his place understood the societal forces
& respond in ways that beneficial to others.
The Social Background

Education in 19th Century.

- European System of Education. Schools were

established & run by Catholic Missionaries.
Philippine Educational System during
Spanish Time
1855- The year Spain realized the need of establishing a system of public
education for the indios.
-This was also the year that Gov. Gen Crespo organized a
Commission and recommended remedial measures to improve elementary

1861- The Commission completed its report and forwarded it to Spain.

1863- The year that the Educational Decree of 1863 was issued.
Provisions of Educational
Decree of 1863
1. Establishments of teacher training school.
2. Government supervises the public school system.
3. Use of Spanish as medium of instruction in all schools
4. Establishments of one primary schools for boys and for girls in
each of major town.
● Related to the different groups of
people in society and their habits,
traditions, beliefs.
Social Structure

The Filipinos in the 19th century had suffered

from feudalistic and master slave relationship
by the Spaniards. Their social structure is
ranked into three groups:

1. Highest class
2. Middle Class
3. Lowest Class
Higher Class
The people that belong in this class include the
Spaniards Officials, Peninsulares and the Friars.
They have the power and authority to rule over the
Filipinos. They enjoyed their positions and do what
they want.
Middle Class

These are the people that belongs

into this class
includes the Natives, and the
Lower Class

This class
includes the
Filipinos only.
Historical Element :

A. The Galleon Trade (1565)

B. The Opening of Suez Canal (1869)
C. The Rise of Export of the Crop Economy (1820)
Galleon Trade
ended with
Mexico's war of
-It is trade happen between Mexico and Philippines.

-Started when Andres de Urdaneta in convoy under

Miguel Lopez de Legaspi discovered the route.

-It was called Galleon trade because it is the name of

the ship that was used in trading.
- This trade was ended because of Mexico's war of
The Suez Canal is an
artificial waterway that
cuts across the Isthmus
of Suez in Egypt to
connect the
Mediterranean Sea and
the Red Sea. It enables a
more direct route for
shipping between
Europe and Asia.
Following the Six Day War and Israel's annexation of the Sinai Peninsula ten
years later, Egypt closed the canal once more. The Suez Canal, which divides
the Sinai from the rest of Egypt, served as a front line between Egyptian and
Israeli forces for the following eight years. After discussions with Israel,
Egyptian President Anwar el-Sadat reopened the Suez Canal as a symbol of
peace in 1975.
One of the significant events in
the 19th Century that
contributed to the formation
and the rest of the
propagandists’ consciousness
were the Opening of the Suez
This was instrumental to the
political awakening of Jose
Rizal because he was able to
expand his perspective
therefore shaping his
nationalist sensibilities.
The Rise of Export of the
Crop Economy (1820)
The Rise of the Export of Crop Economy

● The exploitation of the Philippines natural

resources and the progress of an export crop

● Hemp, Sugar and Tabacco


The Philippines in 19th Century as Rizal's Context - YouTube

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