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Sentry Error Tracking (Optional)

● Sentry is an error reporting tool for broadcasting error events happening real-time
in the user devices when they visit your page/app.
● Sentry’s Performance Monitoring software is used by development teams to trace
bugs and performance issues to poor-performing API calls, database queries and
other potential causes.
● Sentry's React Native SDK enables automatic reporting of errors and
exceptions, and identifies performance issues in your application. The React
Native SDK includes performance monitoring (@sentry/tracing package) by
● Furthermore research is needed on how to use this tool .

● Bitrise is a Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD) Platform as a Service (PaaS) with
a main focus on mobile app development .It is a collection of tools and services to help
you with the development and automation of your software projects.

● Productivity: On Bitrise, there is no need for dedicated engineers to install

dependencies, troubleshoot issues, maintain the CI or the hardware.
● Consistency: Makes it easy to manage and share across the mobile teams. Customer
secrets and all their sensitive information are stored in an encrypted database.
● Efficiency: Bitrise helps you eliminate redundancy and reduce risk by handling
everything on virtual machines — there is no need to manage user permissions
across multiple tools and platforms.

● Furthermore research on how to use this tool is required.

App Centre(Optional)

● App Center has everything you need to manage the lifecycle of your apps, including
automated builds, testing on real devices in the cloud, distribution to beta testers and
app stores, and monitoring of real-world usage through crash and analytics data.
● Furthermore research on how to use this tool is required .
Redux (Required)

● Redux is a state container for JavaScript apps.

● Redux helps you write applications that behave consistently, run in different environments
(client, server, and native), and are easy to test.
● Centralizing your application's state and logic enables powerful capabilities like undo/redo,
state persistence, and much more.
● The Redux DevTools make it easy to trace when, where, why, and how your application's state
● Redux works with any UI layer, and has a large ecosystem of addons to fit your needs.

● ESLint statically analyzes your code to quickly find problems. ESLint is built into most text
editors and you can run ESLint as part of your continuous integration pipeline.

● Jest is a JavaScript open-source framework mainly used for testing.

● Jest is majorly used to work with react-native based web applications and with react, and it
mostly focuses on simplicity while doing any unit testing.
● Unit testing is often not very useful when run on the front end of any software because it is
extensive and very time-consuming and raises complexity. But it can easily be removed
using the jest framework.
● Also, the jest framework helps the programmer validate everything developed by using
JavaScript, whether it is browser rendering of web applications or any mobile applications.
● Furthermore research on how to use this tool is required.
React Native Testing Library(Optional)

● The React Native Testing Library (RNTL) is a lightweight solution for testing React Native
components. It provides light utility functions on top of react-test-renderer, in a way that
encourages better testing practices.
● React Native Testing Library (RNTL) exposes API to query elements by texts, labels,
placeholder, role, etc., instead of querying by classes, ids. It mimics the user's interaction by
firing events instead of us updating the state manually. This way of writing tests closely
resembles how the user will interact and makes the whole testing process much more
● Furthermore research on how to use this tool is required.

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