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Irene B Calanoga
I. Brief Background of the Case
◦ Jollibee Food Corporation is a well-known Filipino fast-food retail chain
nationwide and globe wide. Expansion of the business is a challenge in making
decision because of various factors involved. In order to address the issue of
international and local strategy, the present strategy must be enhanced or
develop a new strategy.
II. Viewpoint
◦The CEO
III. Statement of the Problem (Key
Strategic Issue)
◦ What strategy to use in order to adopt transnational strategy that can
effectively reap the benefits of cost saving and local adaptation of the product?
IV. Objective of the Analysis
◦ To adopt transnational strategy that can effectively reap the benefits of cost
saving and local adaptation of the product
V. Factors Affecting the Organization
being Analyzed
- JFC is on an expansion trend
- Aggressive global expansion - Expansion in Papua New Guinea, Hong Kong and
- Established company
- Adapt localization
- Sustainable competitive Advantage


- No coordination and cooperation between the

international and domestic wing - Global Competition
- Lack of long term vision and overall integration - Evolving market
of the organization strategy.
VI. Alternative Course of Action
1. Research and Development
Conducting a research to know more about the culture and behavior of target market.

Ability to familiarize about country’s It may cause confusion to the company
culture and behavior also to target customers

Ability to know their preference with Product or company’s specialty may differ
regards to food, taste etc. in terms of taste and look

Extra cost
2. Innovation of Existing Product
Improving the quality of product offered in the market to suit the preferred taste of consumer.

Reduced cost Missed innovative strategy

Increase productivity Differ from the original product taste

Taste adjustment
3. Creating a new product
Launching a new product that is basically offered for a specific country and created for the
first time.

Localized product Evolving market

Increase sales Time consuming

Idea generation

Seizing an opportunity to attract customers

Decision Matrix
1. Research and 2 1 3 6
2. Innovation of 1 3 1 5
existing product
3, Creating a new 3 2 2 7

Where 3 – Most favorable

2 – favorable
1 – Least Favorable

Effectiveness: ability to solve the problem

Cost efficient: budget is within the capacity to implement
Time bound: duration before implementation
VII. Recommendation
◦ Based on the result of the decision matrix, I recommend ACA 3 creating a new product as the effective
strategy to adopt a transnational strategy that can effectively reap the benefits of cost saving and local
adaptation of the product.
◦ Based on the result of the decision matrix, I recommend ACA 1 research and development as the
effective strategy with regards to putting up a new store in a specific country.
◦ Based on the result of the decision matrix, I recommend ACA 2 innovation of existing product as the
effective strategy to improve the quality of a product that may lead to increase of sales.
VIII. Plan of Action in Implementing the
Recommended Alternative
1. Creating a recipe that is based on the Marketing and operation manager 2 weeks
taste preference of the country
2. Finalization of recipe and preparing Marketing and operation manager 1 week
for the presentation
3. Presentation of a new recipe of a Marketing, operational and financial 1 week
product and budget to the CEO, BOD manager
and Executive; comments and
suggestion for improvement (taste test
and budgeting)
4. Approval of a new product CEO 1 week
5. Product introduction by including in Marketing and operation manager 1 week
the menu of the store
6. Monitoring Marketing, Operation and Financial Continuous process
Gantt Chart Month 1 Month 2 Month 3
ACTION 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1. Creating a recipe that is based on the
taste preference of the country
2. Finalization of recipe and preparing
for the presentation
3. Presentation of a new recipe of a
product and budget to the CEO, BOD
and Executive; comments and
suggestion for improvement (taste test
and budgeting)
4. Approval of a new product
5. Product introduction by including in
the menu of the store
6. Monitoring
Thank you and God bless! 

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