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Group 1

Mark Solis Plagiarism Case

o In what competition did Solis send in his
plagiarized work?

 Mark Joseph Solis sent his plagiarized work in the

Smiles for the World photo contest conceptualized
by Chilean Ambassador Roberto Mayorga.
 He sent the similar photo the United Nations
International Year of Water Cooperation contest.
 He also entered 3 photos to a sustainable
development photo contest hosted by a European
Union company called Vinylplus.
 The office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace
Process, which also held a photo contest in 2011,
received a false entry.
o What sanctions did he receive from the
organizing committee? Describe this

 Mayorga said that they will conduct an

investigation into the matter. But he
warned that Solis' conduct may forfeit his
 The award got taken back and awarded to
someone deserving.
o Do you think technology and internet have made
plagiarism easier? Do you think technology has
made people more or less creative? Explain your
answer by citing examples.

 Yes, technology have made plagiarism

easier, as information has been accesible. It
made people less creative because they'd be
lazy to make their own. A good example
would be plagiarizing tweets, or posts
o According to the article, how did
Solis redeem himself? What job did
he have?

 Solis co-founded and managed a program.

He "genuinely" repented and redeemed
himself by working on a program with
children. It was a commitment to Mayorga
and the rest of the people behind the
Calidad Humana project.
o What project did he help?

 He co-founded and managed a football

program for street children at a makeshift
field inside Baclaran church compound in
Pasay City.
o What is there to learn about the life of Solis?
 According to the article, the moral of Solis'
situation is that even after a mistake, we could still
redeem in our society by repenting and helping
 But for us, as a group, the lesson is all plain and
simple — don't plagiarize. Solis did not just
commit a mistake, not even just two, and we don't
even know if he's that worthy to be forgiven
because such crimes should be intolerable, it's no
longer a mistake when you do it intentionally.
 Maybe he should because he told the truth, apologized,
do random acts of kindness to redeem himself, but now
that we've heard his story, we should learn that
mistakes shouldn't be done repeatedly.

 We should not commit a crime for the sake of our

desires and satisfaction of winning because it could not
only affect you, but also the people you represent, like
for example, University of the Phillipines, and to an
extent, the Filipino people.

 Maybe he didn't got sued, he didn't got stripped off his

degree, but there's no greater consequence than the
embarrassment, and being treated as a disgrace.
Sometimes, you can't regain everything back, especially
not when you've already lost the respect of many.
Group 1
Ray Anthony Carlos
Jennylyn Ramos
Zandra Dainielle Palad
Karen Mercado
Trixie Ayne Magsisi
Jewel Masa
Clarisse Sampang

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