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Social and Ethical Issues

In Selling and Negotiation

Presented by,
Group 5.
Group Members:
 Vanita Racharla -101
 Amit Ruparel -102
 Anshika Sahu -103
 Vijal Shah -104
 Fanendra Sharma -105
 Mandeep Sharma -106
 Shreya Shetty -107
 Trupthi Shetty -108
 Vamsha Shetty -109
 Shweta Nair -110
What is social issues?
 Social issues are matters which directly or indirectly
affect a person or many members of a society and
are considered to be problems, controversies related
to moral values, or both.
What is ethics?
 Ethics in selling and negotiation is the act of adhering to fair deal in the
transactions, voluntarily, the mentality of adhering to fair deal which is
not because of the fear of controlling authorities but arising out of the
interest of well being of humanity as a whole expectation on how Other
parties should behave with the Company, in the same manner, the
Company should behave with the Other parties in business dealings, is
What is Ethical Behavior ?
 Being Honest
 Maintaining Confidence & Trust
 Following the Rules
 Proper Conduct
 Treating Others Fairly
 Demonstrating Loyalty
 Doing your Share of the Work
 Responsibility with 100% Effort
International Ethical Issues
 Cultural Differences.
 Differences in Corporate Selling Policies.
 Different Religions
 Different Laws
 Different Customs
 Maintain YOUR Ethics
 Practice Golden Rule
 Learn & Respect Others
Management’s Social Responsibilities
 Survive - Make Profits
 Respect Employees
 Practice Ethical Behaviors
 Publish Company Vision & Goals
 Resolve Mutual Problems
 Promote Industry Ethical Standards
 Take a Stand on Social & Political Issues
Ethics in Dealing with Salespeople
 Level of Sales Pressure
 Decisions Affecting Territories
 Honesty with Compassion
 The ill Salesperson: alcohol, drugs, or severe illness
 Employee Rights
 Termination
 Privacy
 Sexual Harassment
Issues with customer.
 Dishonesty.
 Gifts, entertainment, bribes.
 Unfair treatment.
 Confidentiality leaks
Salespeople’s Ethics with Employers
 Misusing Company Assets
 Moonlighting
 Cheating
 Affecting Other Salespeople
 Commission Splits
 Territory Changes
 Competition vs Cooperation
 Sales Contests
Unethical Business Practices
 Collusion.
 Restraint of Trade.
 Reciprocity.
 Competitor Obstruction.
 Competitor Defamation
A Code of Sales Ethics
 Corporate Code of Ethics
 Individual Code of Ethics
Whistle blowing:
 A whistleblower is a person who raises a
concern about wrongdoing occurring in an
organization or body of people
Examples of ethical issues and society
 Involvement in the community
 Honesty, truthfulness and fairness in marketing
 Use of animals in product testing
 Agricultural practices e.g. intensive faming
 The degree of safety built into product design
 Donation to good causes
 The extent to which a business accepts its alleged responsibilities for
mishaps, spillages and
 leaks
 The selling of addictive products e.g. tobacco
 Involvement in the arms trade
 Trading with repressive regimes
Whistle blower:
 A whistleblower is a person who raises a concern
about wrongdoing occurring in an organization or
body of people. Usually this person would be from
that same organization. The revealed misconduct
may be classified in many ways; for example, a
violation of a law, rule, regulation and/or a direct
threat to public interest, such as fraud, health/safety
violations, and corruption. Whistleblowers may
make their allegations internally (for example, to
other people within the accused organization) or
externally (to regulators, law enforcement agencies,
to the media or to groups concerned with the issues).
Ethical code:
 An ethical code is adopted by an organization
in an attempt to assist those in the
organization called upon to make a decision
(usually most, if not all) understand the
difference between 'right' and 'wrong' and to
apply this understanding to their decision

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