T L o G: 2 Meeting Praktikum Komunikasi Bahasa Inggris

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2nd Meeting Praktikum Komunikasi Bahasa Inggris

Google Search I’m Feeling Lucky

by gbsining

Google Telephoning

Table of Content

Introduction Vocabulary
Key phrases

Business Communication
Leaving a message Quiz

Google Telephoning

Telephoning is an important part of doing business in English. Telephone conversations, especially business 

telephone conversations, follow certain patterns:
1. Someone answers the phone and asks if they can help.
2. The caller makes a request—either to be connected to someone or for information.
3. The caller is connected, given information or told that they are not in the office at the moment.
4. If the person who is requested is not in the office, the caller is asked to leave a message.
5. The caller leaves a message or asks other questions.
6. The phone call finishes.
Of course, all business telephone conversations do not follow this rigid scheme. But this is the basic outline for
most business telephone conversations, especially those made to request information or ask for clarification.

Beare, Kenneth. "Telephone Business Conversation Role-Play." ThoughtCo, Feb. 11, 2020, thoughtco.com/telephone-

Google Business Communication

Leaving a message
Sometimes, there may not be anyone to answer the telephone and you will need to
leave a message. Follow this outline to make sure that the person who should receive
your message has all the information he/she needs.
1. Introduction: Hello, this is Ken. OR Hello, My name Ken.
2. State the time of day and your reason for calling: It's ten in the morning. I'm
phoning (calling, ringing) to find out if ... / to see if ... / to let you know that ... / to
tell you that ...
3. Make a request: Could you call (ring, telephone) me back? / Would you mind ... ?
4. Leave your telephone number: My number is... / You can reach me at .... / Call me
at ...
5. Finish: Thanks a lot, bye. / I'll talk to you later, bye.

Google Business Communication

Message example 1:
Telephone: (Ring... Ring... Ring...) Hello, this is Tom. I'm afraid I'm not in at the
moment. Please leave a message after the beep... (beep)
Ken: Hello Tom, this is Ken. It's about noon and I'm calling to see if you would
like to go to the Mets game on Friday. Could you call me back? You can reach me
at 367-8925 until five this afternoon. I'll talk to you later, bye.

Google Business Communication

Message Example 2:

Telephone: (beep ... beep ... beep). Hello, you've reached Peter Frampton. Thank
you for calling. Please leave your name and number and reason for calling. I'll get
back to you as soon as possible. (beep)
Alan: Hello Peter. This is Jennifer Anders calling. It's about two pm right now. I'm
calling to see if you'd like to have dinner sometime this week. My number is 451-
908-0756. I hope you're available. Talk to you soon.

Google Vocabulary

Key Phrases
How may I be of help: This is a formal phrase used to
show politeness. It means "Can I help you?"
calling: telephoning
out of the office: not in the office
take a message: to write down a message from the
urgent: very important
delivery: the bringing of goods to a client Insert photo here
mentioned: said
resolved: taken care of
as quickly as possible: in the fastest manner, ASAP
shipment: delivery, the bringing of goods to a client
assured: a certainty that something is true or will happen
pleased: happy
delayed: not be able to do something on time
looks like: seems
staff meeting: a meeting of employees TELEPHONE CONVERSATION
Telephone Conversation! Speaking on the telephone can be an intimidating thing, especially when
lasts: to take time you are not doing it in your first language. There are many
schedule: make a future appointment

Google Quizizz

Thank You!
Google Search I’m Feeling Lucky

by Armania

themed PowerPoint Template

Google Search I’m Feeling Lucky

by gbsining

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