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Food-Delivery Management System

For Restaurant


John Harold Ilagan

Eugene Alvarez

Jeriz Aguilar

Jerryme Collado

Gershwin Gavanez


RESTAURANT is a website application designed for
use in ordering food in Restaurant. This system
helps the owner of the restaurant to increase the
scope of their business by reducing the labor cost
involved. The system will allows to quickly and easy
managing an online menu which a customer can
browse and use to place orders with just few clicks.

 This food-delivery management system that we are proposing here is to

simplify the ordering process for both owners and their customers. Systems
present an interactive and up-to-date menu with all available option in user
friendly interface. The customer can choose one or more items which will
land in cart. Once the order is finished it will quickly pick-up in database in
real-time event. These allow the restaurant employees to go through orders
and prepared much faster with minimal delays in services.
 The food-delivery management system takes place between the customer and
the staff the provide assistant the customer. A BPMN representation of this
process is provided in figure 1.
 Figure 1 shows a PCN diagram of the food takeaway blueprint
represented in the previous section. The diagram represents the value
propositions and environmental conditions. A PCN diagram can help PCN
designers to apply three service operations management principles
through the use of process regions:
 1. Process Efficiency: process efficiency is lowest in the direct
interaction region in a process domain, but it will increase towards the
independent processing region. The highlights that the degree of
customer interaction has an adverse impact on process efficiency. This
is what Sampson calls “customer intensity” and identifies as “the degree
to which variation in customer input components cause variation in
production process”.
 2. Economies of scale: fixed costs can be divided
across units of production; therefore, the cost of
producing each unit is less in the independent
processing region, whilst increasing towards
direct interaction with the customer and the
customer’s process regions.
 3. Customization: customization is highest in the customer independent
processing region, as the customer can control everything when he/she
performs each process step. It will decrease towards direct interaction with a
provider and it is the lowest in the provider independent processing region. In
the provider independent processing region, the customer does not get
involved in any kind of decision making regarding each process step. Providers
can use the surrogate interaction region to balance between process
efficiency and customization. PCN analysts can reconfigure and reposition
process steps between different process regions in provider and customer
process domains for the purpose of process improvement and innovation.
Based on the decision of the provider, they can choose process alternatives to
increase process efficiency and customization, or decrease production costs.
Identifying value propositions can help during this process.

The Food-Delivery Management System for Restaurant contains these data fields:
Applicant information:
– Identify information (name, surname...)
– Contact information (email, home phone, cell phone...)
– Current Location (street name and number, city, postal code...)
Administration information (a section to be completed):
– Application identifier
– Order date & time
– Status (a string to keep track of the status of the application, with pre-defined
values: “in delivery”, “ordered”, “canceled”)
– Comments on status (optional, e.g. used to explain the reasons for delay)
– Clerk identifier (the identifier of the staff assigned to this application).
The repayment agreement contains the following data fields:
 Reference to application
-cash on delivery
-g cash
The agreement summary contains the following data fields:
Reference to an application
Conditions agreed
Repayment agreed with the agreed
Websites and Services

The Food-Delivery Management System for Restaurant offers a one-stop website

where customers can order food online, and track the progress of their ordered
item. You may use any communication protocol to connect the website to the Food-
Delivery Management System for Restaurant process. The latter interface may
contain one in-out operation for the customer to receive a notification if there is a
problem to their order.
Tasks and Gateways Implementation

Check customer form completeness: this is a simple check, which can either be
implemented by a script run directly by th
e process engine, or by an external service. This task takes a Food-Delivery Management
System as input and checks that all required information is present and in the right
format. Depending on the outcome of the check this task changes the application status
to either “complete” or “incomplete”, assigns a fresh customer identifier to the
application if empty, writes the submission or revision date and time and, if applicable,
fills out the status comments section with pointers to data fields requiring revision from
the applicant.
Prepare and Deliver the item: the delivery man will deliver the item that has been order.
Verify repayment agreement: a work item of this task appears in the queue of the clerk
who completed task “Prepare and send acceptance pack”, as soon as this task has been

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