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Pre – Writing Process

Clustering Writing
Thesis Reading and Draft
Statement Writing Outlines
Pre – Writing Process

Generate Ideas your ideas
Why do you need to think of the
organization of the paper?
Coherence in writing is the logical bridge
between words, sentences, and
To achieve coherence
paragraphs. Coherent writing uses
devices to connect ideas within each
sentence and paragraph.


Music sheet
Think of other things
you can compare to
an outline’s purpose.

Summary that Shows how the

gives the parts of a text
essential are related to
features of a text one another
Sample Essay Outline
Competitive Swimming, an Ideal Sport for Kids
I. Introduction
II. Competitive swimming provides same benefits as other sports
A. It is good exercise and builds muscular strength
B. It promotes cooperation among team members, especially in relays
III. Competitive swimming provides some additional benefits
A. Swimming is an important skill that can be used forever
B. There is a reduced risk of injury
C. Each swimmer can easily chart his or her own progress
IV. My personal experience as a competitive swimmer
D. I enjoy working with my coach
E. I've made a lot of friends on the swim team
V. Conclusion
2 Kinds of Outlines

1.Reading Outline
2.Writing Outline
Reading Outline

- used to get the main ideas of a text that is already


- you need to find the text’s thesis statement and

supporting details
Steps in creating a reading outline:
1. Read the entire text. Skim the text afterwards.
Purpose: to have an overview of the reading text
2. Locate the main ideas in the essay.
- look at the title
- look for the heading ( if any)
- look for information
Purpose: to identify what the text is talking about
3. Look for key phrases in the each paragraph.
4. Locate the topic sentence of each paragraph.
5. Group together topic sentences with their related ideas together.
6. Arrange contents of the reading according to levels.
Level – refers to the number of ranks in the
hierarchy of information in the reading.
Sample Research Paper Outline
The Conquest of Mt. Everest
I. Introduction
First level
II. Background Information
A. Location of Mt. Everest
B. Geography of the Surrounding Area second level
C. Facts about Mt. Everest
1. Height of the mountain
third level
2. How the mountain was named
a. Peak XV
b. Joloungma (Tibetan name) fourth level
c. Sagarmatha (Nepalese name)
3. The number of people who have climbed Everest to date
II. Major Explorers Covered in this Paper
A. Sir Edmund Hillary
1. First to reach the summit (1953)
2. Led a team of experienced mountain climbers who worked together
B.Tenzing Norgay and the Sherpas
1. Norgay was an experienced climber and guide who accompanied
2. Sherpas still used to guide expeditions
C. Rob Hall
1. Leader of the failed 1996 expedition
2. Led group of (mainly) tourists with little mountain climbing
Activity: Construct a reading outline for the
given text
Protecting the Environment
by Branko
Every company should invest in our environment. We live in a time when the environment is in danger, so it is important to
protect it. We need a healthy environment in order to survive, so we must protect it. We need to protect the environment now to
help prevent health problems, to maintain the ecosystem, and to preserve the Earth for our children.
Pollution from factories and cars can cause damage to the environment. It makes the air dirty. Breathing this dirty air causes
health problems, particularly for children and the elderly. Pollution not only increases spending on health care, but also decreases
working ability. We need to control the amounts of pollution we produce in order to prevent health problems.
We also need to pay attention to the ecosystem. Plant life, animal life, and people all depend on each other. An unhealthy
environment disturbs this ecosystem. For example, changes in the environments might cause a certain kind of plant to die. If that
plant is food for a certain kind of animal, the animal will die too. If people use that animal as food source, there could be big
problem. To avoid the big problems, factories should pollute as little as possible and use natural resources rationally.
If we do not protect our environment it will continue to get worse and our children will suffer the consequences. The air and
water will be dirtier, natural resources will become scarcer, and more plants and animals will die. Our children won’t have as
much natural beauty to admire. Even worse, their well-being will be threatened.
Without clean air to breathe, a healthy ecosystem, and a future for our children, the human race will not survive. That is why
protecting our environment is important. If we have a healthy environment not only the company is going to make a profit but also
workers, customers and community.
Topic: Protecting the Environment
Audience: Community
Purpose: to inform and to persuade
Point-of-View: First Person
Protecting the Environment
I. Introduction
II. The effects of pollution from factories and cars
A. Makes the air dirty
B. Increases the spending in health care
C. Decreases working ability
III.Paying close attention to the ecosystem
A. The effects of changes in the environment
IV. The consequence of pollution
A. Air and water will be dirtier
B. Natural resources will become scarcer.
C. Plants and Animals will die.
V. Conclusion
Writing Outline – skeletal overview of your
draft, which contains your fundamental points
and the different ideas that support them.
Benefits of a Writing Outline

1.It shows if your ideas fit to the central idea

of the topic.
2. It determines the boundaries of the draft.
When in the process of
writing, should an
outline be written?
1. You can sort out all your ideas.
2. You can save time from problems
in content organization and revision.
Should the outline be
strictly followed all
throughout the writing
Not Necessarily!!!
Just understand that the outline is a
writing aid that will show you how to
present your points from start to end.
Scratch Outline – a simple list of ideas that
take the form of words and phrases.

Sentence Outline – uses sentences to define

the subject matter.
Guide Questions:

What is the difference between a

reading outline and a writing
Guide Questions:

How does outlining make my

writing work more efficient?
Page 68
Exercises A and C
Exercise C
Birds as Insect Controllers
I. Introduction
II. _______________________
A. Have high metabolism rate
B. ______________________________
1. 3 oz. to 5 ½ ratio in birds
2. ________________________
III. ________________________
A. Vegetation
2. Living Fences
3. _____________________
B. __________________
1. Farm Ponds
Answers: Exercise A

1.Social media sites

2. Typhoons
3.Top universities in Manila
4.Branches of Science
5.Young adult novels

*Answers may vary

Exercise C
Birds as Insect Controllers
I. How birds help
A. Have high metabolism rate
B. Eat nearly twice weight
1. 3 oz. to 5 ½ ratio in birds
2. 10 lbs. to 18 1/3 lbs. ratio in humans
II. How environment helps
A. Vegetation
2. Living Fences
3. Shrub buffers
B. Water
1. Farm Ponds
2. Grass Waterways
Construct a writing outline for your

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