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N. Nalini
Asst. Professor, Dept of social work
Jawahar science college
Problems of Indian Labour
1.Surplus Labour Force
2. Unskilled Labour
: 3. Lack of Absorption of Skilled Labour:
4. Imperfections
5. Work Culture
6. Militant Unionism:
7. Unemployment:
8. Lack of Labour Reforms:
Features of Indian Labour

 501 million workers in India 

 agriculture industry - 41.19%
 industry sector - 26.18% 
 service sector - 32.33%
 India adds13 million new workers

every year to its labour pool.

India's economy has been adding about 8
million new jobs every year
in low paying, unorganised 5 million youth join the
ranks of poorly paid partial employment, casual
labour pool for temporary infrastructure and real
estate construction jobs, or in many cases, being
94 percent of labour- work
in unorganised enterprises

All unlicensed, self-employed or unregistered

economic activity such as owner manned
general stores, handicrafts and handloom
workers, rural traders, farmers, 
The organised sector includes workers employed
by the government, state-owned enterprises and
private sector enterprises

the organised sector employed 27.5 million

workers, of which 17.3 million worked for
government or government owned entities
organised sector or formal sector in
India refers to licensed
 organisations, that is, those who
are registered and pay GST.

These include the publicly traded

companies, incorporated or
formally registered entities,
corporations, factories, shopping
malls, hotels, and large businesses

 Ministry of Labour, in its 2008 report,

classified the unorganised labour in India into
four groups.[

2. nature of employment
3. specially distressed
4. service categories.
occupational groups include small &
marginal farmers, landless agricultural

labourers, fishermen, animal husbandry,
beedi rolling, labelling and packing,
building and construction workers, leather
workers, weavers, artisans, salt workers,
workers in brick kilns and stone quarries,
workers in saw mills, and workers in oil
Nature of Employment

Based on nature of employment

includes attached agricultural
labourers, bonded labourers,
migrant workers, contract and
casual labourers.
 distressed unorganised sector
includes toddy tappers,
scavengers, carriers of head
loads, drivers of animal driven
vehicles, loaders and unloaders.
Service workers
 service workers such as midwives, domestic
workers, barbers, vegetable and fruit
vendors, newspaper vendors, pavement
vendors, hand cart operators, and the

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