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HSE Training Presented By:

QHSE Manager
Azhar Saleem
HSE Training : Fire

• Fire
• Fire Concepts
• Fire Triangle
• Sources of Heat, Fuel & Oxygen
• Classification of Fires
• Methods of Heat Transmission
• Common Causes of Fire
• Fire Prevention
• Fire Alarm and Fire Fighting Systems
• Fire Fighting Media
• Fire Plan
HSE Training : Fire

Fire is the rapid oxidation of a material in the
exothermic chemical process of combustion,
releasing heat, light, and various reaction products
HSE Training : Fire

Fire Concepts:
• Flammability 
• Ability of a substance to burn or ignite, causing
fire or combustion
• Lower Flammability Limit (LFL)
• Lower concentration range over which a
flammable mixture of gas or vapour in air can be
ignited at a given temperature and pressure
• Upper Flammability Limit (UFL)
• Higher concentration range over which a
flammable mixture of gas or vapour in air can be
ignited at a given temperature and pressure
HSE Training : Fire

Fire Triangle:

• Cooling
• Remove the Heat i.e. Using Water
• Starving
• Moving material away from area of a fire or closing
off an area of combustible material form the fire
• Smoothering
• By limiting its Oxygen Supply i.e. Using Blanket
HSE Training : Fire

• Heat
• Candles
• Smoking Material
• Cooking
• Static Electricity
• Electrical Equipment & Machinery
• Naked Flame
• Fixed & Portable Heaters
• Hot Processes (Welding, Cutting, Grinding)
• Overheated Equipment
HSE Training : Fire

• Fuel
• Flammable Liquids (Petrol, Diesel)
• Flammable Gases (LPG)
• Flammable Chemicals, Paints & Solvents
• Wood (Furniture)
• Paper & Card
• Plastics, Rubber & Foam
• Insulation Materials
• Waste Materials (Chemical, Paper)
HSE Training : Fire

• Oxygen
• Oxygen Supplies (Cylinders & Pipes)
• Ventilation Systems (Windows, Vents, Doors)
• Chemicals (Oxidizing Agents)
HSE Training : Fire

Classification of Fires:
Class Description Examples

Fire involving Solids Wood, Paper, Plastics

Fire involving Liquids / Liquefiable Solids Petrol, Oil, Paint, Wax

Fire involving Gases LPG, Natural Gas, Acetylene

Sodium, Magnesium, Aluminum
Fire involving Metals & Metal Powders
Electrical Appliances & Equipment
Fire involving Electrical Apparatus

Fire involving Cooking Oils & Fats Cooking Oils & Fats
HSE Training : Fire

Methods of Heat Transmission:

• Convection
• The movement of hotter gases up through the air (hot
air rises)
• Conduction
• The movement of heat through materials
• Radiation
• Transfer of heat as invisible waves through the air
(Solids & Liquids in contact with heat are heated)
• Direct Burning
• Combustible materials in direct contact with naked
HSE Training : Fire

Common Causes of Fire:

• Careless Actions & Accidents
• Hot Works, Cigarettes, Poor Electrical Connections
• Misusing Equipment
• Overloaded Electrical Circuits, High Rating Fuses,
Failure to follow Safety Instructions, Using Faulty
• Defective Machinery or Equipment
• Electrical Short Circuits, Electrical Earth Faults,
• Deliberate Ignition
• Insurance Frauds, Aggressive Persons, Concealment
of Crime, Political Activists or Vandalism
HSE Training : Fire

Fire Prevention:
• Ignition Sources
• Hot Work (Welding)
• Smoking
• Arson
• Fuel
• V -> Ventilation
• I -> Ignition
• C -> Containment
• E -> Exchange
• S -> Separation
• Oxygen
• Compartments in Building Structure
HSE Training : Fire

Fire Alarm & Fire Fighting System:

• Fire Detection
• Heat Detection
• Radiation Detection
• Smoke Detection
• Flammable Gas Detection

• Alarm Systems
• Voice
• Manual Alarm Systems
• Call Points with Sounders
• Automatic Systems
• Single Stage & Two Stage Alarms
HSE Training : Fire

Fire Alarm & Fire Fighting System:

• Fire Extinguishers
Type Method A B C D E F or K

Cools Yes No No No No No

Smoothers Yes Yes No No No No

Chemical No No No No No No
Smoothers Yes & Special Yes
& Chemical Yes Yes Isolate Powders Low Voltage No
Halon & Chemical Now Halotron has replaced Halon which is now illegal in most of Countries
Smoothers No Small Fires No No Yes No
HSE Training : Fire

Fire Fighting Media:

Media Advantages Disadvantages
Excellent Cooling Property. Not to be used on Electrical Fires
Water Best Choice for Class A Fire Can Spread Class B Fire
Easily refillable Damages / Destroys Equipment
Air Tight blanket over burning fuels Not to be used on Electrical Fires
Foam Minimal chance of Reflash Damages / Destroys Equipment
Can be used from Distance
Knocks down Flames quickly Reflash may occur
Dry Enables a large coverage Cause corrosion to Electronic equipment
Powder Multiple usage on A, B & C Fires Agent can harden and solidify in Cylinder
Vaporizi Safe for Class C Fires Reflash may occur in open spaces
ng Protects equipment from corrosion Can produce PH3 in very hot fires
Liquids Minimal Reflash in closed spaces Use is illegal in many countries
Safe for Class C Fires Displaces Oxygen causing Asphyxiation
Carbon Protects equipment from corrosion Reflash may occur in open spaces
Dioxide Minimal Reflash in closed spaces Can cause Frost Burn from Nozzle
HSE Training : Fire

Fire Plan:
• Travel Distances
• Stairs
• Passageways
• Doors
• Emergency Lighting
• Exit & Directional Signs
• Assembly Points
HSE Training : Fire

Fire Plan:
• On Discovering Fire:
• Sound the Alarm (Warn Others)
• Call the Fire Service
• Go to the Assembly Point
• On Hearing the Alarm:
• Leave the Building by nearest Exit
• Close Doors behind you
• Go to the Assembly Point
• Precautions
• Don’t stop for personal belongings
• Don’t use Lift and don’t take any Risks
• Don’t return to Building until Authorized to do so
HSE Training : Fire

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