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Fields of Math class:

 Math defines the following two constants fields of type double :

 static double E :

 This is the double value that is closer than any other to e (approximately
 Represents the base of the natural logarithms.
 static double PI :
 This is the double value that is closer than any other to pi (approximately
 the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.

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Methods of a Math Class:
 The major functions defined within the built in Math Class are divided
into the following categories:

 Transcendental Functions:
 Exponential Functions:
 Rounding Functions:

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Transcendental Functions:

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Exponential Functions:

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Rounding Functions:

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Miscellaneous Math Methods :

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Math Methods (Programming Example):
 // Demonstrate toDegrees() and toRadians().
 class Angles {
 public static void main(String args[]) {
 double theta = 120.0;
 System.out.println(theta + " degrees is " +
 Math.toRadians(theta) + " radians.");
 theta = 1.312;
 System.out.println(theta + " radians is " +
 Math.toDegrees(theta) + " degrees.");
 }

120.0 degrees is 2.0943951023931953 radians.

1.312 radians is 75.17206272116401 degrees.

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String class:
 Most commonly used class in JAVA library.
 Defined under java.lang package.
 In java, every string is actually an object of class String.
 String objects are immutable, means it cannot be changed once it’s being

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String class (Contd):
 Creating a String object:
 String object can be declared in the following ways:

a) String Literal:
 Simple string enclosed in double quotes “ ”.

 Its being treated as a string object.

 String str = “HELLO”;

b) Using another String object & new Keyword:

 String str = “HELLO”;

 String str1 = new String(str);

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Object creation & storage mechanism:
 Each time a string object is created by using a String Literal, the string
object is being stored in a special memory area name string constant pool.

 Consider the following example:

 String str = “HELLO”; //string object using a string literal

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Object creation & storage mechanism (Contd):
 If we Create & initialize another string object with the same string, than it would
be returned the reference of the existing string.

 For instance:
 String str = “HELLO”; //string object using a string literal
 String str2 = str;

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String Concatenation:
 There are two methods to concatenate two or more strings:

 a) concat method
 b) + operator

 String str1 = “HELLO”; // using a string literal

 String str2 = “WORLD”; // using a string literal

 String str3 = str1.concat(str2);

 String str3 = str1 + str2;

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String Comparison:
 There are three methods to compare two strings:

a) equals() method
 Compares the content of two strings for equality.

 Syntax :

 Boolean equals(Object s1);

 Returns TRUE if string matches otherwise FALSE.

b) == operator
 Compares two object references whether they refer to the same instance.

 Returns TRUE if string matches otherwise FALSE.

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String Comparison (Contd):

c) CompareTo() method

 Compare strings & return an int value.

 Returns -1 if string compared is less than the other string.
 Returns 0 if string compared is equal to the other string.
 Returns 1 if string compared is greater than the other string.

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String class functions:
Most commonly used methods of string class are mentioned below:

charat() Returns the character located at the specific index.

Equalsignorecase() Determines whether the two strings are equal or not (ignoring
their case)
length() Returns the number of characters in a string
replace() Replace a specific character in a string with a new character.

substring(int begin) Returns a part of a string from the specified starting point to the
end point of the original string.
substring(int begin, int end) Returns a part of a string from the specified starting point to the
specified end point of the original string.
tolowercase() Converts all the characters of a string to lowercase.
touppercase() Converts all the characters of a string to uppercase.

trim() Returns a string by removing any whitespaces.

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String Buffer class:
 Used to create mutable string objects.
 Since string class objects are immutable, therefore making changes in the
string objects will end up with memory leakage.
 String buffer enable us to make considerable modifications in our string

 String buffer contains 4 constructors:

 String buffer(): //creates an empty string & reserves space for 16

 String buffer(int size) //creates an empty string & takes an integer
argument to set the capacity of the buffer.
 String buffer(String str)
 String buffer(charsequence []ch)

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String Buffer class (METHODS):
 Most common methods of StringBuffer class are mentioned below:
 append():
 Used to concatenate the string representation of any type of data with the
called stringbuffer object.
 append() method is being overloaded and contains the following three

 append(string str)
 append(int r)
 append(object obj)

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String Buffer class (METHODS):
 insert():
 Used to insert one string into another.
 insert() method is being overloaded and contains the following three

 insert(int index, string str)

 insert(int index, int r)
 insert(int index, object obj)

 First parameter mentions the index from which position the string would
be inserted in the stringbuffer object.
 Second parameter indicates the string representation to be inserted in the
string buffer object.

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String Buffer class (METHODS):
 reverse():
 Reverse the order of characters in a string buffer object.

 replace():
 Replaces the string from the specified start index to the end index.

 capacity():
 Returns the current capacity of a string buffer object.

 ensurecapacity():
 Used to ensure minimum capacity of a string buffer object.

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