Arousal in Sport

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Arousal in sport

Inverted U theory
Optimal arousal – what does this mean?
How to control arousal
Starter for lesson
Pairs (5 mins)
Consider 3 different lessons this week in terms of your excitement/alertness levels

1. Over excited
2. Average excitement
3. Low excitement

Why did you choose them?
How did you behave in each lesson?
Arousal in sport
• The need to be ready to play and be alert is crucial in sport
Why? (2mins)
Helps you to concentrate
Provides self motivation
More likely to make good decisions
More likely to perform effectively

Do you play like this or this?

Key words – alertness and excitement

“Arousal is the physical and mental state of alertness/excitement”

Low levels High Levels

Deep sleep (physical)Intense movement
Day dreaming (mental) Over thinking

What is a state? Being in the moment

What are the problems of these extreme states? Low performances
Optimal Arousal level
• We want to have an arousal level that is neither too high or low

We call this an optimal arousal level

How do you feel at your optimal? (1 min)

- state of calmness and focus
- state of clear thinking and being in control

• We can show this on a graph >

It is called the Inverted U theory
(don’t need to draw this diagram)
Inverted U Theory

Physical & Mental arousal levels

(remember the definition)



1. Describe the performance level at low, medium and high arousal levels

2. What physical and mental changes occur as you move along the curve from low to high
levels of arousal? (next slide answers)
Changes along the curve
• Increase heart rate
• Increase breathing rate
• Increase sweating
• Muscle and body temperature increase

• Increase focus (optimal) to High stress and worry levels (high)
• Improve decision making (optimal) to Increased anxiety (high)
• Greater Clarity of thinking (optimal) to Over thinking (high)
Changes along the curve

Next slide for details

Under arousal level Over arousal level
Boredom and apathy Over excited
Low confidence Aggressive
Feeling weak and ill prepared Fearful and worried about
Poor sports performance Poor sports performance

• Aim is to achieve the right amount of arousal to get the best or optimal
Task – write a paragraph to describe a great and poor performance in terms
of arousal levels
Gross and Fine skills
Gross skills – large muscle use Compare 2 graphs
Less precision needed
Optimal state requires a higher arousal
Fine and Gross Skills
Example – rugby tackle


Fine skills – intricate muscle use

Need for precise outcomes
Optimal state requires a lower arousal

Example – golf putt

Task - Provide extra examples

Problems of arousal

• Gross or simple skill – rugby tackle – higher arousal > optimal performance
you show low arousal level > poor motivation, frightened to perform > low
performance and poor tackle

• Fine or complex skill – archery – low arousal > optimal performance

If you have high arousal level > anxious, nerves >
miss the target > low performance
How to get into the optimal arousal state


1. Deep Breathing

2. Mental Rehearsal

3. Positive self talk

Deep Breathing

• Used to calm nerves and cope with being over aroused

• Help to focus and act calmly during performance
• Physical (somatic) technique
• Exaggerated breathing – slow and deep breathes
Example – Ronaldo before taking a free kick
Mental Rehearsal (cognitive)

• A performer visualises themselves doing the correct skill in their head

• Also called Imagery

Key is to imagine yourself performing successfully in a calm and relaxed manner

• Helps people who are over aroused

• Used before and during performance
Before taking a penalty kick in Football
Before competing a gymnastics routine
Mental rehearsal video
Positive self talk

• Reassuring yourself that you can do it

• Aim to relax the mind and body when over aroused

Saying to yourself “I can do this” when shooting in Netball
Reassuring yourself you can hole a golf putt in front of a crowd
Sporting situation Arousal level Do you need to If yes, what
change your strategy would you
arousal level? use?

Archery Medium

Weightlifter High

Snooker player High

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