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Lesson 1.6


Onomatopoeia and Alliteration

Learning Goals Success Criteria

-Students will learn how -I will be able to write an

to use alliteration and example of alliteration
onomatopoeia in their -I can offer examples of
poetry onomatopoeia
-My concrete poem will
include both of these
“Alphabet Aerobics” - by
Artificial amateurs, aren't at all amazing
Analytically, I assault, animate things
Broken barriers bounded by the bomb beat
Buildings are broken, basically I'm bombarding
Casually create catastrophes, casualties
Canceling cats got their canopies collapsing
Detonate a dime of dank daily doing dough
Demonstrations, Don Dada on the down low
Eating other editors with each and every energetic
Epileptic episode, elevated etiquette
Furious fat fabulous fantastic
Flurries of funk felt feeding the fanatics
Gift got great global goods gone glorious
Getting godly in his game with the goriest
Hit em high, hella height, historical
Hey holocaust hints hear 'em holler at your homeboy
Imitators idolize, I intimidate
In an instant, I'll rise in an irate state
Juiced on my jams like jheri curls jocking joints
Justly, it's just me, writing my journals
Kindly I'm kindling all kinds of ink on
Karate kick type brits in my kingdom
Let me live a long life, lyrically lessons is
Learned lame louses just lose to my livery
My mind makes marvelous moves, masses
Marvel and move, many mock what I've mastered
N%&#@ nap knowing I'm nice naturally
Knack, never lack, make noise nationally
Operation, opposition, off not optional
Out of sight, out of mind, wide beaming opticals
Perfected poem, powerful punch lines
Pummeling petty powder puffs in my prime
Quite quaint quotes keep quiet it's Quantum
Quarrelers ain't got a quarter of what we got uh
Really raw raps, rising up rapidly
Riding the rushing radioactivity
Super scientifical sound search sought
Silencing super fire saps that are soft
Tales ten times talented, too tough
Take that, challengers, get a tune up
Universal, unique untouched
Unadulterated, the raw uncut
Verb vice lord victorious valid
Violate vibes that are vain make em vanished
While I'm all well what a wise wordsmith just
Weaving up words, weeded up on my work shift
Xerox, my X-radiation holes extra large
X-height letters, and xylophone tones
Yellow back, yak mouth, young ones yaws
Yesterday's lawn yard sell our yawn
Zig zag zombies, zoom in to the zenith
Zero in zen thoughts, overzealous rhyme ZEALOTS!...
Today’s Class

• Review of upcoming important dates

• Always allow awesome alliteration activities
• Writing another Concrete Shape Poem
Important Dates
❖ Poetry Portfolio Due Friday, Aug. 10

❖ Poetry Cafe (you will read one Monday, Aug. 13

of your poems aloud in class)

❖ Poetry Unit Quiz Tuesday, Aug. 14

⦿ Alliteration is a literary device where words that
are close together begin with the same sound.

⦿ The words do not need to begin with the same

LETTER, only the same SOUND.

⦿ Example: Kim’s cousin kept crying.


⦿ Be aware that certain sounds can create

certain moods

⦿ S, l, and M are soft and gentle

⦿ T and K are sharp and abrupt

Betty Botter by Mother Goose

Betty Botter bought some butter, but, she said, the

butter’s bitter; if I put it in my batter it will make my
batter bitter, but a bit of better butter will make my
batter better.
So she bought a bit of butter better than her bitter
butter, and she put it in her batter and the batter
was not bitter. So ’twas better Betty Botter bought a
bit of better butter.

• Write (with a partner) one sentence

about food with at least three words
that have the same beginning sound
⦿ Words that are written like they sound

Doctor: “I’m sorry to tell you this, but you have a

serious case of onomatopoeia.”
Groups of four or so

Let’s see how many you can write in three

The skit-skat of the jazz club
Pulls my senses out of their dark slumber.
Zzzzz they yawn and sigh…
But the tap tap bee bop of the rhythm grabs my ear and
slides down to my toes to do the
Ba-pa-pa-da-ba-pa-da-pa-ba-da – yeah.
Couples dancing – ha ha – laughing.
In the corner I hear a smoooooch.
A fizz and dribble from the bar. Drinks ca-clank on trays.
The liquid’s all a splish splash as it makes its way to our
My heartbeat slows – at peace – ba-dum! With the
fivity-bob-bee-owww of the mellow horns.

• Concrete shape poems rely on more than just

the text (words) on a page for meaning.
• They use shape and image, as well as text, in
order to give a fuller impression of the
subject of the poem.
Concrete Shape Poem with
Alliteration and/or Onomatopoeia

•1. Choose a topic

•3. Write your poem about your chosen
topic in the right shape
•4. Include alliteration and onomatopoeia
•5. Make sure it’s at least 80 words long
Remember the Rubric
⦿ Let’s take another look at how you will be
graded on your portfolio

⦿ When you’re finished the concrete shape

poem with alliteration and onomatopoeia
share it with a classmate

⦿ Check your classmate’s poem with the

rubric (check for understanding of literary
devices, grammar, word choice, structure,

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