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Environmental Laws

Angel Chloe L. Achas

Environmental laws
 Environmental law is the collection of laws, regulations, agreements and common law
that governs how humans interact with their environment.

 It is the plan of action adopted by the government rationalizing the course of action

 The purpose of environmental law is to protect the environment and create rules for
how people can use natural resources. Environmental laws not only aim to protect the
environment from harm, but they also determine who can use natural resources and on
what terms.

 Laws may regulate pollution, the use of natural resources, forest protection, mineral
harvesting and animal and fish populations
Environmental laws
P.D. 1151(1979) – Philippine
01 Environmental Policy 06 P.D. 953 & 1153 – Laws on Tree

P.D. 1152(1977) – Air Quality

02 Management 07 P.D. 1219(1977) – Providing for the Protection
of Coral Ecosystems.

P.D. 704(1974) – Preservation of Optimum P.D. 463(1974) – Providing for a modernized system
03 Productivity of Fishery Resources through 08 of administration and disposition of mineral lands
Conservation and Protection. and to promote and encourage the development of

P.D. 389(1974) (P.D. 705) – The P.D. 984(1976) – The Revision of Republic Act
04 Forestry Reform Code 09 No. 3931, Commonly Known as the
Pollution Control Law.
P.D. 330 & P.D. 953 – Laws
05 on Penalizing Illegal Cutting of 10 P.D. 1144(1977) – Control of Pesticides

Environmental laws
R.A. 6969(1990) – Toxic
11 Substances and Hazardous and 13 P.D. 1058(1976) – Increasing the
Penalties for Illegal forms of Fishing.
Nuclear Wastes Control Act

R.A. 9729 – Climate Change Act

12 of 2009.
14 P.D. 856(1975) – Sanitation Code

P.D. 825(1975) – Providing Penalty for

15 Improper Disposal of Garbage and other
of Uncleanliness
Environmental Degradation
• It is the overall lowering of
environmental qualities dues to the
damages caused by both natural events
and human activities in the basic structure
of the environment at local , regional and
global levels adversely affecting all living
organisms including man .

• Define as any change of disturbance in

the environment

• It includes water pollution , air pollution ,

garbage , natural resource depletion , loss
of biodiversity and degradation of forest
and agricultural land .
Global Warming • Global warming is the increase in the average
temperature of the earth’s atmosphere . It is
caused by burning up the fossil fuels and
carbon dioxides building up “ greenhouse
gasses “ which leads to an increase in
temperature .

• Effects og global warming and greenhouse

effect is seen in the rising sea levels that can
in turn cause floods and harm the aquatic
life . This hurt so many people , animals , and
plants . Many cannot take the change , so
they die .

• Global warming is continous because of

violent human activities that we’re doing in
our daily lives which causes the increasing of
overall earth’s temperature
How does environmental laws related to the
environmental issue above ?

Environmental laws are related to the continous degradation and increase in global temperature because
environmental laws is one of the solution on how can we prevent this environmental issues .

Environmental laws can help to lessen human activities that is not good for our environment . It disciplines us to
have a control on using our natural resources in our daily lives . Environmental law can help to prevent the
continous degradation by implementing laws such as protection for coral ecosystems , control of pesticides to
lessen the damage in plants , providing penalties in Illegal logging , fishing , improper disposal of garbage and other
forms of uncleanliness .

Environmental laws and regulations can also help decreasing the continous global warming by implementing the
reduce of greenhouse gas emissions; including carbon dioxide , CFC’s , and methanes , by banning polluting
industries , conducting and supporting organizations that involves planting trees , providing peoples a free bike to
make it trendy again because it doen’t requires any fuels , and by raising awareness about this issue . here are many
things that the government can do to make the environment healthier. A healthy environment means a healthy life.
But it isn’t only the duty of the government to reduce global warming; we should also take measures and help the
government to reduce global warming and the emissions of greenhouse gases.
How does environmental laws related to the
environmental issue above ?

Environmental regulation is necessary. It can prevent the worst excesses, and the
existence of regulation and enforcement is itself an important deterrent.
Environmental regulation has resulted in environmental improvements, but it
sometimes does impose what could be perceived as excessive costs on businesses.
The costs and benefits of regulation relative to other approaches should always be
considered when contemplating how best to manage a particular environmental
issue. Regulation is one of a number of tools to improve environmental quality, and
it should be used effectively with other approaches
… Thank you…

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