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Ideas to discuss in the debate

 Using animals in medical research.

 Slaughtering animals for food.
 Keeping animals in zoos.
 Raising animals for sport, such as Racing or fighting.
 Killing animals for their hides and fur.
Express opinion

•In my honest opinion…
• I think… •From my point of view…
• I believe… •From my perspective…
•In my view… or
• I feel… •It seems to me that…
• In my opinion… and •I disagree!
•I don’t agree. or
• I would say… •Yeah, but…
• I really think… •I’m not sure I agree with you on…
•I’m sorry but I don’t agree. or
• I strongly believe… •I’m afraid I disagree.
• I truly feel… or •I see what you’re saying but…
•You have a point there but… or
•I understand where you’re coming from but…

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