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Water Requirement Estimation

Water Requirement Estimation

 Knowing the area and depth of a pond are important for

fish farm owners to know best ways on how to maintain it.
 They are used to determine the right fish to stock and to
determine the dosage rates of chemical applications,
among others.
Water Requirement Estimation

 Area
 Pond area and volume of water must be computed based on
its shapes and measurements.
 Fish far owners does not need to compute for the area of the
pond if they have the following:
 Records of the accurate area of the pond.
 Money to hire a professional surveyor to determine the area
of the pond.
Water Requirement Estimation

 Area
 In computing for the area of a pond, we use the following
 Square or Rectangle: A = L x W or Area = x
 Circle:
 Triangle: A = 0.5 x (B x H)
Water Requirement Estimation

 Area of Irregular Shape

 The area of irregularly-shaped ponds cannot be computed using
the above formulas. Instead, we use the following equations.
 Average length and width method
 Is done by taking numerous measurements to determine the average
length and width of the pond.
 Multiple trapezoids method
 Is more accurate in determining the area of the pond with an irregular
shape. This is used to divide the pond into multiple trapezoids.
Water Requirement Estimation

 Area of Irregular Shape

 Handheld global positioning systems (GPS)
 A navigational device that displays the exact location of the pond on
earth using multiple satellites.
 Online tools
 Display the geographical information of the fishpond area.
 Note:
 Since an irregularly shaped pond is almost similar to the shape of a
rectangle, use the formula in finding the area of a rectangle.
Water Requirement Estimation

 Pond Depth
 Is used to figure out the volume of water in the pond.
 Maximum depth is used for pond with flat bottom.
 Average depth is used for uneven pond bottom.
 In doing this, we should use the following; marked rope,
boat, and paper to do and write the details of the following:
Water Requirement Estimation

 Pond Depth
 Travel in various areas in the pond for at least five different
 Drop the rope in the water and note the depth. Repeat until
your cover all the different spots and gather a good
sampling of your pond’s depth.
 If the fishpond is divided into five points, the formula to be
used is
Water Requirement Estimation

 Pond Volume
 The quantity of chemical treatments applied in any
aquaculture facility depends on the volume of the water it
can hold.
 Volume is typically measured in cubic feet , gallons, or acre-
feet (ac-ft). The formula of volumes is:
 Water volume = area of pond x average water depth
Water Requirement Estimation

 Pond Volume
 When computing for the flow rate in gallons per minute
(gpm), we need to do the following steps:
 Find the volume of water of the largest pond.
 After finding the volume of water of the largest pond, convert it into
 Compute for the minimum flow rate needed to fill the pond in 7 days.
Water Requirement Estimation

 Residence Time
 Means the extent or duration of water in the pond from the
moment it enters the pond until it leaves through the
spillway or the overflow pipe.
 The formula used for the residence time is:
 Residence time =
Water Requirement Estimation

 Filling the Pond with Water

 To plan the schedule for fish stocking or various pond
treatment, estimating the filling time of ponds can be
helpful for fish farmers.
 Fish farmers must know how much water the pond can hold
to determine the filling time.
 Refer on page 167 for the computation.
Types of Water

 Comes from the Earth’s surface

and characterized as naturally
occurring water.
 It is known sweet water in
contrast to salt water.
Saline Water
 Also identified as salt water.
 Is has a high concentration of
dissolved salts.
 The salinity of seawater is
35,000 ppm, equivalent to 35
grams of salt per one liter.
Brackish Water
 Commonly termed as bitter
 This water has more salinity
then freshwater but not more
than seawater.
 This may be a combination of
seawater and freshwater.
Water Exchange

 Is an effective method to
maintain good water quality
aside from water quality
enhancers like sanitizers and
Importance of Water Exchange

 It allows fish farmers to adjust the desired salinity of

 It eliminates surplus metabolites.
 It keeps algae healthy.
 It allows the production of ample oxygen.
 It regulates water temperature of the pond.
Water Exchange is not Recommended when:

 There is no good quality of water available;

 Drastic water exchange is done;
 Aquatic species have been weakened due to diseases; and
 The pond is treated with chemicals and medicine.
Seatwork/Activity No. 5

 Answer “Let’s Think About It A & B” on

page 169.
Quiz/Assignment No. 5

 Answer “Let’s Think About It C” on page


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