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Isometric and Orthographic

 Basically means “freehand
 Refers to the use of drawing
instruments from traditional
to modern techniques.
 Belongs to the family of
Isometric Drawing axonometric projection systems.
 Comes from the Greek word
“isometria”, which means “for
equal measure”.
 This kind of drawing presents a
drawing in three proportions.
 Uses very accurate traditional
drawing equipment that
includes T-square and set
square, among others.
Steps in Drawing Isometric

 Draw three axes, as light as possible, using your triangles. Make sure
that the cross axes are about 30 degrees.
 Indicate the principal dimensions such as height width and depth.
 Start drawing the box or creating the lines. Use light line as possible.
 Sketch the details of the object by figuring out the exact shape and
determining the point of relation as to the corners, surfaces and edges.
 Verify the correctness of your output.
 Outline the visible edges with darker lines.
 Label the views of the isometric.
Drawing Isometric
Orthographic  Shows ideas and objects.
Drawing  it uses 3-dimensional objects
using 2-dimensional views of
the article.
 Shows different views of the
object that is projected.
 Simplest type of projection.
 Also known as engineering
drawing or plan views.
 Usually has a top, side, and
front view.
Steps in Drawing Orthographic

 Draw the rectangular prism with the same length, width and
 Continue the lines in the front view of the drawing and then re-
draw the isometric projection.
 Continue it on the front and top view until complete.
 Draw the hidden line slightly.
 Verify the correctness of your output.
 Outline the visible edges with darker lines.
Orthographic Drawing
Seatwork No. 5

 Answer “Let’s Think About It” on page 111.

Storing Tools and Equipment

 Is defined as a detailed list of all

the items in stock and provides a
complete list such as property,
goods in stock, or the contents of
the certain building.
 The keeping of track of the tools,
materials, and equipment that
workers use to borrow is called
inventory management.
Importance of Managing Inventory

 Inventory management is the cornerstone of a

successful business.
 Therefore, creating an organized inventory
management achieves the following benefits:
Importance of Managing Inventory

 Accurate Inventory
 Will enable the person to estimate whether or not he
or she needs to replace the old items and order new
Importance of Managing Inventory

 Better Inventory System

 Having a robust inventory system is both space-
 it enables the person to know whether or not there
is a shortage in his or her list.
Importance of Managing Inventory

 Management Satisfaction
 Having faster inventory management increases the
efficiency of the workers.
Sample Inventory in School
School Inventory Form

Name: ______________________________________ Date: ________________

Year & Section: _____________________________
Purpose: ____________________________________
Tools/Materials Item Code Quantity No. of Reparable No. of Borrowed No. of Missing

__________________ _________________ ______________________

Requisitioner Teacher Department Head
Sample Inventory in Office
MRL Company
Item Inventory List
Item Description Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost Purchase Date
Claw Hammer Wooden Hammer 3 PhP 340.00 PhP 1,020.00 10/05/2017

TOTAL PhP 1,020.00

Storing Tools and Equipment

 Tools and equipment that are properly kept and

well-maintained perform better and last longer.
 Below are some points to consider on how to
properly to store your tools and equipment.
Storing Tools and Equipment

 Visibility of Tools
 Set up your storage room
in such way that the items
are within your reach.
 Instead of using cabinets,
invest on floor chests, wall
racks, or open shelves.
Storing Tools and Equipment

 Protection of Tools
 In order to protect your
tools, place them in a
tool chest, wall chest,
and Tupperware, so that
dust and humidity cannot
get through.
Storing Tools and Equipment

 Maintenance of Tools
 Tools such as chisel and
scraper need constant
tune up to remove burrs
and other metal
Activity No. 5

 Answer “Let’s Think About It A” on page

Quiz/Assignment No. 5

 Answer “Let’s Think About It B” on page


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