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Pavement Design- Module 2

Design Methods

Hasan Wahqhan M N
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Civil Engineering.
• None of the pavement layers are overloaded (not subjected
to excessive deformation to form differential settlement)
• Superior pavement materials are used in top layer because
of maximum stress acts on top layer comparatively.
• Not possible to have rational method of design
• Empirical and classical approach.
• Some methods are directly based on soil classification and
CRV which may be estimated by sieve analysis, CBR test,
plate bearing test depending on condition of soil.
Various Approaches of Flexible Pavement
• Empirical method
• Semi-empirical or semi- theoretical methods
• Theoretical methods
Various Methods
• McLeod Method
• Kansas Method
• California Bearing Ratio Method
• IRC Method IRC 37:2001
• IRC Method IRC 37:2012
McLeod Method
• Norman McLeod through Canadian
Department of Transport conducted extensive
plate bearing test on airfield and highway
pavements and developed design method.
Loading Frame

Loading Frame
Plate Load Test
Various Methods
• McLeod Method
• Kansas Method
• California Bearing Ratio Method
• IRC Method IRC 37:2001
• IRC Method IRC 37:2012
Kansas Triaxial Method
• This test relies on triaxial tests of all materials
incorporated within pavement, tested in a
saturated condition and adjusted for traffic and
anticipated degree of saturation. Based on
Boussinesq’s displacement equation for
homogeneous elastic single layer.
• Proposed in 1910, by L A Palmer and E S
Kansas Triaxial Method
Kansas Triaxial Method
Kansas Triaxial Method
Kansas Triaxial Method
Kansas Triaxial Method
Kansas Triaxial Method
Kansas method- Problems
Kansas method- Problems
Kansas method- Problems
Various Methods
• McLeod Method
• Kansas Method
• California Bearing Ratio Method
• IRC Method IRC 37:2001
• IRC Method IRC 37:2012
California Bearing Ratio Method.
California Bearing Ratio Method.
California Bearing Ratio Method.
California Bearing Ratio Method.
California Bearing Ratio Method.
CBR – Design Procedure
Various Methods
• McLeod Method
• Kansas Method
• California Bearing Ratio Method
• IRC Method IRC 37 :1970
• IRC Method IRC 37:2001
• IRC Method IRC 37:2012
IRC Method IRC 37 :1970
IRC Method IRC 37 :1970
IRC Method IRC 37 :1970
IRC 37:1970 - Problems
IRC 37:1970 - Problems
IRC 37:1970 - Problems
IRC 37:1970 - Problems
IRC 37:1970 - Problems
Various Methods
• McLeod Method
• Kansas Method
• California Bearing Ratio Method
• IRC Method IRC 37 :1970
• IRC Method IRC 37:2001
• IRC Method IRC 37:2012
IRC Method IRC 37 :2001
IRC 37 :2001- Problems
IRC 37 :2001- Problems
IRC Method IRC 37 :2001
IRC Method IRC 37 :2001
IRC Method IRC 37 :2001
IRC Method IRC 37 :2001
IRC 37 :2001- Problems

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