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The cube is composed of plans, lines surface and corners. The plane blank surface does not repulse the glance and also
doesn't offer any focal point to the seeking eye and thus forces it to skid over the surface till it reaches the boundaries. The
boundary or outline of each surface is a square. It represents a precise and clearly defined area.
It is suitable for introverts and extroverts. Four vertical sides and cubes face four directions, these directions are also
indicated by the axially that arises at right angles to parallel sides, so that the mass clearly produces a sense of orientation.
Directly a quality equally emphasized by 4 dies static. People tend to rest for a while rather than too more a chance for
inters action.
Each vertical edge or line is the meeting place two adjacent sides, and hence the meeting and termination of two
Each frontal view of the cube reveals two corners. So that the observer finds himself visually subject to the equally strong
influence of two sources of attraction. The result is that a feeling of tension arises, which presents even in oblique views.
This given the impenetrability of the form, will cause an observer to remain stationary.
The interior space of the volume when treated with any furnishing or object, even unsignificant or of no importance. It
relieves monotony and the element is immediately grasped by the eye and is given visual importance for above what it
would otherwise have.
Interaction among students can happen only when they rest for a while along their
progression. Circular, hemispherical forms always include movement. This shape is suited for
gallery, exhibition etc like that public or continuous activity area.
Whereas cuboidal. forms re stable and stationary and also are not chaotic and confusions. So
some around the corners and edges.
These forms or spaces are also visually inviting and gives a sense of continuation of the exterior
space and draws attention of visitors and holds them for a while, promoting interaction.
The volume is spread out in a particular direction either horizontal or vertical. Irrespective of
the qualities, these masses clearly express direction. The horizontal impression dissimilarity of
the sides. The long side's posses greater area, hence their visual effect on the eye is greater. The
corners when seen from the long side are now for apart or high above the observes in either
case they are spatially removed to a distance and their effect there by reduced so that they no
longer form the dominant visual points of the mass.
When the horizontally is interrupted by an openings or square that movement ceases and one
feels any temptation to rest. The sense of linear movement persists in the interiors, for the visual
derminants of line and surface are the same, by providing visual discontinuity a chance for
interaction is made.
More static form emphasize movement along the longer direction, longer side if broken by a
puncture, invites people and hold them for a while since chance for interaction is more
rectangular is adopted. Easily perceivable has no psychological effects on the observer best to
avoid full enclosure.
Laws of proximity, similarity, closure good continuance closeness and area
Proximity objects that are close together tend to be grouped together visually. The relative closeness offering the least
resistance to the interaction of sensory units.
Closure optical units tend to be perceived as single units.
Similarity if elements have similar qualities, size texture, color. They tend to perceived as a single unit.
Good continuance — people tend to receive continuous elements as one.
Crowding - too much privacy leads to feeling of social isolation and to little privacy leads to subjective feelings of crowding.
Crowd is stress because it limits personal anatomy and expression and breaks down desired communication patterns. Feeling
of lack of control over environment crowded conditions leads to negative behavior.
Personal space refers to an area which an invisible boundary surrounding the persons body in which intruders may not come.
People like to be close enough to obtain warmth and comrade ship but far enough to avoid parking one another. Personal
space is not necessarily spherical in shape nor does it equally in all directions. It has been likened to a snail shell, a soap
bubble, an area and a breathing room.
The aim of good lighting is to ensure that the work can be seen clearly and comfortably. The
amount of light required at a working plane in factory depends upon what the individual has to
see clearly, accurately and without strains in order to carry out works efficiently.
2.DAY LIGHTING: Principles of day lighting design combine aesthetic and qualities of light,
building orientation, cross section, interior finishes window design and integration with electric
Day lighting can be employed to conserve energy and can enhance visibility, the principal values
of day lighting are more intangible. Many factors are involved with the use of day lighting in
The play of light from windows on surface and texture casting interesting shadows,
the endless variety of mood and appearance due to the movement of the sun.

The sense of the wall being associated with day lighting and the sense of
orientation that comes with being connected with the exterior.
5.ENERGY: Reduction in electric use and related air conditioning load from electric lighting. Specific goals related to day
lighting of buildings may be states in special terms:
Design to achieve day light in all feasible areas in significant, useful quantities. Distribute daylight reasonably uniformly
with no significant dark sports.
Site details
Avoid allowing direct sunshine into the building interior in such a way that it may cause visual discomfort or disability.
Access all the design for all possible sun penetration angles.
6.ARTIFICIAL LIGHTING: The controlled illumination is the advantage of artificial lighting. According to the design we
can increase or decrease the illumination.
The disadvantage is that stroboscopic effect that is flicker phenomena results is troubled while working with the
machinery. Color effect the yellow neon or sodium lights factory the colors to great extent.
The proper combination of day light through windows and artificial light would combine the advantages of both.

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