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What is the difference between Hazard and

 Doing work in a certain area…….especially in
a laboratory or in any work place or
room……..hazard and risk should always be
Hazard – is something that can cause harm.
• Risk – is the chance or probability that a
person will be harmed or experience an
adverse health effect once to a hazard.
In Food Technology Laboratory or Work Area,
workers should be aware of the different
Hazards and Risks that usually
What is Occupational Health and Safety?
 this is the health and safety of workers in the
 it includes the principles and practices that should
be applied by a worker to avoid accidents, injuries
and even sickness.
 Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)…problems
of the food industry have one of the worst records
in the manufacturing industries.
 these manufacturing companies continue to
expand in response to the worldwide demands of
processed foods and drinks.
 Because of the high demand of processed
products in the food industry……they are
experiencing rationalization, restructuring, and a
high level of mechanization.
 As a result, there is an increase of work volumes
resulting to musculoskeletal disorders.
 The increased automation has also been
accompanied by higher noise levels…which led to
more workers suffering from hearing impediments.
 Other common OSH problems in the food industry
arise out of handling sharp cutting tools, exposing
dusts in the air, contacting with infected animals,
and increasing use of hazardous chemicals.
“SAFETY FIRST”………when entering a construction
company or a food processing plant you can see this
sign…….what does this mean?
OSH Issues in the Food Industry
Risk (danger) Characteristics
 the food industry covers a highly diversified range
of activities.
 although some concerns and risks are common to
the whole sector…….others are more specific to
certain branches of the industry.
 One of the general factors shared by all branches of
the food industry to avoid risks is that………they are
required to follow strict health and hygiene
 Why?.........because their products can affect the
health of the consumers.
 Example of health and hygiene standards being
practiced in the food industry:
• At the initial stage of food processing…..raw
materials must be thoroughly washed.
• Because of this operating procedure……workers
then…..have to observe personal hygiene rules such
as: hand washing, protective clothing, and
personal cleanliness.
• As a result of these rules…….workers keep their hands
constantly in water………which may affect the nerves of
their hands and arms.
• Furthermore…….the constant use of water in the
workplace………also means that the floors becomes
wet….....resulting to consequent increase in the risk of
slip and fall incidence.
• Another common vocational feature of the food
industry…….is that workers are engaged in the processing
and transformation of raw materials ……….such as meat,
poultry and seafood's…….which goes rotten easily unless
processed quickly at a low temperature.
• in these circumstances……..workers often have to perform
their tasks in a refrigerated room for long hours.
• Considering that the same task… performed
repeatedly………this may result to increase risk of
strains (injuries)…….particularly of the elbow and
wrist.........resulting to incident that may happen to
workers… suffer from respiratory disorders,
frostbite and rheumatic disorders.
• Another risk in the food industry which are being
experienced by workers………is the use of sharp and
dangerous tools to process raw materials.
• In the meat processing branch…… and heavy
butcher’s knives……are used to cut and trim meat.
• Such practice may caused a dangerous and slippery
floors…….because of the dropping of animal fats.
• Another risks in the food industry is that……because
raw materials such as fruits and vegetables are
highly perishable………they have to be processed
within a short time period……….this may result to
workers exposure to consequent overexertion
…..which may lead to high stress and MSDs.
• More issues in the OSH is that……..workers in certain
branches…….run a high risk of inhaling a heavy concentration
of dust and particles……which may result in respiratory
disorders and allergies.
• Another risk is……..the processing such as grinding
and mixing of grain, beans, nuts and other
herbs…..emit considerable of dusts into the air.
• Such situation may result to workers long exposure
to environment where they inhale dust
particles…..resulting to allergic symptoms.
• Another situation is that………some workers can also be
exposed to a high risk of injury from glass
bottles……..which can fall and break while being
washed……..or burst while being filled.
• To answer this risk……glass bottles are now gradually
being replaced by aluminum cans and plastic
bottles…….which are lighter and easier to handle and
reduce danger and injury to workers.
In summary……the common Occupational Safety and
Health problems in the Food Industry includes:
• increasing of work volumes due to company
rationalization, restructuring and mechanization
resulting to rise in incidence of stress and
musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs).
• increased automation lead to higher noise
levels…..which led to more workers suffering from
hearing impediments.
• handling sharp cutting tools, exposing dusts in the
air, contacting with infected animals and
increasing use of hazardous chemicals…….are also
common problems
• workers constantly keep their hands in water when
washing raw materials…….which may affect the
nerves of their hands and arms.
• the constant use of water in the workplace makes
the floor wet…..which may increase risk of slip and
fall incidence
• the processing and transformation of raw
materials such as meat, poultry and seafood's in a
refrigerated room for long hours…….may increase
the risk of strains that may lead the workers to
suffer respiratory disorders, frostbite and
rheumatic disorders.
• using of sharp and dangerous hand tools to
process raw materials…..may lead to accidents and
• workers can be highly seasonal especially when raw
materials are abundant………resulting to workers
exposure to overexertion which can lead to high
stress and MSD’s.
• high risk of inhaling a heavy concentration of dust
particles……may result to respiratory disorders and
• risk of injury from glass bottles…..which may fall
and break during washing and burst when filling.
 To respond to the above problems… and
health codes have been adopted for the food
industry..........such as dissemination of information
and research including establishments of data
banks on the use of hazardous substances.
as a result of this action by the government,
employers and employees in the food
industry…..OSH problems were identified as well
as suggest solutions.
 Hence, it is Vital for the employers and employees
in the food industry to be able to contribute and
maintain their knowledge and competence to
Improve Workplace Safety and Health issues.
1. The chance or probability that a person will be harmed
or experience an adverse health effect once to a hazard.
2. The principles and practices that should be applied by a
worker to avoid accidents, injuries and even sickness.
3. Identify at least 5 common health problems among
workers in a food industry (3 – 7).
8. What is the possible solution to be adopted by the food
industry on OSH problems.
9 – 10. Employers and employee in the food industry
should maintain their ____ and ___ to improve
workplace and health issues.
1. Risk
2. OHS (Occupational Health and Safety)
3 – 7. musculoskeletal disorders; hearing
impediments; use of hazardous chemicals;
handling sharp cutting tools; strains;
respiratory disorders; frostbite, injuries ;
exposing dusts in the air; rheumatic
8. Adoption of Safety and Health Codes
9 – 10. knowledge and competence

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