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A project report on an industrial visit on

BALAJI Pvt. Ltd.

➢ Prepared by:- Pooja Bharat Mori

➢ Seat no :-
➢ Guided by:- Dr. Bhupendra Chavda
➢ Academic year:- 2021-2022
➢ Submitted to:- SHRI K.M. SAVJANI & SMT. K.K. SAVJANI

➢ Affiliated to:- Bhakta Kavi Narsinh Mehta University,

I, Pooja the student of B.B.A.(Semester-2) in SHRI K.M. SAVJANI & SMT. K.K.
SAVJANI BBA/BCA COLLEGE, VERAVAL, hereby declare that this industrial report
is my own work and efforts to the best of my knowledge.

This project report has not been previously submitted to any university for any

Place:- Veraval


Pooja Mori

I am very much thankful to the management of “BALAJI PVT. LTD.” for granting me permission, supporting and
giving me all the exposure regarding my concerned topic.

A project of the nature calls for intellectual & professional help from many people. I, therefore deeply express
our gratitude to all the faculties of my college and even helped me in completing all formalities during project period.

I am short of words in expressing my gratitude to personnel manager who allowed me to visit the plant and
providing relevant references that made my task smooth.

I can’t forget to express my gratefulness to my parents and my friends who have always been a great source of
inspiration and encouragement to me, so I also express my gratitude towards all of them.

Pooja Mori
The basic aim of project report is to know how to supply the ones in practice. As it is said that
‘experience makes man perfect’ the practical study is very important for a management student. It is
pleasure to undergo industrial visit & submit the report to the institute as a fulfillment of the team

Therefore, the aim for the industrial visit is to evaluate applicability of the business philosophy
in the real life situation, specially for the Indian market. We have select Balaji pvt. Ltd. For our industrial
visit, just as it nicely combine different technical and management aspects, which make it noon trivial
for analyzing managerial fundamentals in a broad spectrum.

The respective and management experts at the organization provide all the concern
information. Our lecturers have guided and supported us in rendering this information in the
presentable format as here against you.
I have tried my level best to present all the relevant information as detailed as possible space
constraint has curbed me a little bit.
INDEX Particulars
1) General information
a) History and development of unit
b) Size of unit and form of

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